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Is this so bad?
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:16:04 »
Does this girl really have to spend the rest of her life on the sex offenders register for this?  This has ruined any chance of her ever working with children?


Her name is Gemma Barker, and she made headlines when she created three male personas to date her 16 year old friends. Even though they knew her in real life, they didn’t pick up at all that it was her disguised as a boy. Even the parents of one of the girls was duped.

Gemma, 19 at the time, got in pretty serious trouble because of it. She was charged with two counts of sexual assault and one count of fraud. The fraud count was for claiming one of her male personas assaulted her. She had introduced herself to her friends by making fake Facebook profiles and contacting them that way.

It worked, but trouble arose when one of the girls became suspicious that the other girl was dating the same guy. Today, she is on the Sex Offenders Registry.



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Re: Is this so bad?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 12:27:19 »
Who does that to his friends? Actually, this reminds me of junior high, lol. Someone had left me a Valentine’s Day Card, hinting she wanted to go out with me. The handwriting was very feminine, but the fact that it was so anonymously given to me and not signed by a name had me suspicious. I decided to ignore it completely. When my friends later on asked me if anything in particular had happened on Valentine’s Day, I figured out who was behind it. I’m glad Facebook didn’t exist back then, lol.

I don’t know how a court could take this seriously. Surely, the girls were misled, which of course is despicable, but it was still consensual. Sometimes people lie about themselves and you will be disappointed when you find out. In hindsight, it’s not uncommon to reason that if you had known those details about that person, you would never have consented to the relationship. Lying or hiding the truth in this context may be contemptible and immoral, but isn’t, to my knowledge, against the law. The only unlawful act I deem to be in this case is the fraud.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Hey Im Jamie

Re: Is this so bad?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2013, 12:31:41 »
Yes. :L If she has the mindset to do that to her 'friends', what could she do to other people?


Offline Emma

Re: Is this so bad?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2013, 13:07:30 »
Does this girl really have to spend the rest of her life on the sex offenders register for this?  This has ruined any chance of her ever working with children?


Her name is Gemma Barker, and she made headlines when she created three male personas to date her 16 year old friends. Even though they knew her in real life, they didn’t pick up at all that it was her disguised as a boy. Even the parents of one of the girls was duped.

Gemma, 19 at the time, got in pretty serious trouble because of it. She was charged with two counts of sexual assault and one count of fraud. The fraud count was for claiming one of her male personas assaulted her. She had introduced herself to her friends by making fake Facebook profiles and contacting them that way.

It worked, but trouble arose when one of the girls became suspicious that the other girl was dating the same guy. Today, she is on the Sex Offenders Registry.


I think I would have to look at motive and past experience. Is she just a confused boy in a girls body trying to work it all out? Or is it all a little more complex and sinister?


Offline Rune

Re: Is this so bad?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2013, 13:13:24 »
I only thought stories like this happened in the US. :o (Sue everything, charge everything)


Offline Winter

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Re: Is this so bad?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2013, 15:13:47 »
If I was one of her friends that she dated then I wouldn't ever want to be her friend again. What she did is wrong and immoral - you got to have a pretty messed up mind to do something like that in my opinion.

However, she may have just been confused about who she was or desperate for love. Either way, I don't think what she did deserves for her name to be on the sex offenders list - that's just unfair. It was a mistake, we all make them.



Re: Is this so bad?
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 16:07:38 »
abbie is correct, what was done was immoral and incorrect
i do believe i remember seeing this also on tv where one of the victims spoke out of how it actually was an assault. it could have been extended to attempted rape also under further circumstances - just to put the severity across
i believe she has at least a certain place on that register, though not to the same extent. but a risk is still a risk and she could have mental issues (as i believe she does from what i remember of tv)
the fraud in itself is also disgusting.


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