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Not so Evil?
« on: September 12, 2012, 01:40:29 »
I just want to turn this into a big discussion more than anything. But as I was sitting here reading today this just somewhat hit me.

People say Adolf Hitler was the most evil man that has ever lived. He was responsible for the death of 6+ million people. He destroyed entire countries. That just sounds awful. People get that impression of him and say he was just awful and scum. But was he?

I honestly don't believe Hitler was that bad of a person. Sure, the things he did were awful. No doubt about it. The person he actually was really wasn't bad. I see what he did as this:

He did what he believed in and didn't let ANYONE get in his way of doing it. If you got in his way you would be destroyed.

Now a days you barely see anyone fight for what they believe in do you? I sure as hell don't. I just see Hitler as a man who fought for what he really believed in to the utmost extreme. I want to know what everyone else thinks about this. Again, I do not agree with the acts he committed and I am not a crazy communist or socialist. Nothing like that.

Also, I am NOT try to offend anyone. If you are offended I am sorry it is just my opinion. Nothing more.


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 09:24:30 »
Ok, Let's execute all black people in America. It's not bad, as you were saying.


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2012, 09:41:45 »
I agree.. to an extent. Hitler was what some might call a 'genius'; lots of people in Germany agreed and actively supported what he was doing at the time and thought it was for the best. He was a great leader/conqueror but his ideas and views might have been a little too fascist. :P

I found this an interesting read on Nazi medical experimentation (bear in mind it's Wiki so might not be 100%). Of course the experiments are horrific but they have been said to have been the most beneficial set of procedures to modern medicine than any other this century. So, there is a bit of 'good' there.

It's hard to say whether he was actually 'evil'. He obviously carried out a lot of awful things but some beneficial things, as the article Abbie posted points out.


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2012, 11:51:03 »
In my opinion Hitler was a great man, but did terrible things.  he was smart and strategic, i do not approve of his actions but i do believe that he was indeed a good leader.



Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2012, 12:50:29 »
I read somewhere that the Germans were being limited by the Britains and Hitler didn't like this so he rebelled, like everyone else said, he stood up for what he believed in, but the way he showed this was very brutal and harsh, good in mind, bad in actions.



Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2012, 12:52:25 »
Ardo you're being extremely ignorant.
How could you get that I believe the extermination of all African American's would be right? I said myself the things Hitler did were awful but he was a smart man. Again I do NOT think that what he did was good. So how would you say I believe the extermination of all blacks would be good? Please explain that to me.


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2012, 13:26:18 »
I read somewhere that the Germans were being limited by the Britains and Hitler didn't like this so he rebelled, like everyone else said, he stood up for what he believed in, but the way he showed this was very brutal and harsh, good in mind, bad in actions.

Maybe, but more likely he was annoyed with the UK because he was losing the arms race and was scared we would try to occupy the whole of Europe. :o



Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2012, 14:23:00 »
Hitler was one of the greatest public speakers of all time.  Very little people can get a crowd going like Hitler could.  As for the list Winter posted, he was totally against animal cruelty.  It's all about perspective i guess, he just had an extremely abnormal view towards certain groups of people that he took as far as he could unfortunately.


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2012, 17:21:28 »
I did a proiject about this at school, and I agree Cam :) I dont want to write much about it, I dont have my history book ;)


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2012, 22:32:42 »
I read somewhere that the Germans were being limited by the Britains and Hitler didn't like this so he rebelled, like everyone else said, he stood up for what he believed in, but the way he showed this was very brutal and harsh, good in mind, bad in actions.

Maybe, but more likely he was annoyed with the UK because he was losing the arms race and was scared we would try to occupy the whole of Europe. :o
Yes, pretty much. In simplicity, Germany had huge war debts and military restrictions from losing WWI, mostly pushed by France. To pay the debts, they printed lots of money. This caused a hyperinflation, where the German mark was weakened by 100,000% against the dollar. Naturally, the middle class lost confidence in the polity, which contributed to Hitler's rise to power and the fall of the Weimar Republic. When The Great Depression swept over the Western World, the discontent against France and UK, who had colonized lots of places (and thus controlled more economy), grew. The Nazis escalated their propaganda by describing the colonies as "living space" and alluding to the nationalism, which was strong in Germany, by highlighting the Aryans as a superior race and therefore was entitled to the lands. Hitler was a brilliant rhetorician and strategist. He even had the LON fooled for a long time.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"



Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2012, 01:20:33 »
Red I love you.


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2012, 02:28:01 »
I read somewhere that the Germans were being limited by the Britains and Hitler didn't like this so he rebelled, like everyone else said, he stood up for what he believed in, but the way he showed this was very brutal and harsh, good in mind, bad in actions.

Maybe, but more likely he was annoyed with the UK because he was losing the arms race and was scared we would try to occupy the whole of Europe. :o
Yes, pretty much. In simplicity, Germany had huge war debts and military restrictions from losing WWI, mostly pushed by France. To pay the debts, they printed lots of money. This caused a hyperinflation, where the German mark was weakened by 100,000% against the dollar. Naturally, the middle class lost confidence in the polity, which contributed to Hitler's rise to power and the fall of the Weimar Republic. When The Great Depression swept over the Western World, the discontent against France and UK, who had colonized lots of places (and thus controlled more economy), grew. The Nazis escalated their propaganda by describing the colonies as "living space" and alluding to the nationalism, which was strong in Germany, by highlighting the Aryans as a superior race and therefore was entitled to the lands. Hitler was a brilliant rhetorician and strategist. He even had the LON fooled for a long time.

the LON was useless at that point of time, they did nothing to prevent the war, when hitler invaded the rhineland the LON did shit all about it, and hitler used this to his advantage, he was a genious but did terrible things



Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2012, 14:09:10 »
yes he may have had good ideas and implemented policies that have had a good influence on the modern world, like the vaccination stuff

but hell will freeze over before the world will forget the monstrous atrocities he also believed were for the greater good and executed and tried to in a sense, stop freedoms and liberty to be a part of a religion/race that you are.

this in my opinion does far outweigh any of the "smaller" things he did that were good ideas. and as such he will always be remembered for the evil, as im pretty sure he killed more people than any of his "more modern" policies ever saved...

and as such the balance is more probable to always stay to "evil"


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Re: Not so Evil?
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2012, 04:30:19 »
Ya Hitler is perhaps the greatest politician of all time. Not only were his politicking skills off the charts, his public speaking and military prowess was unmatched during the 1930s and early 1940s.

He took Germany, which at the time had a horrible economy due to the massive amounts of inflation, to a European super-power in about 10 years. He is without a doubt the best example of realpolitik in the 20th century. US, England and France were afraid of a growing Nazi power and methods of appeasement were used in order to stop Hitler from expanding his territory, none of which actually worked.

At a local level, Nazi propagandists (Joesph Goebbels) did an excellent at spreading nationalism so not only was Hitler feared by out-siding countries, he was also loved by his own people, which is one of the foundations of true Machiavellian politics.

Military wise, the Luftwaffe, SS are one of the most notorious military arrangements in history. They were both ahead of their time. For every SS soldier, about 8 allied soldiers were killed, which is insane considering the SS was only a small fraction of the German army. But most of those statistics are forgotten because Germany lost WWII.

Anyways, Hitler is defiantly changed the way the world looks at politics and is the reason the UN exists.


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