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Offline Noxarion

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Freedom of Speech
« on: June 19, 2017, 12:20:17 »
Freedom of Speech has been a heavily debated topic for years. How far can you go with Freedom of Speech before it becomes a bad thing ?

Currently Freedom of Speech is a human right as long as you don't directly insult someone. However people are being insulted very easily in this modern day (even in this clan). And with the 'Social Justice Warriors' of these days(Modern Femminism, BLM, A part of the LGBT   
community) who get insulted if you simply look at them the wrong way. I'm not saying each person of the group I mentioned is like this, personaly I support the LGBT community and think that everyone deserves the same rights with maybe some exeptions.

So I think it's good we look at what does Freedom of Speech really stand for and how should this basic human right be used.

We all have our opinion about things like Religion, and Politics the 2 topics that sparks the most discussion. Since we aren't ruled by a dictator we are allowed to say what we want about these topics as long as you don't directly insult someone because he or she thinks differently.

So let's talk about the Freedom of Speech in Religion.
As most of you know I dont believe in any god but if you do that's fine we don't need to share the same opinion and I respect you for that, however people who try to force religion upon others and/or use religion as an excuse for how they are deserve no respect.
A few Examples:
- Terrorism, killing people because they are 'non-believers'.
- Homophobic Behaviour (This isn't always a Religion thing!!), Gay people burn in hell.
- Forcing God upon us, what I mean with this is the people that get butthurt when you say you don't believe in god and then go in full self defence mode like you just insulted their ancestor. These people are extremely anoying I don't believe in your god and you can't change that and if that is in my lifestyle that I am an atheïst deal with it.
People can always say they don't believe and there are alot of valid reasons (basicly all reasons are valid for this) to why someone doesn't believe and if you get personaly insulted because someone says they dont think god exist you have some serious problems.

So let's talk about Freedom of Speech in Politics.
I am part of the Right wing. I think you should first take care of yourself before you can take care of others. And as long as we have problems in our own countries that need to be fixed I dont support bringing all these immigrants is a good idea (with the number of reported abuses and rape by the hands of immigrants has increased). This is my opinion you might hate me for it but honestly that doesn't bother me we all have our own opinions.

So Freedom of Speech is a good thing in my opinion and people who get insulted by people their opinion are the real problem not the fact you can say your opinion !


Offline Powerless

Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2017, 07:47:03 »
Freedom of Speech has been a heavily debated topic for years. How far can you go with Freedom of Speech before it becomes a bad thing ?

Currently Freedom of Speech is a human right as long as you don't directly insult someone. However people are being insulted very easily in this modern day (even in this clan). And with the 'Social Justice Warriors' of these days(Modern Femminism, BLM, A part of the LGBT   
community) who get insulted if you simply look at them the wrong way. I'm not saying each person of the group I mentioned is like this, personaly I support the LGBT community and think that everyone deserves the same rights with maybe some exeptions.

So I think it's good we look at what does Freedom of Speech really stand for and how should this basic human right be used.

We all have our opinion about things like Religion, and Politics the 2 topics that sparks the most discussion. Since we aren't ruled by a dictator we are allowed to say what we want about these topics as long as you don't directly insult someone because he or she thinks differently.

So let's talk about the Freedom of Speech in Religion.
As most of you know I dont believe in any god but if you do that's fine we don't need to share the same opinion and I respect you for that, however people who try to force religion upon others and/or use religion as an excuse for how they are deserve no respect.
A few Examples:
- Terrorism, killing people because they are 'non-believers'.
- Homophobic Behaviour (This isn't always a Religion thing!!), Gay people burn in hell.
- Forcing God upon us, what I mean with this is the people that get butthurt when you say you don't believe in god and then go in full self defence mode like you just insulted their ancestor. These people are extremely anoying I don't believe in your god and you can't change that and if that is in my lifestyle that I am an atheïst deal with it.
People can always say they don't believe and there are alot of valid reasons (basicly all reasons are valid for this) to why someone doesn't believe and if you get personaly insulted because someone says they dont think god exist you have some serious problems.

