A mother-of-six has received death threats online after claiming to have pierced her baby daughter’s cheek.
Enedina Vance’s Facebook post went viral overnight when she shared a picture of her little baby girl with the stud.
The activist wrote:
“I just know she’s gonna [sic] love it!! She’ll thank me when she’s older lol. If she decides she doesn’t like it, she can just take it out, no big deal.
“I’m the parent, she is MY CHILD, I will do whatever I want!! I make all of her decisions until she’s 18, I made her, I own her!!
“I don’t need anyone’s permission, I think it’s better, cuter and I prefer her to have her dimple pierced.
“It’s NOT abuse!! If it was, it would be illegal, but it’s not. People pierce their babies everyday, this is no different.”
But Enedina ended her rant below the photoshopped image with the hashtag “sarcasm”.
She had intended to promote her anti-circumcision views for baby boys.
But Enedina was them forced to share two more posts defending her words.
She said:
“Wow, so as (hopefully) everyone knows, my last post was FAKE. I photoshopped that picture of the baby to look like I had her dimple pierced. It is in fact PHOTOSHOPPED.
“I seriously can not believe how many people missed that this was purely satirical, I actually used the hashtag #sarcasm , yet people were still threatening to beat me to death, call child protective services, & take away my children.”
Does it look photoshopped?