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Offline Krazy Golf

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Global Warming
« on: July 24, 2013, 19:02:00 »
Ever present in the media is the issue of global warming and how it is supposedly entirely the fault of anthropocentric actions.

Efforts to reduce your individual 'carbon footprint', governments set huge targets and sign protocols like the Kyoto. Media scare tactics of rising sea levels, increased freak weather events and food shortages are all said to be on the horizon if we do not reduce consumption.

The latest this: http://www.livescience.com/38347-north-pole-ice-melt-lake.html

Ice around the North Pole completely melted. We know the ice cap recedes around this time of year, but was it expected to do so by this much? Is this the fault of humans?

Pressure on individuals to act whilst countries like China and US billow out trillions of tonnes of carbon emissions at a rate never seen before.

However global warming is a natural process, giving way to glacial cycles, but human action is said to be exacerbating this process on a dramatic scale.

But this is not the first period of warmth and there are natural feedback mechanisms in place to restore balance.

So what is all the worry? What is your opinion on global warming? Do you partake in local initiatives and 'do your bit'?


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2013, 19:08:05 »
Mother Nature and Earth will survive, we have only been on this a Earth a short time and yet we ruin it.

Something will happen to wipe us out,

Maybe not in our lifetimes, we need to learn and act now.  We are so greedy, we all should try and make this place more peaceful


Offline Rune

Re: Global Warming
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2013, 19:11:43 »
"The earth will be fine, the people are fucked!"  George Carlin.



Re: Global Warming
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2013, 20:59:50 »
Global warming, is a bit of a hype and a slightly outdated term
its generically called "climate change now"

originally when global Warming was announced etc, it wasnt too long til a phenomenon called "global Cooling" was outlined
similarly with the "global dimming" study... lol

While the earth does, without doubt, go through it's own natural cycle phases of change etc, we are interrupting/speeding up any change in cycle with chemicals and burning stuff.

I do my bit of recycling, turn stuff OFF not standby, using recycled goods, going organic and  or local sourcing. But nothing will change until the whole of humanity is hit by the same thing - and then the world will change. until then, the buck will be passed "its not our problem"

Cows produce what 70% of all methane gas - yet we arent culling them to save the planet - some things just are and are definitely not in the frame to help - this being one of the NOT in the frame - but major countries/companies dont as much as maybe they could. But renewable energys and cleaner productions/burning ar every cost intensive

The little person can only do so much, the bigger change happens more up top


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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2013, 21:40:27 »
"The earth will be fine, the people are fucked!"  George Carlin.

You mean this, Player?


Offline Krazy Golf

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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2013, 13:31:13 »
Interesting views guys, thanks. :)

These sorts of places are always appearing, government's investing lots of money in such developments.
Europe's first carbon neutral neighborhood - Smart Cities - Horizons


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Re: Global Warming
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2013, 05:05:21 »
We need a war to wipe out the current generation of D bags in our society. I hate my generation.


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