So let's talk about Freedom of Speech in Politics.
I am part of the Right wing. I think you should first take care of yourself before you can take care of others. And as long as we have problems in our own countries that need to be fixed I dont support bringing all these immigrants is a good idea (with the number of reported abuses and rape by the hands of immigrants has increased). This is my opinion you might hate me for it but honestly that doesn't bother me we all have our own opinions.

So Freedom of Speech is a good thing in my opinion and people who get insulted by people their opinion are the real problem not the fact you can say your opinion !

I'd like you to go into more detail about what you deem to be bad about "social justice warriors." I know the term is usually used as a kind of put-down for progressive social views, but what exactly about those views do you not like? Also, what "exceptions" are you talking about in relation to everyone having the same rights?

Also, when it comes to the immigration issue, I'm assuming you live in the United States since that's such a hot topic, especially in this recent election. But I don't understand the argument that "we need to solve problems here at home before accepting more" when it comes to immigrants/refugees entering the country. There are numerous studies that show that crime rates among immigrants are actually much lower than non-immigrants.

I think one of the biggest issues when it comes to freedom of speech is the idea that "everyone is entitled to their own opinion." This sounds great, but I partially disagree with it. When it comes to public policy or the progression of a country, policy, science, law, etc., I disagree. A more accurate statement would be that "everyone is entitled to their informed opinion." You may have an opinion that the earth is flat, but that uninformed opinion has no place in in the scientific world. The term "ignorant" comes into play here - someone may have an opinion about an issue, but that doesn't mean that they're informed on it, nor does it mean that they have the right to dictate other peoples' ways of life based off of this ignorance.


Offline Noxarion

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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2017, 11:23:06 »
Freedom of Speech has been a heavily debated topic for years. How far can you go with Freedom of Speech before it becomes a bad thing ?

Currently Freedom of Speech is a human right as long as you don't directly insult someone. However people are being insulted very easily in this modern day (even in this clan). And with the 'Social Justice Warriors' of these days(Modern Femminism, BLM, A part of the LGBT   
community) who get insulted if you simply look at them the wrong way. I'm not saying each person of the group I mentioned is like this, personaly I support the LGBT community and think that everyone deserves the same rights with maybe some exeptions.

So I think it's good we look at what does Freedom of Speech really stand for and how should this basic human right be used.

We all have our opinion about things like Religion, and Politics the 2 topics that sparks the most discussion. Since we aren't ruled by a dictator we are allowed to say what we want about these topics as long as you don't directly insult someone because he or she thinks differently.

So let's talk about the Freedom of Speech in Religion.
As most of you know I dont believe in any god but if you do that's fine we don't need to share the same opinion and I respect you for that, however people who try to force religion upon others and/or use religion as an excuse for how they are deserve no respect.
A few Examples:
- Terrorism, killing people because they are 'non-believers'.
- Homophobic Behaviour (This isn't always a Religion thing!!), Gay people burn in hell.
- Forcing God upon us, what I mean with this is the people that get butthurt when you say you don't believe in god and then go in full self defence mode like you just insulted their ancestor. These people are extremely anoying I don't believe in your god and you can't change that and if that is in my lifestyle that I am an atheïst deal with it.
People can always say they don't believe and there are alot of valid reasons (basicly all reasons are valid for this) to why someone doesn't believe and if you get personaly insulted because someone says they dont think god exist you have some serious problems.

So let's talk about Freedom of Speech in Politics.
I am part of the Right wing. I think you should first take care of yourself before you can take care of others. And as long as we have problems in our own countries that need to be fixed I dont support bringing all these immigrants is a good idea (with the number of reported abuses and rape by the hands of immigrants has increased). This is my opinion you might hate me for it but honestly that doesn't bother me we all have our own opinions.

So Freedom of Speech is a good thing in my opinion and people who get insulted by people their opinion are the real problem not the fact you can say your opinion !

