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I will be Swedish and diplomatically state that moderation in the matter is the best way to go. There are ditches on both sides. Freedom of speech is a given right and it is just as given that you shouldn't treat people degradingly. Unfortunately, the two don't always accommodate. It's a very delicate matter though. One of the main problems with censorship is that it conserves prejudice. I'll use the Swastika symbol as an example. In Sweden it's illegal to use it in e.g. art, due to its links to Nazism. As long as we have that kind of legaslation, we are conserving its links to Nazism and giving the Nazis a symbol they can always use. These kind of symbols need to be set in motion instead of being fixated. Whenever something is censored, it is also given a fixated value.
Yh we were learning this in Religious Ed:3. The swastika is an old Hindu/Buddhist symbol meaning unconquerable, and in some cases; peace.
I live in America.Don't kid yourself, everything in censored. The media, and anything you say in real life. The way I understood it used to be, was that you could pretty much say whatever you wanted unless it caused a dangerous situation, for example shouting BOMB on an airplane...or FIRE in a crowded movie theatre.HOWEVER, recently, with all this crap (and yes, I think its crap) about cyber bullying and teen suicide (not diminishing the importance of suicide or related topics, but) a rule has been put into effect in NewJersey, where I live, and specifically targets school-aged children, mostly in high school....its a Harrassment, Intimidation and Bullying policy, and basically...if I call someone a whore or a skank or say that I'm going to kill someone even in jest with a friend...(you know, everyone has said something to the effect of "Oh, I'm so going to kill you for doing that" to a friend jokingly...) SO, if I did do this and a teacher heard it...I'm written up and submitted to an investigation because it "hurts the other person's feelings"In addition to this happening in school: If I were to say something like that OUTSIDE of school and a teacher happened to be in the same place, they have to report that also and indicate who/where/what was said etc. and again, I am submitted to an investigation and liable for criminal charges.Also, the person who was "offended" by you saying this has no say in whether or not they want charges to be pressed against you, etc. Depending on the circumstances and how serious it was viewed as being.There is no such thing as Freedom of Speech in America. And this is not even considering things like the US Patriot Act --following 9/11 terrorist attacks. We have the illusion of free speech 'cause most people are living in ignorance. And you know what they say: Ignorance is bliss.