
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Iuro on November 11, 2011, 08:31:12

Title: Freedom.
Post by: Iuro on November 11, 2011, 08:31:12
I was looking threw some of the sites i visit often and i saw this picture and i stopped for a second and really thought about it.


Cast your thoughts on this please. I'd love to hear them.
Title: Re: Freedom.
Post by: Only Lilly on November 11, 2011, 08:43:08
Arent we heading for the Big Broter era of 1984?

We have to have rules to follow, we all live in a huge society.

But we dont have to do all those things listed, there are places you can live peacefully, being yourself.  I have looked into living in a commune, surrounded by people with similar mind set to myself.

So yes, we do have the choice to how we live in UK,

Title: Re: Freedom.
Post by: Daggo on November 11, 2011, 11:18:14
I was looking threw some of the sites i visit often and i saw this picture and i stopped for a second and really thought about it.


Cast your thoughts on this please. I'd love to hear them.

Well, that's about all everyone is told to do. And, considering most people listen and do what they're told, its no wonder that this has been being done for over a 100 years? Things like this just reminds me of books like "Fahrenheit 451" or "1984" because I feel that that's exactly where we are headed. I don't know what else to say, we're all being controlled whether we want to believe it or not. Don't get me wrong there are a few people here and there, or a few people who want to be, and a few people who try to be--but across time, you can see that people who are actually active in not being controlled are "made an example of"--if you know what I mean.
Title: Re: Freedom.
Post by: Redtunnel on November 11, 2011, 15:10:36
I have never really been one to follow the norm, even though I have often wished to. But regardless of society's projected opinions on how we should be and what we should do, very few of us are really free. In fact, most of us are slaves to the circumstances we are born in, in one way or another. E.g. you may want to move somewhere else, but it's not economically possible. You may want a different job, but it's not economically viable. Money is almost always a problem.
Title: Re: Freedom.
Post by: Daggo on November 11, 2011, 15:57:48
Money is almost always a problem.

Title: Re: Freedom.
Post by: Winter on November 11, 2011, 19:11:58
That picture is scarily true.
I wish we had more diversity and opinion on the way we live but a lot of us don't have that choice. Our life is almost layed out for us - do this, do that, die and then somebody else replaces you until their death and so on and so forth. Pretty much what that picture is saying.

Also like Redtunnel said, money is almost always a problem. Most boundaries we have are due to money.
Title: Re: Freedom.
Post by: Saltreat on December 08, 2011, 23:02:57
Hmmm...some of this I agree wit, some of it is a little questionable. Idk about some of u, but the U.S. to me is becoming a society where living a certain way is the only way to live... wake up, go to work, come home, watch tv, repeat....not to say this life is true everywhere you go but theres more to it than that...I think for some people freedom means much more than that... I'm African American so having rights for me means way more than simply just that because there was a time where my Grandmother couldn't sit at the front of the bus. I guess I regret the fact that I do take some things for granted because of my life situation but when that does happen I think back to my loved ones and appreciate the things they didn't have so it's possible to get the things I have now, as well as Freedom with it.
Title: Re: Freedom.
Post by: Inzainiac on December 12, 2011, 16:58:56
Although that picture has some truth to it, that lifestyle only happens to people who allow their life to go in that direction (my life is going to become more like that come next May). But raising children, working a dead-end job, "walking on pavement" are all personal choices you have a say in at some point in your life. You don't necessarily have to live that sort of life, it just happens to be the "default." It's easy to get caught up in that lifestyle. I believe if you recognize what you want, however, you can can change that.

The only line I see in the picture that I believe should always remain part of freedom is "obey the law." Laws are basically what allow for such large populations to live together. Without them, we'd be living in feudal city-states where small wars would be a common occurrence.

I do agree with the comment about money, it does limit how much freedom we have. But I believe it is the best option we have when it comes to trading. If you have any suggestions on an alternative to money, I'd be glad to hear it; but don't give me any shit about "sharing", because there is always somebody trying to make their life easier by screwing over others.