
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Noxarion on October 21, 2014, 20:57:09

Title: Noxarion's Weekly Discussion - This subject is gay [Week 5]
Post by: Noxarion on October 21, 2014, 20:57:09
Hey everyone, I noticed the week 4 one wasn't the most populair out of them so I'll just be focussing on more serious topics. So this week we're going to talk about Homosexuality and Bisexuality. (No I'm not gay myself)

Amsterdam is called the gay capital of the world with the gay-pride on the canals and the gay shops spread across the city. Some say Netherlands is the most tolerate (To recognize and respect) towards gay people. But still there is alot of 'bullying' or worse against gay and bisexual people, just like on the rest of the world. I always wondered why, what did gay people do wrong to deserve the racism and disrespect they are getting.

Well fact is that they didnt do anything wrong with being gay, I think the main reason people hate on gay people have to do with their believes about god or the fact that gay people can't get children without help from others or adoption. When I see clips from tv shows from North America where gay people are hated in some states (Mostly the villages in the south if im not mistakes) because of 'god' (Another reason I'm an Atheïst) but where some christians even say there isn't a single thing against gay people in the bible but as with all books everyone reads it differently so maybe for some it does say it in the bible.

Personaly I don't discriminate people for being gay but I do catch myself calling alot of objects or actions gay without them having anything to do with being gay (This article is gay, skilling is gay etc..). I think everyone can believe in who they want or what they want and can be gay, straight, bisexual, I dont even care if they are sexualy aroused by a wall (there is a woman who has this) I think that we should let people be gay if they want. And I don't believe being gay is a sickness as some people say it is.

So what is your opinion on this subject ?

Week 4: (
Week 6:
Title: Re: Noxarion's Weekly Discussion - This subject is gay [Week 5]
Post by: Minin Cape T on October 22, 2014, 02:35:15
I've tried to break my habit of calling things gay or retarded for like 2years now but I catch myself using those words incorrectly every now and then.

As far as being gay... it doesn't bother me at all. A healthy relationship amongst humans should never be discouraged. But it's really awkward to me when people go against same sex marriage for some reason even though I am straight. Idk I guess ppl don't see things like I do.
I think peopledon't like homosexuals because it's just different. Different religion kinda falls in there but it's more than jjust a religious thing.
Title: Re: Noxarion's Weekly Discussion - This subject is gay [Week 5]
Post by: Joel on October 22, 2014, 23:31:42
I find myself nearly always calling things gay, or referring to people as gay. I don't think it's something I need to stop doing as I know I don't mean it in any form of harm towards gay people (sorry Emma I know you'll hate me for that).

I'm very laid back about these things myself, I don't mind if someone is Gay, straight, bisexual, black, blue, burgundy..  Means no difference to me and I just let people get on.

What I will say on this subject is this.. I don't like it when gay people are, now I don't mean this with any offence of course,  'in your face' gay. There are a lot of gay people where I work and some are completely normal, act normal, you wouldn't know are gay apart from a few tell tail signs. There are completely different.

An example is the new person I work with. He recently came out as gay and he is very.. In your face about it, everything is 'I'm gay this/that'.. He also has an alter-ego to, in which he dresses up in drag.

Now it doesn't bother me at all.. But it just makes me wonder how they're so different.. Is it just different personalities or do some have more feminine genes than others? I don't know.. Just one of those things..

Obviously nothing in there mean't to offend anyone and I'm sorry if it did.. Just rambling on lol.

Title: Re: Noxarion's Weekly Discussion - This subject is gay [Week 5]
Post by: Redtunnel on October 23, 2014, 00:50:17
I think peopledon't like homosexuals because it's just different. Different religion kinda falls in there but it's more than jjust a religious thing.
I agree with this. I believe arbitrary hatred is caused by underlying fear of diverging from social norms; fear of not being accepted by one's peers. Religion has played a significant role in the indoctrination of acceptable, normal behaviour, for better or worse. If your peers have a certain mindset, you have to embrace it as well if you don't want to become an outcast. Children will accept whatever they're taught as fundamental truths, and while this changes in adolescence, the mind is still very susceptible. This, for example, is why hatred only nurtures more hatred. Observe for example how attitudes catch on. It's very evident in the toxicity of the RS community, and it can only be changed by influential individuals setting examples.
Title: Re: Noxarion's Weekly Discussion - This subject is gay [Week 5]
Post by: Noxarion on October 23, 2014, 11:52:43
I find myself nearly always calling things gay, or referring to people as gay. I don't think it's something I need to stop doing as I know I don't mean it in any form of harm towards gay people (sorry Emma I know you'll hate me for that).

I'm very laid back about these things myself, I don't mind if someone is Gay, straight, bisexual, black, blue, burgundy..  Means no difference to me and I just let people get on.

What I will say on this subject is this.. I don't like it when gay people are, now I don't mean this with any offence of course,  'in your face' gay. There are a lot of gay people where I work and some are completely normal, act normal, you wouldn't know are gay apart from a few tell tail signs. There are completely different.

An example is the new person I work with. He recently came out as gay and he is very.. In your face about it, everything is 'I'm gay this/that'.. He also has an alter-ego to, in which he dresses up in drag.

Now it doesn't bother me at all.. But it just makes me wonder how they're so different.. Is it just different personalities or do some have more feminine genes than others? I don't know.. Just one of those things..

Obviously nothing in there mean't to offend anyone and I'm sorry if it did.. Just rambling on lol.


I know what you mean. Some people just 'use' the fact that they are being gay to get attention. But there are more of those people that use a reason like that to get attention. A person should be him/herself no matter if they are gay or not.
Title: Re: Noxarion's Weekly Discussion - This subject is gay [Week 5]
Post by: Minin Cape T on October 23, 2014, 20:00:53
I find myself nearly always calling things gay, or referring to people as gay. I don't think it's something I need to stop doing as I know I don't mean it in any form of harm towards gay people (sorry Emma I know you'll hate me for that).

I'm very laid back about these things myself, I don't mind if someone is Gay, straight, bisexual, black, blue, burgundy..  Means no difference to me and I just let people get on.

What I will say on this subject is this.. I don't like it when gay people are, now I don't mean this with any offence of course,  'in your face' gay. There are a lot of gay people where I work and some are completely normal, act normal, you wouldn't know are gay apart from a few tell tail signs. There are completely different.

An example is the new person I work with. He recently came out as gay and he is very.. In your face about it, everything is 'I'm gay this/that'.. He also has an alter-ego to, in which he dresses up in drag.

Now it doesn't bother me at all.. But it just makes me wonder how they're so different.. Is it just different personalities or do some have more feminine genes than others? I don't know.. Just one of those things..

Obviously nothing in there mean't to offend anyone and I'm sorry if it did.. Just rambling on lol.


I know what you mean. Some people just 'use' the fact that they are being gay to get attention. But there are more of those people that use a reason like that to get attention. A person should be him/herself no matter if they are gay or not.
Well think about it this way. Some people try to get attention for being straight all the time... Like hey everyone I just had sex with the opposite sex all the time. Not everyone ofc.
But anyways, not liking homosexuals for flaunting reasons isn't fair. It's natural for humans nowadays yo brag.
Using words unintentionally is kinda a iffy. Some people put more power in words than others.