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During our time in Runescape we've heard the phrase: 'World of Warcraft is so much better than Runescape' atleast a hundred times. Or a phrase like: 'Runescape copied this over from World of Warcraft'. So in this weekly debate we're going to discuss is game A better than game B ?

Games have been compared to eachother ever since gaming became a mainstream form of entertainment. Where some say game A is better other people will say game B is better. But can you really compare games to eachother ? In this debate i'll use the WoW and Runescape example to find out if you really can compare games.

First we can take a look at who has the most active players per month, here we see that World of Warcraft has far more with 7.1m active players where Runescape doesnt even have 1 milion.

Second we will take a look at the amount of content both games have and here we see the first reason why you can't fully compare both games. Where world of warcraft is more focussed on end game content runescape is more focussed on the way to the end game. And world of warcraft is fully based on combat and in runescape you have a choise to do combat or to purely focus on skilling. So if we take this in consideration then we see that Runescape has more content for the way to the endgame and world of warcraft has more end-game content.

The next point we can take a look at is the gameplay. And here we see another reason that you can't fully compare both games since both games have a completely different way of playing. As said earlier wow is all about combat where on runescape you have a choise to do combat or not. So we'll just have to compare the 2 combat systems against eachother. Here we do actualy see that the wow combat system and runescape system are similair but where the runescape combat feels unfinished wow's combat system is fully polished and gives you far more options and unique abilities. Now if we compare both skilling systems we see that they are completely different so we can't compare them.

So now we focussed on active players, amount of content and gameplay and found out that both games are too different from eachother to fully compare them with the exeption of the combat system. So now we're going to look at some smaller details. If we compare graphics there is no doubt World of Warcraft is far superior here but keep in mind that Runescape runs on Java and was a browser game. This brings us to the next point the system it's running on and once again World of Warcraft is superior cause everyone hates Java.

Let's now focus on Bots, a program that does things on the game for you so you don't have too. Both wow and runescape have bots in them but after playing both games I can say that the Runescape bots are alot worse since the bots on World of Warcraft dont affect the economy on the game where on runescape the bots do. So world of warcraft did 'win' ? Ofcourse botting is always bad on whatever game you might play.

Now let's focus on the most important of all: 'fun'. What game is more fun ? This is the biggest reason you can't fully compare both games to eachother since this is based on a persons opinion. Person A will find wow more fun to play where person B finds runescape more fun to play.

Do keep in mind this was just an example  and that the debate is about if you can compare games like that, you could also have LoL - Dota 2 or CoD - BF as examples but since we play Runescape this was the best example in my opinion.


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