
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Only Lilly on December 21, 2011, 10:20:12

Title: Do you care?
Post by: Only Lilly on December 21, 2011, 10:20:12
While you are all warm in your houses with your presents.

People will be homeless.

What will you be doing to help these poor individuals?

Do you care enough?

Gary Jules - Mad World [Homeless People] (

Poverty | The Homeless and The Poor in America | SAD (

Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Rune on December 21, 2011, 10:26:08
You may say I am cold hearted, but I can't really do anything about it.
In Denmark the homeless people are taken care off, as in a place to sleep and a place to get food from (Some of them choose to live in a different way than most people.)

It's a society problem, I'd have to change the ways of how society function to do anything about it. I can't see myself as a politician.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Daggo on December 21, 2011, 11:37:24
You may say I am cold hearted, but I can't really do anything about it.

It's a society problem, I'd have to change the ways of how society function to do anything about it.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Runar on December 21, 2011, 11:47:42
You may say I am cold hearted, but I can't really do anything about it.
In Denmark the homeless people are taken care off, as in a place to sleep and a place to get food from (Some of them choose to live in a different way than most people.)

It's a society problem, I'd have to change the ways of how society function to do anything about it. I can't see myself as a politician.


Also, there's a begger in our city sitting next to a red bank every day. Last year some guy gave this poor guy his house keys while he went away for christmas vacation through the entire summer, so the man got some warmt and he probs took in others too. We don't have a lot of beggers, but they're starting to come more and more, and those here who beg are most likely part of a group where they beg, collect the money together and share, or something like that, so it gives me a bad image of the poor society. Either way I do think different churches take care of em, give them something to eat on christmas and such.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Redtunnel on December 21, 2011, 14:45:47
I agree with Rune. I know at least one of the churches nearby has free food for everyone who is homeless, lonely or poor at Christmas. We have a pretty good welfare system. As long as you are looking for a job, attend the monthly meetings and properly account for expenses, you will get about ~540 USD/month + your rent paid (that aside, you will also have medical costs covered. To what extent I am not sure, but if you e.g. need new glasses, see the dentist (e.g. $400) etc, they will pay for it additionally). It is probably tough if you have a family to take care of, but I believe it to be manageable.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Winter on December 21, 2011, 14:51:21
I feel sorry for the homeless people but Rune is right.

Also, in the UK there are places for homeless people to stay such as youth hostels and free housing given to them by the government. There are also places like soup kitchens which give free food to homeless people. It's not ideal for most people but it's better than starving on the streets.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Thunderite on December 21, 2011, 15:10:21
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Only Lilly on December 21, 2011, 15:20:24
I agree with Rune. I know at least one of the churches nearby has free food for everyone who is homeless, lonely or poor at Christmas. We have a pretty good welfare system. As long as you are looking for a job, attend the monthly meetings and properly account for expenses, you will get about ~540 USD/month + your rent paid (that aside, you will also have medical costs covered. To what extent I am not sure, but if you e.g. need new glasses, see the dentist (e.g. $400) etc, they will pay for it additionally). It is probably tough if you have a family to take care of, but I believe it to be manageable.

I tend to disagree with this, you are not entitled to benefits if you have no bank account, you cant get a bank account unless you have a perm address.

A lot of people have mental health issues and cannot manage to lie independently as they cannot manage money.

So it is not always choice,
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Fergus on December 21, 2011, 15:32:16
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Zach on December 21, 2011, 15:56:02
I care to the point that I've donated $25 a month since I was 15, but I guess not enough to actually get out there and do something. It deffidently sits on my mind. Man now that makes me feel bad for being drunk right now.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Krazy Golf on December 21, 2011, 16:34:01
More often than not, the situation they are in is down to their own wrong doing. They could easily smartern themselves up and get down to the Jobcentre.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Only Lilly on December 21, 2011, 16:44:19 (

people with degrees cant get jobs, a lot of homeless are young people who have left home due to abuse. 

"Too many young lives are being wasted in the dole queue," said Martina Milburn, chief executive of the Prince's Trust youth charity.

"It is frightening to think that more than two-fifths of unemployed young people have been jobless for more than six months.

"Long-term unemployed young people are the most vulnerable, with many trapped in a vicious cycle of joblessness, anxiety and depression."

Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Redtunnel on December 21, 2011, 17:10:22
I agree with Rune. I know at least one of the churches nearby has free food for everyone who is homeless, lonely or poor at Christmas. We have a pretty good welfare system. As long as you are looking for a job, attend the monthly meetings and properly account for expenses, you will get about ~540 USD/month + your rent paid (that aside, you will also have medical costs covered. To what extent I am not sure, but if you e.g. need new glasses, see the dentist (e.g. $400) etc, they will pay for it additionally). It is probably tough if you have a family to take care of, but I believe it to be manageable.

I tend to disagree with this, you are not entitled to benefits if you have no bank account, you cant get a bank account unless you have a perm address.

A lot of people have mental health issues and cannot manage to lie independently as they cannot manage money.

So it is not always choice,
Hm, I was unaware of this predicament with the bank account (to my knowledge, you only need an ID in Sweden), but either way, won't the authorities handling these requests help you with the address if it's necessary to open an account?

In terms of not being able to handle money, maybe a guardian could be appointed? You make a valid point about mental health, because everyone may not be able to apply for jobs and whatnot, but a medical certificate will suffice for this. There are stricter regulations for sickness benefits, unemployment benefit etc, but this "breadline" benefit doesn't require a whole lot in Sweden. I can imagine it's troublesome for e.g. alcoholics who refuse treatment and people who are ill and disbelieved by the psychiatric system.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Only Lilly on January 06, 2012, 13:36:05
Crisis at Christmas 2011 (
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Winter on January 06, 2012, 15:21:48
It really makes you grateful for what you have. I'm really happy that something like this exists but I wish there was more of these places scattered around Britain.

I'd love to get involved in something like this. <3
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Andrew on May 09, 2012, 02:39:17
at my school we try and help the homeless/hungry during the winter and spring.  we will all buy supplies for sandwhiches make them and then travel downtown.  we then patrol, hence why its called "sandwhich patrol", the streets looking for hungry and we give them sandwhiches.  that is my efforts to help the homeless/hungry in one way or another
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Tim on May 09, 2012, 04:25:46
You may say I am cold hearted, but I can't really do anything about it.

It's a society problem, I'd have to change the ways of how society function to do anything about it. I can't see myself as a politician.

This, and I volunteer in a soup kitchen at churches sometimes.
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: LunarCanidae on May 09, 2012, 09:05:37
i will never forget, walking back to the tube from london, after having a meal out in pizza hut (exotic i know) after celebrating my work experience, we had 3 slices left, and my dad didnt want to carry them (after getting about half way:P) we saw a homeless man, and my dad offered them to him. he was actually REALLY rude, he thought we had even tampered with it, or similar.. but he took it anyway. no thank you. nothing

the homeless are going to stay homeless for a while. theres a housing shortage. people like young mums with babies get preference, every man and his dog, will get preference over a homeless man getting a home.
this is why people squat in houses, which is illegal and causes issues

--i care about homeless people who are grateful for what they get, because they probably didnt deserve it/how they ended up there, like the people who ran away from abuse.
--people like the man in my 1st paragraph, i dont, because even when offered help, they are highly ungrateful and rude.

society could do more... more food...more blankets when they sleep under bridges etc. they could give them a home, if the government owned any more houses to use. we could get rid of the abandoned shops, houses, buildings and renovate into, temp housing...but ofc, everything comes to money.

they cannot be provided with money without bank account, they cannot be provided money without a purpose, most of them when they beg for money spend on a bit of food then alcohol from what i have seen. and the government is so stingy, they have cut off benefits/money to help with cancer patients (NO I AM NOT JOKING), people with disabilities etc, all because they dont fit the right criteria. i would hold no breath for them to give money to a homeless person. they get free nhs healthcare anyway so thats not a problem for them also..
Title: Re: Do you care?
Post by: Greg on May 09, 2012, 11:26:31
When I used to walk up one of the busiest streets in Edinburgh to get to work, I always used to pass many homeless people.

They all seemed to be junkies or somebody that has entered the country illegally. I rarely express sympathy to any, cause usually I believe that made a decision to become homeless. I don't see how most junkies can become homeless apart from not being able to pay bills and such, they only gather money for their next fix. As for the ones who entered the country illegally, I can understand they left for a better living, but I don't show sympathy to them as the problem with country is the foreigners who come in and take most of the countries jobs.

Although, if I have a spare quid in my pocket, I usually give it away to them. The homeless people with dogs I always seemed to get suckered into (used to have a dog myself). Although what I usually do is buy them some dog food or snacks then give the homeless guy a sandwich so they can both eat.