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Offline Cherrycrush

Runescape Dating
« on: November 23, 2015, 19:45:28 »
With the increase of e-dates on Runescape, is using Runescape to find a boyfriend/girlfriend now a socially acceptable way of meeting someone or should it still be considered taboo? Is it really any different from using a website such as Match.com/Tinder etc? Have you ever participated in RS dating and was it successful or unsuccessful?

Go.  ^^


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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 19:52:01 »
I don't have any real issue with E-Dating, it is more of when people go out of their way to act as obnoxious as possible while doing it.
I feel like that's the main reason you see people hating on it. They stand in the most popular location and talk about random stuff with their personal lingo and L0l's and it gets on others nerves.

Anyways, to go back to the question, no I haven't actually E-dated anyone however I do not view it to be much different than using a site like tinder. It at least shows that you have some sort of the same interest be it just Runescape.


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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 20:47:24 »
I think too few are privileged enough to meet someone with whom they share a huge hobby. Assuming the geographical barrier was non-existent, I would say it's preferential to meet someone on RS than anywhere else if you're an avid gamer. I have met some of my closest friends on RS. I met my current roommate on a game (not RS). Shared interests bring people together. There may be some social stigma to it, I don't know really, but I personally couldn't care less if people didn't approve. I've never dated anyone from RS, but I wouldn't hesitate to.

In my experience, it's a big contrast to meeting someone on a dating site, because the relationships on those sites are almost always initiated on a shallow basis, like looks or education/profession. Dating sites are more comparable to job searching, in my opinion.

Two years ago, a couple of friends and I signed up a dating site. We were just messing around to jovially support a friend who was actually trying to get a date. We were like "let's compete who can get a date first!", though none of us were really serious about it. It had terrible personality matching (that's to be expected though, I suppose) and the majority of people we messaged didn't respond, so it sort of comes down to the first person you can talk to, that's the one you'll have to go with. This is way unlike RS or any hobby, as you're primarily playing for fun, you'll meet tons of different personalities and get to know them seamlessly. I didn't encounter a single person on that dating site whom I had a lot in common with.

It's pretty funny actually. There was a girl who was flirtatious with me. She was the complete opposite of me as far as interests go. Intense, super social, party every weekend, always needed stuff to happen, didn't really like computers etc. In any case, we talked for like a month or two on Skype and she really wanted to see me IRL. We lived reasonably close, so distance wasn't really a problem. I'd constantly come up with excuses not to, even telling her I'm not a very sociable person. Anyway, one night at halloween, she was at some party and she texted me how she really wanted to come over and I kinda told her she could. So she left her party and went to see me. I realized then what a huge mistake I'd made. It would be a complete disaster. When she was like 5-10 minutes away from the apartment, I messaged her and told her not to come. Oh man, was she pissed... :P
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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 18:21:48 »
I always thought E-dating on runescape was some kind of joke. No idea it would actually really exist. Maybe i'm just too naive. Reds answer is very on point. Besides that, you can be catfished very easily. Most of the women characters in rs aren't women IRL (*kuch* Joshpd *kuch*). I used to do Tinder (the app, not our clannie), which was pretty fun, but it just isnt 'it' for me. I prefer to meet up irl in the first place.
Also, i absolutely don't have problems with it, but i would never do such thing.


Offline dj smile

Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2015, 02:30:14 »
E-date, normal dating. Dont see any difference because im still single and end of story


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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2015, 02:37:17 »
I don't mind it at all, I just hate when people clog up the ge/priff ge spinning in circles for hours without saying a word.  Or when a dude has a female account and over does it making it super obvious to everyone that he's just a weirdo.


Offline Powell

Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2015, 04:23:51 »
I met my girlfriend on World of Warcraft. I was at a low point in my life, I had a dead end job, and she was in the clan/guild I was in. We didn't like the people there too much, so we created our own and led it for a long time. Eventually she asked me out, and I figured why not? I was already in a rump. And this girl was beautiful, my god was she amazing. I loved her personality so much, and I knew she loved me too, for me. She obviously wasn't with me for my money.

We dated for about 7 months before we had the chance to meet. She flew out to me, and we spent an incredible week together. Over time, she encouraged me to get a better job. I did, and I moved out into my own apartment. We spent two years flying back and forth every month seeing each other. And finally this Saturday she's moving in with me.

I'm the happiest I've ever been.

If you're a big gamer like myself, and want a significant other that does the same, I don't see why e-dating is a horrible thing.

