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Offline Beccah

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If you could go back in time...
« on: February 22, 2020, 21:53:18 »
I'm one of those people who overthinks everything in their lives and who always strives for perfection in everything I do. I regularly wish I could turn back time so I could do something better, make a nice witty comeback to defend myself, or be able to say the right things to someone to make them feel better.

So my question is, if you could go back in time (with the skills and knowledge you possess now), would you do it? If so, where would you go? The catch: you'd have to redo everything from that point onward, so be careful about whether that's worth it to you.

I'll go first...

I'd go back in time 8 years so I could befriend Lán, my classmate who took her life when we were 17. I'd do anything in my power to be there for her. I just didn't know that what she was going through was so hard on her.
This adds the possibility to alter anything that's happened to me over the past 8 years too, so I'd have joined Consentus in 2014 after meeting Flink in the clan we met in. I also would be able to avoid a bad ex and I'd be more confident in general in all my uni-stuff (because technically I've done it all before).

How about you?


Offline Mog

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2020, 23:36:09 »
This is a very simple decision for me. I would go back in time to high school (12 years or so) and replace myself with the version of me that I am today. I was the flip side of who I am today and if could erase/destroy an inkling of the kind of person I was back then I wouldn't even hesitate.


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2020, 00:24:34 »
I would do it simply to get more time to live, but I don't really regret any of my time
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Aso XD

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2020, 08:33:30 »
Yeah there are things I wish I could change, but ultimately they probably made something in my life now better.
The past molds who you are today. With even minor things different you wouldn't be exactly who you are today.
It's easy to think of how things would've been different 'if only I didn't do this', but then following that future, who wouldn't you have met?
If I'd have prevented any death during my childhood I would be very different to how I am now (which my only complaint about myself today is stability), I wouldn't have moved on to the friends that changed me as a person, molded me into who/what I am today. Any bad experiences I had taught me what I enjoyed, stuff like that.

Accept the things you cannot change. Have the courage to change the things you can and have the wisdom to know the difference.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2020, 11:01:40 »
Maybe Im a little emotional but these brought me to tears.

Personally I wouldnt go back to any time, my past experiences good and bad have made me the person I am today. 

Trust yours to be selfless @Beccah ,  you are an amazing individual that came to Consentus at the perfect time for us.  So Thank you for being you xxx

@Mog if you do not learn from mistakes they are just that, life is a learning curve, move onwards and upwards.  You have a brilliant future, grab it with both hands and embrace it.

@Aso I can only echo your superbly written reply <3

It's better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret.


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2020, 11:50:28 »
In redoing stuff over each small decision would change the future, so like If I went back too far I wouldn't have my dogs - Unless I could locate the exact time/place we got them from  XD Same with friends, I suppose you could try and stalk them down and befriend them another way, but somethings have a specific time and place.

So probably not, because although there are bits I would love to experience again but potentially improve upon, It probably wouldn't be worth the potential loss of what I already have. All in all my life isn't perfect, but I'm relatively happy with how it is right now and It's improving all the time.  :)


Offline Mog

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2020, 14:04:25 »
Maybe Im a little emotional but these brought me to tears.

Personally I wouldnt go back to any time, my past experiences good and bad have made me the person I am today. 

Trust yours to be selfless @Beccah ,  you are an amazing individual that came to Consentus at the perfect time for us.  So Thank you for being you xxx

@Mog if you do not learn from mistakes they are just that, life is a learning curve, move onwards and upwards.  You have a brilliant future, grab it with both hands and embrace it.

@Aso I can only echo your superbly written reply <3

It's better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret.

@Only Lilly I have zero regrets about high school because without it i wouldn't be the person i am today, it has moulded and changed me for the better i just merely wished i was this version of myself sooner  :)


Offline Karli

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2020, 16:41:14 »
if i could go back id tell my self stop being a lazy idiot go to uni when i had the chance and the stop the alcohol abuse


Offline Nikkie

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Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2020, 00:00:41 »
I'd go back 5 years and beat myself into being more affectionate and open.


Offline John

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2020, 08:47:58 »
I'd have joined the clan sooner.. i've been clanless since 2013  XD XD XD

Definitely would consider going back to switching my university course to History or anything art-related.

Otherwise i would not change anything. Most of the goods and bads in my life manifest who I am today and I don't want to change that.
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Offline Maximum

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2020, 23:19:30 »
Sure, I wish i could. Wish I made better decisions during school. Wish I focused on my studies more. Wish I focused on myself more and my weight. Wish I didn't play rs so much during my most important years :')
I ruined one of my best relationship with someone a few years back as well. Unfortunately you can't change it. All you can do is take as much as you can from it as a learning experience and to do better next time.


Offline Laggspikes

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2020, 10:46:21 »
Getting the ability to go back in time would break me honestly. I second guess basicly everything I do. I would be stuck in one moment for the rest of eternity. Would your body decay over time? I hope it does, cause otherwise it would be a prison with no end :P

"I do the choking here" - Laggspikes 2k21
"No wait, I do wanna dye!" - Joe 2k21


Offline GodFirst

Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2020, 17:05:43 »
I wouldn't go back in time. I am happy with who I am and what I have now :)


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Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2020, 19:38:12 »
If I could go back in time I would go back to 31st December 2012 when my grandad passed away. I wish I could have been there to hold his hand and be with him in his final moments. Being 15 at the time, my parents didn't want me to be there, they wanted me to remember how he was before he passed. But I wish I got to hold his hand and kiss him goodbye one last time.


Offline Selc0uth

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Re: If you could go back in time...
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2020, 23:23:58 »
a very easy decision for me .if i could go back ,i'd marry my darling wife jane sooner .we've been married for 25 wonderful years now ,but we spent 10 years before that travelling .i know i joke about her in chat but she's my world and i would happily spend eternity with her


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