I'd like you to go into more detail about what you deem to be bad about "social justice warriors." I know the term is usually used as a kind of put-down for progressive social views, but what exactly about those views do you not like? Also, what "exceptions" are you talking about in relation to everyone having the same rights?

Also, when it comes to the immigration issue, I'm assuming you live in the United States since that's such a hot topic, especially in this recent election. But I don't understand the argument that "we need to solve problems here at home before accepting more" when it comes to immigrants/refugees entering the country. There are numerous studies that show that crime rates among immigrants are actually much lower than non-immigrants.

I think one of the biggest issues when it comes to freedom of speech is the idea that "everyone is entitled to their own opinion." This sounds great, but I partially disagree with it. When it comes to public policy or the progression of a country, policy, science, law, etc., I disagree. A more accurate statement would be that "everyone is entitled to their informed opinion." You may have an opinion that the earth is flat, but that uninformed opinion has no place in in the scientific world. The term "ignorant" comes into play here - someone may have an opinion about an issue, but that doesn't mean that they're informed on it, nor does it mean that they have the right to dictate other peoples' ways of life based off of this ignorance.

I actualy live in the Netherlands.

But there is a difference between opinions and facts, like 'the earth is flat' argument is not an opinion. We've already proven that the earth is not flat so if someone thinks otherwise that has nothing to do with an opinion but simply with as you say ignorance.

And 'social justice warriors' I mean the people you see the youtube videos off that get triggered if you say hi to them. The Femminists that say 50% of all woman get rape, those type of people, the extreme SJW that say that White people are all racists. Don't get me wrong I believe that each human has rights and are equal and with the exeptions I mostly mean people who have lost those rights (child abusers/rapists/terrosists and so on). If someone doesn't see you as equal because you're gay, black, fat or whatever reason that's racism/sexism and isn't something I aprove on.

And the immigrant issue, there are people here (mostly woman) that don't feel that safe anymore because of all the houses that the immigrants are put into. HOWEVER, I am aware that alot of refugees aren't fleeying from war but are simply here to take adventage of the systems that are in place to help refugees.

And everyone has their own opinion about politics and religion and if I think option A is better and you think option B is better that's fine, it doesn't say what option is actualy better (Most of the time the better option is a combination of both)


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2017, 18:09:26 »
There are numerous studies that show that crime rates among immigrants are actually much lower than non-immigrants.
Interesting. In Sweden immigrants (especially MENA) are over-represented, particularly in the most vile crimes (as concluded by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention in 2005), to such a degree where the authorities are now afraid to research it because the findings will likely fuel support for right-wing parties. Meanwhile, the UNHCR could help 20 refugees with the money we spend on one, and that's ignoring indirect expenses and long-term effects (e.g. 50% still unemployed after 7 years in the country).
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Tim

Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2017, 08:33:30 »
The problem I've got with free speech is the way it's currently being used is to completely polarize politics in the United States. If you're right-wing, you're an overly christian reactionary that's a racist and a misogynist that's pro-life because you think women are property. If you're left-wing, you're a drug-addicted unemployed child-hating millennial that's never worked hard and is on welfare. Nobody wants to even try to compromise anymore, because it's always about the individual.

It becomes even worse when you're a moderate liberal or moderate conservative that slightly disagrees with ANY part of your party's platform. If you think Trump and Pence are bad, you're automatically a left-loving cuck in the eyes of the (vocal) conservatives. If you didn't like everything Obama did and didn't want Hillary, it's because you hate women and black people according to the (vocal) liberals. Nobody is allowed to, or even WILLING to take the middle ground anymore because it becomes essentially social suicide. Freedom of Speech then becomes Freedom to Agree, and you're not able to tell your own opinions because you'll immediately get called nasty names.
You're here for a reason
Living and breathing
If you keep on trying, someday you'll find out why
If I love you, I miss you cause I probably haven't seen you in a
Long, long time

Just don't let it be the last time
You come into my life
No, don't let it be the last time
You come into my life


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