
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Only Lilly on April 19, 2014, 10:42:45

Title: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Only Lilly on April 19, 2014, 10:42:45
In the UK our prisons are filled with petty criminals that have had so many chances the courts have no choice but too incarcerate them.  Is this the right punishment?  The success rate for ex prisoners not to offend is small.

Is this the right punishment for a thief? (

Should life mean life?

Should we do drug tests on criminals?  After all testing on animals is not only inhumane but also the results are rarely transfeered to humans.

Should criminals have human rights?  Did they give the same respect to their victims?

What are your thoughts on the death penalty? 
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: SuperAshh on April 19, 2014, 10:57:20
I believe petty criminals should be forced to work for free or do volunteer work of some kind. If they don't go through with this, they get years added onto their sentence.

As for murderers/rapists and the such.... "If a dog attacks a child and scars it for life, the dog is put down".
Or if they're not put to death, they should be forced to enroll into scientific experimentation to stop cruelty to animals.
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Redtunnel on April 19, 2014, 12:20:42 (

Parts of me want repeat offenders put to death or, if possible, put to some productive use in the prison facility to cover the prison’s expenses. It frustrates me how criminals first harm individuals by victimizing them and then are allowed to continuously harm society while being incarcerated (tax funds to run the prisons). The rehabilitative statistics are dire and a great proportion will relapse into crime. Our current approach to criminality seems futile. What can be done? Studies indicate that harsher sentences don’t reduce/prevent crime. Even if we did somehow manage to run prisons profitably, the roots of the offenders’ misdeeds would still infect society. All of our efforts today seem directed at treating this cancerous predicament instead of curing it. I think we need a different mindset altogether. A good place to start would probably be in the upbringing of children. I think we need to make sure that everyone’s moral compass is guided by compassion rather than self-preservation. We can study societies with low crime rates and learn from those. For example, the Kibbutzim of Israel, the Mennonites and the Amish are said to have virtually no violence.
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Jarofhearts on April 19, 2014, 18:05:23
Should life mean life? Depending when the crime was committed, and the seriousness of the crime.

Should we do drug tests on criminals? No

Should criminals have human rights?  to a certain degree

Did they give the same respect to their victims? probably not

What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Only for cases of murder depending on the circumstances
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Rune on April 19, 2014, 20:16:16
Should life mean life?
Nah, it's cheaper to just destroy the protoplasm.

Should we do drug tests on criminals?  After all testing on animals is not only inhumane but also the results are rarely transferred to humans.

Should criminals have human rights?  Did they give the same respect to their victims?
Of course they should have, except the right to freedom.

What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
Well in some cases in the US some people have been proven not guilty after they were executed..
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: dustafa217 on April 19, 2014, 23:08:00 (
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Winter on April 19, 2014, 23:09:28
Should life mean life? Depending on what the crime was and the circumstances of that particular crime.

Should we do drug tests on criminals? Depending on how long the criminal is in prison for and what they did, yes.

Should criminals have human rights? Did they give the same respect to their victims? I think criminals should be given basic human rights (food, water, shelter, etc.) but nothing more.

What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Part of me is for it but part of me is against it for the reasons of "it's more painful for the victim to live with what they did" (but in a lot of cases the criminals don't really feel remorse anyway) and in the case they are actually innocent.
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Only Lilly on April 23, 2014, 10:20:42 (
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Angels Fly on April 23, 2014, 13:25:22
Should life mean life?
Should we do drug tests on criminals?
Should criminals have human rights? Did they give the same respect to their victims?
What are your thoughts on the death penalty?
For all the above questions, I find I'm torn. I found the video of indian being beaten hard to watch but then I find any violence hard to deal with.
The Bible says and eye for and eye a tooth for a tooth, but  are we not just being as bad as the criminals themselves?  Should we be going back to the old ways of chopping off a hand  that stole?
The prison system  doesn't work. It's a proven fact. Are  sex offenders, murders etc able to be  rehabilitated? It doesnt seem likely.
Whilst I don't  think any of the above questions can be  answered lightly, I do know that if someone murdered someone close to me, I would not want them to be able to stay on this earth, when my loved one, because of them, could not.
Title: Re: Punishment fit for a crime?
Post by: Only Lilly on April 30, 2014, 16:55:57
A Brazilian jiu jitsu teacher who turned himself in to police after raping and killing his one-year-old stepson was himself beaten and raped by inmates when he was booked into jail.
Daryell Dickson Meneses Xavier admitted raping and killing his 20-month-old stepson. But before justice could be served legally, jail inmates assaulted and gang raped Xavier in his jail cell.
“Daryell was raped by about 20 prisoners,” according to a report translated by the Inquisitor. “He had injuries all over the body, the most serious ones in the anal region.”
Xavier’s horrific anal injuries required stitches. But upon his return to his jail cell, the furious inmates attacked him again. The prisoners ripped out the stitches in his rectum and raped him again. Blood stains are visible on the back of his shorts in photos released to the media by jail officials.

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