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Same Sex Marriage
« on: July 17, 2013, 14:53:53 »
Probably already been a thread, but this has been in the news a lot recently.

Homosexuality is a contested issue all over the world, with some countries forbidding it, even using capital punishment as a means of deterrent. In most nations homosexuality is slowly becoming accepted but some religious groups and often those of older generations still have strong views against.

Interesting map showing worldwide laws and possible penalties. Key below.

The US is always a big target for issues like same-sex marriage, with some states completely out-lawing it. As far as I know a few states have legalised it and Obama is quite open to the idea.

The UK has just recently initiated a bill to make same-sex marriages 'completely' legal, as opposed to the current form of 'marriage', known as a civil union. The bill is passing through the final stages of parliament this week and it is hoped the number of same-sex marriage refusals will decrease.


What is your opinion on homosexuality/same-sex marriages? How are the laws set out in your country/state?

Once again, please refrain from using any offensive language otherwise it will just be removed.



Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 15:23:19 »
My lesbian sister is getting married next year. Kays sister is also lesbian. Thats what we had in common why we got together!!!


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Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 15:30:59 »
Secularism is prominent in Sweden and same-sex marriage generally goes without saying, although no individual priest is obliged to officiate it in a religious setting at church. I think it's wrong when religion dictates laws; it should only be a moral compass to the religious person. :P
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Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 15:39:13 »
I have nothing against same sex marriage, my half sister is gay and happily married and my uncle is also gay. Not really sure why some people are extremely against it, it doesn't even affect you, why get all upset over it.

One of my friends posted this on facebook awhile back dealing with same sex marriage.

"I went to Subway today to get my favorite sandwich. The guy in front of me ordered a different sub. I was pissed because he didn't get the same sub as me, even though it didn't affect me at all."

I know in Florida, for now, same sex marriage is not allowed but with several other states accepting it, eventually it will be widely accepted.

Also, I was listening to "Same Love" by Macklemore which is about same sex marriage. There is this one part that is deep:

"If you preach hate at the service those words aren't anointed
That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned"


Offline Cam

Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2013, 17:20:28 »
Also, I was listening to "Same Love" by Macklemore which is about same sex marriage. There is this one part that is deep:

"If you preach hate at the service those words aren't anointed
That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned"

I was going to say something about that song :P

I have no problem with same sex marriage. It doesn't affect me at all, so why should I be bothered. If people love each other, and want to get married, let them.
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Offline Jmap

Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2013, 18:37:37 »
as far as i'm concerned it should be allowed, simple


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Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2013, 18:49:11 »
> Is a Christian
> Believes same-sex marriage is okay
> Gets shunned.

My life in a nutshell. I believe everyone should have the right to get married, whether it's to the same sex, different sex, an animal (okay, maybe not that far), but who are we to judge what people do behind the scenes? It doesn't affect me, so why should I care? Love is blind, that's all there is to it.


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Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2013, 18:51:25 »
Do what ever you want just don't hurt people.

Using religion to dictate laws in a country that encourages religion and government being separate is ridiculous and is the main reason I support same sex marriage. That and the amount of children that are supported by tax money because gay parents can't adopt them.



Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2013, 11:11:39 »
Same sex marriage is now legal in Canberra in Australia.

In my opinion it should of been aloud in the first place. If your in love and you want to be together forever then yeah let them get married
who care's if there the same sex or not.

What about if it was the other way round, did anyone think about that?


Sarah Heart

Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2013, 13:36:24 »
Have no idea how many times i've been discussing this... :/ I have a girlfriend, but it's not something i tell everyone i meet, mostly because of this debate. Never know how people will react when you tell them, some doesnt care while others get madand starts preaching about how "wrong" it is..

same-sex marriage is allowed here, and i think it should be everywhere. You can't choose who you fall in love with. ~


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Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2013, 13:39:15 »
If only Northern Ireland would accept it like England & Wales do. It's not legal in Scotland yet but I guarantee it will be soon.

I'm an ally of the LGBT Community and I wholeheartedly support same sex marriage. Denying somebody equal rights to marry just because they like somebody of the same gender is disgusting. Even my Mum, who is a Catholic supports same sex marriage and has absolutely no problem with homosexuals. I have several friends who are homosexual and although England has become A LOT more accepting to these people (especially now with the same sex marriage law being very recently passed) they still occasionally receive ridicule and hurtful comments towards them which upsets me to see and hear about.



Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2013, 15:29:30 »
if "fundamental" religious persons are allowed to divorce, it makes no sense for gay persons to marry as well. It's all sin when people are being judged by a book, which is a whole extra side of ridiculousness that has been deciding this whole debate forever, unfortunately.



Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2013, 19:53:05 »
I would love for Same-Sex marriage to be legal all around the world, if it were up to me.
I am a homosexual man living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
As of now, it is illegal in Louisiana for Same-Sex couples to be married.


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Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2013, 19:53:43 »
I definitely don't support it, but have nothing against it.


Offline Tommykillme

Re: Same Sex Marriage
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2013, 20:58:41 »
If you love someone I've never seen the attraction of marriage to show it.

equality is something I am interested in. However, equality is something everyone should strive for in all areas of life.

Even as a gay man, I still would not want to get married in a church etc.


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