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Father/ daughter in love
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:12:51 »
Please read all of this article before you make a judgement.

More and more people have no idea who both parents are, what would you do of you fell in love with a close relative?

Irish woman carrying her father’s child claims they’re in love

Last year Penny Lawrence (28) tracked down her long-lost father Garry Ryan (46). Lawrence is now pregnant with his child and claims to be in love with her father.

Garry Ryan was born in Dublin but moved to the US with his family when he was two. Lawrence's mother met him, fell pregnant but Ryan left before the child was born. Her mother returned to Ireland.

When Lawrence was four and living back in Ireland her mother died and her maternal grandparents raised her. They died when she was 18-years-old.

Lawrence then became fixated on finding her only remaining relative, her father. Last year she found him in Houston, Texas.

After several daily phone calls she flew to America to surprise him.

Ryan said that the pair felt an instant physical attraction and they soon began a relationship. Lawrence is now pregnant with his child.

Their situation they say can be accounted for by Genetic Sexual Attraction, a term which has been used since the 1980s to describe feelings of attraction between blood relatives who meet first as adults. There is a theory that humans are attracted to faces similar to their own. Also not meeting until both are adults means that normal sexual taboo between relatives has not had time to develop.

Speaking to the Irish Sun Newspaper Lawrence said "We are not committing incest, but are victims of GSA. We’ve never experienced a father-daughter relationship, so we’re just like any other strangers who meet in adulthood."

Lawrence revealed that her three month scan showed no defects. The couple now plan to proceed with the pregnancy and set up a home together.

They say they do realize that their relationship is illegal and are now afraid that they will be ordered apart by the courts.

He said "It’s no different than if I met Penny in a bar. I’d have fallen for her as I have now. It doesn’t feel like we are doing anything wrong."

Ryan explained his situation when he left Penny’s mother.

He said "I was an 18-year-old kid and when Angela told me she was pregnant I wanted to do the right thing. We decided to get married but Angela’s parents disapproved of the relationship and didn’t want me around."

Lawrence said her therapist had warned her about GSA. She said "I did some research into it. I was stunned that some brothers and sisters, daughters and dads and mothers and sons were actually living happily as man and wife."


Offline Emma

Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 13:16:00 »
I don't really have an issue with who loves who but kids born from incest are more likely to be born with diseases like hemophilia. So, if it wasn't the person who actually raised you then it's probably alright to have a relationship with them, however, would it be fair to have kids when inbreeding can cause such problems?

I'm not so sure.



Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2013, 13:30:03 »
Please read all of this article before you make a judgement.

More and more people have no idea who both parents are, what would you do of you fell in love with a close relative?

Irish woman carrying her father’s child claims they’re in love

Last year Penny Lawrence (28) tracked down her long-lost father Garry Ryan (46). Lawrence is now pregnant with his child and claims to be in love with her father.

Garry Ryan was born in Dublin but moved to the US with his family when he was two. Lawrence's mother met him, fell pregnant but Ryan left before the child was born. Her mother returned to Ireland.

When Lawrence was four and living back in Ireland her mother died and her maternal grandparents raised her. They died when she was 18-years-old.

Lawrence then became fixated on finding her only remaining relative, her father. Last year she found him in Houston, Texas.

After several daily phone calls she flew to America to surprise him.

Ryan said that the pair felt an instant physical attraction and they soon began a relationship. Lawrence is now pregnant with his child.

Their situation they say can be accounted for by Genetic Sexual Attraction, a term which has been used since the 1980s to describe feelings of attraction between blood relatives who meet first as adults. There is a theory that humans are attracted to faces similar to their own. Also not meeting until both are adults means that normal sexual taboo between relatives has not had time to develop.

Speaking to the Irish Sun Newspaper Lawrence said "We are not committing incest, but are victims of GSA. We’ve never experienced a father-daughter relationship, so we’re just like any other strangers who meet in adulthood."

Lawrence revealed that her three month scan showed no defects. The couple now plan to proceed with the pregnancy and set up a home together.

They say they do realize that their relationship is illegal and are now afraid that they will be ordered apart by the courts.

He said "It’s no different than if I met Penny in a bar. I’d have fallen for her as I have now. It doesn’t feel like we are doing anything wrong."

Ryan explained his situation when he left Penny’s mother.

He said "I was an 18-year-old kid and when Angela told me she was pregnant I wanted to do the right thing. We decided to get married but Angela’s parents disapproved of the relationship and didn’t want me around."

Lawrence said her therapist had warned her about GSA. She said "I did some research into it. I was stunned that some brothers and sisters, daughters and dads and mothers and sons were actually living happily as man and wife."

LOL   if they live in texas, they wont be ordered apart at all. Its not uncommon to have this "GSA" or more commonly called "incest" occur. But seeing as she never knew him as her father i can see where it could have happened. but she went in search of him as her father so idk about that part. Weird how yall heard about this yet it didnt even make public news here lol AND I LIVE IN HOUSTON lol....


Offline Majinvegito3

Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2013, 13:36:58 »
LOL   if they live in texas, they wont be ordered apart at all. Its not uncommon to have this "GSA" or more commonly called "incest" occur. But seeing as she never knew him as her father i can see where it could have happened. but she went in search of him as her father so idk about that part. Weird how yall heard about this yet it didnt even make public news here lol AND I LIVE IN HOUSTON lol....

Ikr? You figure I would have at least heard about it too, like Fox/CNN or some major network would have at least mentioned it.

Based on where I'm from and the fact she went seeking her father, no further relationship should have ever developed at all, imo. And while there may not be anything wrong with the child she's carrying now, who's to say that will be the case a couple of generations down the line?

Personally, I don't think I could ever fall in love with a close relative, unless I didn't know it was a close relative. Something about that situation just kills anything more for me. A bit annoying sometimes at family reunions when I see some pretty girls that are apparently somehow distantly related to me, but I won't go for them lol...


Offline Winter

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Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2013, 15:23:19 »
I can see how this has happened and it's not like they grew up together or anything. It is morally wrong and I personally would feel disgusted if I found out that my boyfriend was actually a close relative - however, I also think that we can't really judge them unless you're put into their shoes. Love is crazy and blind, you can't help who you fall in love with and if they are happy together then people really have no right to judge. It is illegal though so they have to face the consequences of peoples opinions and the possibility of them both being separated.

The pregnancy, however, crosses the line for me. Incestual relationships are wrong in my eyes, no matter the situation. There are no seen birth defects which is a good sign HOWEVER it's never 100% certain until the baby is born and I feel sorry for that baby. I just hope that the baby is fine and lives a life where the children will never find out the true identity of his/her Mum and Dad.



Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2013, 16:04:47 »
love may be crazy and blind, but law is law. as is genetics
the baby may have no birth defects, but it will seriously screw that kid up going, uh dad-grandad..mummy-sister?
i can understand randomly falling in love, but its still morally and ethically wrong and while they need a father-daughter relationship, it is disgusting for anything sexual between a father and a daughter, as no matter how they met, that fact still remains.


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Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 20:17:14 »
Took one look at the page and assumed Alabama. But anywho..

I have a strong disagree with incest, but i can't stop it.



Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2013, 22:45:07 »
I can see how it can happen between cousins and such, but Father and daughter? No. I strongly disagree with this. Sorry if i offend anyone.



Re: Father/ daughter in love
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 01:18:01 »
Sick in my opinion no excuse for it they knew they father and daughter. Fair enough if they met in a bar and didnt know but they knew from the outset that they were related and any attraction should stop there.


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