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Genetically Chosen Babies
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:37:23 »
In this world where we think we are mini gods, do you think we have the right to have designer babies?

I agree if you carry a genetic disease and we are able to avoid this then yes lets support familes that want to avoid bringing children into the world with disabilities.



Would you choose the sex and hair colour of your child?


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Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 08:47:37 »
I feel it is okay to check for genetic disorders but gender and aesthetics (if i can call it that) of the child should be unknown. Look at China, if it was legalized there, then there would be a mass population explosion of male children. If everyone was perfect then no-one would be unique.


Offline Cam

Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 15:50:07 »
I agree with modification purely for the basis of getting rid of genetic disorders, but other than that, everyone should just be born the way they are.

Although I wish I wasn't cursed with this curly hair! :(
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Offline CallMeMatt

Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 16:52:12 »
I agree with modification purely for the basis of getting rid of genetic disorders, but other than that, everyone should just be born the way they are.

Spoke the words out of my mouth. ^

However a thing I would worry about this is someone saying to me: "Is that your kid? You two look nothing alike!" So I don't really have much biased feelings about GCB.

I would let that decision be up to my partner, but i'd much prefer it if my kid was from my own genetics instead of someone else's, because in the end of the day, it is going to be MY family.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2013, 17:01:17 »
What happens if you cant have children?  would you ever adopt?


Offline CallMeMatt

Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 17:04:25 »
What happens if you cant have children?  would you ever adopt?

I would also let that be up to my partner if she would want to adopt. I always wanted a family with a kid, but having an adopted child is a bit different along the lines. What would concern me is that later in life, that child would want to find his/her true parents, making me me as a parent - feel like I'm not the full potential I could be for that child.

EDIT: Kind of something that would have to be really thought about at the time, if it was to happen.


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Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 22:32:04 »
scientifically speaking this is amazing so the geneticists and doctors should continue their practices because it will eventually benefit humanity.
 but ethically speaking i'm not so thrilled about it.
personally, i wouldn't change the hair color, eye color etc. because its my kid and i wouldn't care how they look just because it's mine.

the term "designer baby" is just disgusting... The fact that "designer" can be used to describe bags, shoes, jackets etc. is understandable... but babies? really? it makes me think society is becoming more materialistic. a parent shouldn't love their child like they love their clothes and they shouldn't be proud of themselves because they have a beautiful child. they should be proud of the child. not themselves.


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Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2013, 23:19:13 »
I agree with modification purely for the basis of getting rid of genetic disorders, but other than that, everyone should just be born the way they are.


I think it's morally wrong to choose what your child looks like. You should love your children regardless of how they look and I do believe it's like "playing God" if we're genetically modifying our children to look up to a certain standard which we shouldn't be doing.


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Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2013, 00:19:35 »
I believe that it is morally wrong. Sorry but it's nature.

What will be will be.



Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2013, 01:23:14 »
this reminds me lilly, we should watch gattaca as our next movie


it talks alot about the ethics of being able to choose perfection, and why human perfection will always have its flaws.


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Re: Genetically Chosen Babies
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2013, 01:25:47 »
I agree with modification purely for the basis of getting rid of genetic disorders, but other than that, everyone should just be born the way they are.

I believe that it is morally wrong. Sorry but it's nature.

What will be will be.

...... ^Ok now i have nothing to say. :/

I would like to add that after this baby is born and discovers that it's genes were chosen before it was born, and that it's parents have chosen how it should look like. What would that baby feel towards that? I mean it's a life we're talking about, not a doll

Parents have the right to look after their children and care about their safety, because it is normal for a parent to want his son or daughter to be the best. But when it comes to that, you're actually choosing your kid's road

I just want to ask these people one question. Would your kids want to live the life you're choosing for them? what makes you know?


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