My avatar picture is us! <3


Offline Matty

Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2015, 15:12:51 »
I honestly don't mind/care either way, I've stood up for it before, as much as I've bagged out a mate for it, Do it, if it's what you feel is the right thing, Remember there are creeps out there too :)


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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2015, 17:43:21 »
If it turns out to be genuine then Red makes a good point, you'd be meeting through a mutual interest and would more than likely have more to talk about than someone met on a dating site


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2015, 00:28:59 »
I met my girlfriend on World of Warcraft. I was at a low point in my life, I had a dead end job, and she was in the clan/guild I was in. We didn't like the people there too much, so we created our own and led it for a long time. Eventually she asked me out, and I figured why not? I was already in a rump. And this girl was beautiful, my god was she amazing. I loved her personality so much, and I knew she loved me too, for me. She obviously wasn't with me for my money.

We dated for about 7 months before we had the chance to meet. She flew out to me, and we spent an incredible week together. Over time, she encouraged me to get a better job. I did, and I moved out into my own apartment. We spent two years flying back and forth every month seeing each other. And finally this Saturday she's moving in with me.

I'm the happiest I've ever been.

If you're a big gamer like myself, and want a significant other that does the same, I don't see why e-dating is a horrible thing.

My avatar picture is us! <3

That's really awesome.  :)


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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2015, 12:23:17 »
I have no problem with Ed8 etc and meeting people in a game, I think it is becoming more and more common; ofc you do have the people that meet people in game then murder them irl which is kinda scary.

I've never actually met anyone in the game and dated them; but I am not against it just hasn't happened to me.


Offline Zack Son

Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2015, 13:42:14 »
With the increase of e-dates on Runescape, is using Runescape to find a boyfriend/girlfriend now a socially acceptable way of meeting someone or should it still be considered taboo? Is it really any different from using a website such as Match.com/Tinder etc? Have you ever participated in RS dating and was it successful or unsuccessful?

Go.  ^^

There's this thing in Quick Chat that says. "This is not a dating site." But I'm perfectly fine with finding your soulmate anywhere.


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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2015, 23:04:19 »
I met my girlfriend on World of Warcraft. I was at a low point in my life, I had a dead end job, and she was in the clan/guild I was in. We didn't like the people there too much, so we created our own and led it for a long time. Eventually she asked me out, and I figured why not? I was already in a rump. And this girl was beautiful, my god was she amazing. I loved her personality so much, and I knew she loved me too, for me. She obviously wasn't with me for my money.

We dated for about 7 months before we had the chance to meet. She flew out to me, and we spent an incredible week together. Over time, she encouraged me to get a better job. I did, and I moved out into my own apartment. We spent two years flying back and forth every month seeing each other. And finally this Saturday she's moving in with me.

I'm the happiest I've ever been.

If you're a big gamer like myself, and want a significant other that does the same, I don't see why e-dating is a horrible thing.

My avatar picture is us! <3

This is so sweet. I hope for you both much happiness.

But as for edating on rs, I think people are having a joke. The things they say in public places can't be for real. But finding someone through online gaming is swell, I think when it's in public people will get annoyed and not take you seriously at all.


Offline Shef

Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2015, 01:07:24 »
I think there's a big difference between 'e-dating' in Runescape and finding your life partner in Runescape. E-dating comes with a stigma of people fooling around in a virtual space but when they click logout, they're disconnected from that person. That kind of foolishness I don't really agree with, especially since you hear a lot of married people doing it as an 'in-game relationship', while they have their real relationship in the real world.

However finding your life partner is a whole different story. I think if you find someone in Runescape or any game that you spend so much time in, then you've truly gained a gift. I met Pebblefish/Bookjewel who is in the clan with me 7 years ago, in Runescape.

I was a leader of a skilling clan back then and she joined. After a few events we began skilling together and took our communication away from the game. We began using Skype and MSN (yep that thing was still around!). It didn't take long for this to turn into a long distance romance.

The game was our conduit, it was our shared interest that we could play while we talked and spent time together. Without a shared interest it may never have happened.

We had some major ups and downs during our long distance relationship, but in May/June 2014 I visited her in America. We'd been video calling, texting, emailing and Skyping for years now but it was amazing to finally see her in person. I spent almost a month in America with her, where we went down the East Coast and rented an apartment so we could 'live' together for a short time.

Then in November of the same year she came to the UK where we spent two weeks in York. It didn't take long and we'd spoken about it for a very long time, but I moved to America in May 2015 and we married in July 2015.

We are now in our second home (the first one was tiny, just a temporary place when I moved over) and we've just had our first Christmas together.

This life partner wouldn't have ever happened was it not for Runescape.

So yes, Runescape is a great place to meet someone - but I wouldn't say it's a place to actively seek someone. It will either happen or it won't. And that's what's special about it.


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Re: Runescape Dating
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2015, 16:31:04 »
I met my ex-girlfriend over Runescape. Ironically, she lived about 15 minutes away from me at the time.

We're still best of buds and actively play Runescape together.

I'd go as far as to say she's probably my best friend.


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