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Kim Jong Il
« on: December 20, 2011, 14:17:03 »
Kim Jong Il
As most people should already know, he was the leader of North Korea for 17 years,I believe.
He died yesterday,which honestly, I don't really care, but his death strikes curiosity in me.
I was told he was a terrible man. Now, I'm not going to be rude and say loads of things I've heard about a dead person,
but if anyone is really interested in North Korea, I suggest looking a this Documentary.
I never had any idea how torrid it is there. They may think it's paradise since they've never seen outside, but it's like a shit hole to me.

I'm on 3/5

Anyways,  I found this really interesting.

Makes me think, what are they going to do now? Their so-called "Great Leader" is dead.
Will America or another country go their and make them a democracy?
Will North and South reunite?

What do you think will happen to the people of North Korea?



Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 14:57:56 »
Apparently his CoD was "Overwork" and that he was working too hard so he died. :L

I don't care, he's a ass he deserved to die, and I hope his son got his head set straight and rule the country better. Why can't they just take down the dictator shit.



Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 15:42:10 »
Kim Jong Il*

You mean Kim Jong II? -Rune :P


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Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2011, 16:43:13 »
Did you see the news reports of the Korean people supposedly 'crying'?

It was ridiculous, its as if they'd been forced to mourn him. Maybe some actually felt grief, but it just seemed like most were forced to show for the cameras.

Kim Jong-il Dead - North Koreans cry hysterically


Offline Sunshine Kid

Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2011, 16:51:04 »
Kim Jong had the license to il.


Offline Rune

Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2011, 17:15:16 »


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Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2011, 18:44:07 »
They have been brainwashed since birth and I hope his death opens up North Korea to the outside world. I find it sad they have been brainwashed to believe he was some great leader and God who was really controlling their every last move and thought then threatening them with the concentration camps. He sickens me to the core.
Unfortunately, I don't have much hope that Kim Jong Eun will be the right leader for North Korea as he has probably been brainwashed into believing his father and grandfather ruled the country perfectly and correctly.

Eh, it's a sad world we live in but I hope they aren't isolated from the world for much longer.



Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 18:46:45 »
If his son takes over then I think it will stay the same. He is about as mental as Kim joo was


Offline Jordan

Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 19:04:27 »
Lol'd, you troll, David :3

Osama Jim Kong Hitler Hussain

Who next?


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Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2011, 19:15:05 »
Lol'd, you troll, David :3

Osama Jim Kong Hitler Hussain

Who next?


Saw people crying hysterically on the news. Anyone would think their mothers have died.


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Re: Kim Jong Il
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2011, 02:04:16 »
Honestly, I don't know much about the political side of this. Really hope this doesn't go bad though. Can imagine it now - "Ah Soldier.. Thank you for your deployment to Afghanistan.. Now have fun in Korea!"



Re: Kim Jong Il
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2011, 02:15:40 »
No doubt his son will be as Deluded as the rest of them. Shame really. Nevermind doing that to all those people but forcing 'harsh facts', and improper opinions on your own son is sickening.



Re: Kim Joo Il
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2011, 02:20:00 »
Kim Jong Il*

You mean Kim Jong II? -Rune :P
No I meant Kim Jong Il. Unless you were making a joke. In which case this would be my response: Oh.


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Re: Kim Jong Il
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2011, 03:36:55 »
No doubt his son will be as Deluded as the rest of them. Shame really. Nevermind doing that to all those people but forcing 'harsh facts', and improper opinions on your own son is sickening.
Don't all parents do this? Religion is a great example. How many would be e.g., Christian if they weren't raised to believe? Most people take their beliefs for granted (whatever it may concern) and thus pass them on to their kids. To Kim Jong Il, his idiosyncrasies of ruling the country and whatnot were probably subjectively justified, as strange as it may seem, lol.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"



Re: Kim Jong Il
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2011, 08:45:49 »
True, Red. Yet there's a difference between beleiving in a 'greater good' through a god, and beleiving murdering thousands of people is normal.


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