A Brazilian jiu jitsu teacher who turned himself in to police after raping and killing his one-year-old stepson was himself beaten and raped by inmates when he was booked into jail.
Daryell Dickson Meneses Xavier admitted raping and killing his 20-month-old stepson. But before justice could be served legally, jail inmates assaulted and gang raped Xavier in his jail cell.
“Daryell was raped by about 20 prisoners,” according to a report translated by the Inquisitor. “He had injuries all over the body, the most serious ones in the anal region.”
Xavier’s horrific anal injuries required stitches. But upon his return to his jail cell, the furious inmates attacked him again. The prisoners ripped out the stitches in his rectum and raped him again. Blood stains are visible on the back of his shorts in photos released to the media by jail officials.