Kim Jong Il
As most people should already know, he was the leader of North Korea for 17 years,I believe.
He died yesterday,which honestly, I don't really care, but his death strikes curiosity in me.
I was told he was a terrible man. Now, I'm not going to be rude and say loads of things I've heard about a dead person,
but if anyone is really interested in North Korea, I suggest looking a this Documentary.
I never had any idea how torrid it is there. They may think it's paradise since they've never seen outside, but it's like a shit hole to me.
Documentary: Inside Undercover In North Korea 2 of 5 (
Documentary: Inside Undercover In North Korea 3 of 5 (
Documentary: Inside Undercover In North Korea 4 of 5 (
Documentary: Inside Undercover In North Korea 5 of 5 (
I'm on 3/5
Anyways, I found this really interesting.
Makes me think, what are they going to do now? Their so-called "Great Leader" is dead.
Will America or another country go their and make them a democracy?
Will North and South reunite?
What do you think will happen to the people of North Korea?