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Offline Parqer

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Guns do not kill people.


Offline Nikkie

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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2018, 18:22:02 »
People kill people.



Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2018, 18:26:43 »
Guns give people the means to kill other people... of course guns kill people.
Been watching "Bowling for Columbine" for the past hour or so... yeah, pretty sure guns kill people..


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2018, 18:27:41 »
"Until gun violence impacts your family directly, you won't care enough to do something about it."


Offline Nikkie

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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2018, 18:29:10 »
A gun wouldn't harm anyone if not in the possession of a person. Could a gun kill someone just lay on a table with the safety on? The person makes the decision to pull the trigger.


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2018, 18:29:50 »
A gun wouldn't harm anyone if not in possession of a person. Could a gun kill someone just lay on a table with the safety on? The person makes the decision to pull the trigger.

But why does your regular Joe Bloggs need a gun?


Offline Nikkie

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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2018, 18:31:29 »
He doesn't.


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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2018, 18:33:00 »
If guns were not so readily available then people would not have access to buy them.

If you didnt have a gun you wouldnt be tempted, same as a knife, in the UK we are clamping down n knife laws.

Guns shouldn't be available to anyone, I cant even think of a reason why youd need to carry one.



Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2018, 18:33:56 »
The fact that this is the NRA's "slogan", a trash organisation that goes to towns a few days after school shootings to scream about their rights to have a gun, I really cant agree with it.

Guns are laying round, sure they arent just gonna suddenly become alive and breathing and shoot someone of their own accord, but it makes no sense at all to say that guns dont kill people. Guns provide a way to kill


Offline Nikkie

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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2018, 18:36:14 »
If it was a guns kill people or people kill people argument like title made out then I'm on the side of people kill people.

I could stab someone with a fork, forks give people a way to kill people.

It's more who is in control of said weapon.


Offline Ardo

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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2018, 18:36:21 »
Just to clarify before. I do own a gun. My work involves handling weapons. I have had to shoot live targets.

Yet, I believe that laws about owning and handling guns should be much stricter. And I cannot agree with your statement that people kill people, guns don't kill people. It is a combination of both. Guns are powerful weapons and in the wrong hands can cause a lot of harm.

Just some statistics to prove this point:
School shootings in the US since the beginning of 21st century: Over 200
School shootings in the UK since the beginning of 21st century: 0
Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.



Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2018, 18:38:52 »
Cars, forks, chainsaws, sharks, shit...  everything kills people, but theres a reason people arent fighting for their rights to hold a fork, cause people arent using them to kill other people on a daily basis


Offline Nikkie

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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2018, 18:40:05 »
Gun laws should be strict af ultimately. Nobody needs a gun.


Offline Hell Naw Man

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Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2018, 18:55:37 »
Why doesn't the American system actually improve their mental health care system and give the support needed for people suffering from mental illness which motivates them to carry out horrendous crimes like School shootings like the one which occurred recently?  Because honestly gun control has been proven to not work (Just look at Chicago, they have strict gun control laws but crinimals don't care at all about laws and why would they anyways  they'll still commit crimes which is why the murder rate is such a huge problem in Chicago). You could impose so much control but its still easy to obtain a gun from the black market. I think both sides are not addressing the real issue in regards to the recent shooting which occured; the shooter was clearly mentally disturbed and even requested help but the mental healthcare system let them down.

And no, I am not in favour of guns personally unless you need one for self defence then maybe then I could understand why one would own a gun, nor do i agree with the lamestream conservative morons who support the NRA because they biased anyways since they get lobby money from them. NRA don't care about the issue anyways in my opinion otherwise they would help work with others on addressing practical solutuons to reduce the minimal impact of gun crime. I just think people are unrealistic and would rather use tragedies to push a agenda and never do anything about it afterwards or they don't up with any practical solution. Its almost become a cycle at this point - A tragedy happens, people virtue signal out it, propose ideas which never work and then they forget about the incident.

 I think its too late to ban certain guns because of how widely accessible they are to buy in a black market. What people should be talking about is how the system can improve background checks and mental health support and education system to make people better educated and maybe then this will prevent the likelihood of mass shootings happening.

No Gun control is not the solution, some background checks for those who own a gun every year or so could reduce the likelyhood of tragedies occurring but banning guns is not the solution when its easy to obtain one. Criminals don't care about the law otherwise they wouldn't be criminals to begin with People need to stop moral ground standing and actually come together and work on trying to reduce the impact of gun violence through better mental health support and education system. Yes people do kill people but guns are still a tool to commit violence. Instead of just blaming it specficially on people rather than guns, its also important to acknowledge that guns in itself is also a problem when its been used as a tool to commit crimes and unlawful killings, even if you think guns are a tool of self defence.

Can't think of anything else to say since I think both sides of the debate are equally wrong and don't look at cases specifically or even come together to try reduce the impact of gun crime. That's the wonderful thing about being a Centrist - You don't have to look at the debate in such a partisan way.



Re: People kill people, guns don't kill people. And go. #Triggered.
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2018, 19:00:52 »

"Gun control isnt the answer"
are u sure.. are you really sure about that


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