
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Only Lilly on August 12, 2012, 22:31:59

Title: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Only Lilly on August 12, 2012, 22:31:59
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Greg on August 12, 2012, 22:37:37
Good thing I prefer to drink smoothies and squash ;D
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Cubchoo on August 12, 2012, 22:49:54
After seeing some of the grammar errors, it makes me believe this less.

But assuming it's 100% true. (I've personally never "Felt like crap" after a sugar drink, but that's just me I guess.)  Yeah, it's a little bit worrying.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Winter on August 12, 2012, 23:21:49
I was drinking Pepsi Max whilst reading that. :-[

However, if I knew what exactly was in every single thing I ate and drank I would be put off everything. Sometimes, it's best to not know. ::)
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Minz on August 12, 2012, 23:24:51
I dont eat my coke, I'm safe

Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Tim on August 13, 2012, 00:13:08
Does this count for water too?

I love me some good old fashioned water.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Cam on August 13, 2012, 00:41:39

Whenever I drink coke, I've never felt "irritable" or "sluggish" after an hour. Maybe I'm one of the special ones :3
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Eurydius on August 13, 2012, 04:00:33
Simply Soda is Bad for you !  ::)

I rarely drink soda.  ;D

I heard it destroys your muscle.  ;)

Water is where it's at. :3

Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Aghast on August 13, 2012, 04:17:29
No problem that i drink around 3-4 cups a day. ;3
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Rune on August 13, 2012, 08:19:49
I drink/eat what I like, don't really care what it does to me.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Emma on August 13, 2012, 08:41:38
Good thing I prefer to drink smoothies and squash ;D

Irn Bru much?
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Zaros on August 13, 2012, 10:02:39
I drink like 2 cans worth of soda a day, none of this happens to me...

Then again I am 6'3 and 130 pounds so idk, things like this don't ever seem to effect me. :L
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Krazy Golf on August 13, 2012, 11:05:10
I don't think I want to drink cola anymore. :'(

I drink/eat what I like, don't really care what it does to me.

Good luck in later life.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: LunarCanidae on August 14, 2012, 16:39:23
technically speaking, that is mostly correct, disregarding errors in spelling grammar etc -  albeit that article can be slightly exaggerative, and it can vary from person to person

doesnt mean people will stop though:P
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Amy on August 21, 2012, 02:46:44
Im sure you would have to drink alot of coke to even start feeling the effects.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Angel Imy on August 21, 2012, 03:10:11
I don't think I want to drink cola anymore. :'(

I drink/eat what I like, don't really care what it does to me.

Good luck in later life.

im pretty much the same as grandad. dont really care what i drink/eat or most things. live life as much as you can now you can die whenever and why think so much about the future you could die tomrrow for all you know. worry about things that may or may not even happen. if someone bad happens when your older atleast you didnt spend your life not doing things and worrying about stuff and you enjoyed yourself. just what i think.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Winter on August 21, 2012, 03:19:42
I personally would rather live by enjoying myself and having fun even at the cost of having my life shortened. I want quality from my life, not quantity.

Besides, nothing tastes as good as Pepsi to me. <3
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Angel Imy on August 21, 2012, 07:26:48
I personally would rather live by enjoying myself and having fun even at the cost of having my life shortened. I want quality from my life, not quantity.

Besides, nothing tastes as good as Pepsi to me. <3

i agree but cherry coke is nice so is lucozade orange :P
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Only Lilly on August 21, 2012, 09:31:15
Oh to be young and not have to think of being old.

How you behave DOES have a knock on affect of youe late life, quality and not quantity.  I am afraid life isnt like that.  At your age there wasn't as much knowledge about what we eat as there is now.

There is a link about what you eat to the quality of your later life. 

So yes, enjoy now, but there will be 20 and 30 years further down the line where what you do now will affect the quality of your old age.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: LunarCanidae on August 21, 2012, 10:33:45
Oh to be young and not have to think of being old.

How you behave DOES have a knock on affect of youe late life, quality and not quantity.  I am afraid life isnt like that.  At your age there wasn't as much knowledge about what we eat as there is now.

There is a link about what you eat to the quality of your later life. 

So yes, enjoy now, but there will be 20 and 30 years further down the line where what you do now will affect the quality of your old age.

while being young, your body can cope with small amounts of certain things, eg alcohol as a prime example. over long term exposure/build up and age your body wont.

when you are young, your body can hope with the fat from foods better as you will have a higher metabolism when younger than older
same as with alcohol.
same with sugar - of which it can cause diabetes later in life. not too up on it overly much but , if u get ur body used to something it is harder when its not there/able to be processed

kinda the same as the stress response system - short term its fine, the body can cope. longer term longer exposure - the body gets run down, the resources available for the "action" diminish over time (not easily replenished)

hope u can see the point im tryna make here.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Minin Cape T on October 21, 2012, 04:56:29
I was taking a hot dog to the throat whilst reading this. I will never look at processed wieners in the same light ever again.

Thank you for posting this btw.
Title: Re: Do you know what you eat?
Post by: Skilz Pwnd U on October 21, 2012, 07:13:21
I was taking a hot dog to the throat whilst reading this. I will never look at processed wieners in the same light ever again.

Thank you for posting this btw.

Me too! :)