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« on: May 26, 2012, 09:59:01 »
We often discuss reigion in this forum, and I love to hear different peoples opinions.

Lets see what people think to this subject.  Take the time to read snippets of the information below.

Dr. Stevenson has devoted the last forty years to the scientific documentation of past life memories of children from all over the world. He has over 3000 cases in his files. Many people, including skeptics and scholars, agree that these cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation.

Dr. Stevenson's credentials are impeccable. He is a medical doctor and had many scholarly papers to his credit before he began paranormal research. He is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.

Since the late Sixties Dr. Ian Stevenson, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry and Director or the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia, has documented cases in India, Africa, the Near and Far East, Britain, the United States, and elsewhere in which young children have astonished their parents with precise details about the people they claim to have been. Some of these children have recognized former homes and neighborhoods as well as still-living friends and relatives. They have recalled events in their purported previous lives, including their often violent deaths. Sometimes their birthmarks resemble scars that correspond to wounds that led, they claim, to their deaths.

My daughter is three soon to turn four. She has always had difficulty sleeping as an infant. She fought it with a passion and it has only been in the past year that she actually sleeps through the night. Well today she shared some interesting information with me that might explain her fears.

Out of the blue she told me a story about her grandmother who was shot down by a gunner on her way to pizza shop. She said she loved her grandmother and it made her very sad to lose her. Then she said soon afterwards her grandfather was killed by a car while crossing the street. She explained to me that her grandparents were like her parents and that they raised her. She told me they were very old and that they lived in New Mexico. Several times throughtout the day she told me how much she loved and missed her grandparents. She even cried about it.

Then she told me that she killed herself in that lifetime by shooting herself with her gun. I asked her why she did that and she said that she didn't want to be black anymore. She wanted to be white and that is when she found me. Her heart told her to find me after she died (not before! We are a white family that lives in Maine).

As the day went on she kept describing the story over and over again with the details staying the same which is really strange since she always changes her stories. Plus she kept telling me that this is true not made up and that her grandmother was very mean. She claims her grandmother shot her brother with a gun after he tried to hit her. She said her grandmother and grandfather didn't have guns but that she had a gun hidden in her closet that her grandmother found.

As she started sharing this with me I was shocked to hear such graphic details of killing and violence. We don't watch violent movies and she is limited to watching PBS and the disney channel...very rarely does she see violence accept in Disney movies. We don't have guns in our house or even buy the kids toy guns to play with. She does know what killing is and that guns can kill someone but I don't believe that suicide is something she has ever been exposed to.

There are 1,000s of accounts, I myself have gone to a regression work shop and read countless books about past life.


Offline Winter

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Re: Reincarnation
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2012, 15:20:13 »
Regarding the first account, I watched something like that in Religious class in Year 7. There was one girl who recognised this (now abandoned) train rail and claimed she got killed by the train there. She claimed she was a little boy and identified the house she lived at but when checking past records, there was a little boy who got killed by a train who did have the same name as what she claimed she had and in the 1860s but with a different surname to the one she claimed. Most people in my class think she probably made it up but I believe because during reincarnation you're not meant to remember your past life she may be an instance where the memories are hazy.
The other part of the program was a man who got shot and killed in India then reincarnated as a little boy. The little boy knew and had memories of things no boy his age would even know. He claimed he had a wife and 2 children (who were still alive) and owned and worked at a TV shop in a place in India. He also knew he got shot and explained the situation. When he went to the TV shop he claimed to remember it all and got all knowledge of his wife and children correct. He also passed many other tests the wife had but had one final test - to see if there was any marking in the exact area her husband got shot in. They shaved part of his head and there was a birth mark in the exact same area as where the bullet hit and exactly the same size as the bullet.

I personally believe in reincarnation but I also believe as a spirit - you have the choice of whether or not to be reincarnated.



Re: Reincarnation
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 15:32:35 »
I don't believe in this but i do believe in an afterlife, an afterlife would be nice I suppose, being with those you love again.



Re: Reincarnation
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2012, 20:38:00 »
I always have this recurring past life experience where I'm an old balding sage carrying these scrolls up a cliffside by the green sea. I think it might be Ancient Greece but I could be wrong.

Interesting topic by the way Lilly. Can you tell me more about these workshops you go to.


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Reincarnation
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2012, 20:43:16 »
I want to come back as a camel just to spit at people.



Re: Reincarnation
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2012, 21:02:11 »
I want to come back as a camel just to spit at people.

you make me rofl sometimes :p



Re: Reincarnation
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2012, 00:14:33 »
I can't remember the name of the belief, but there's one where it's strictly to be reincarnated in human form, you live wealthy (Either literally, or mentally), depending on how good / bad you were as your previous form. I like the idea of this.


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