
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Josh on May 14, 2014, 20:47:56

Title: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Josh on May 14, 2014, 20:47:56
This seems to spark debate where ever i read about it, so i am interested to see what people here think.

Answer the poll and post your theories!

If you answer no do you class yourself as Agnostic ( or Atheist (
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: SuperAshh on May 14, 2014, 20:55:44
I'm more a man of science myself. You can't argue with facts and evidence.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Mike on May 14, 2014, 20:56:41
I wouldn't classify myself as anything tbh. I have nothing to do with religion bc I'm not going to live my life the way someone thinks is the right way to live it. It's my life so I just do my own thing without worrying about consequences. Nobody can tell me I'm doing wrong but myself. ;)
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Winter on May 14, 2014, 21:38:16
I'm personally agnostic.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Emma on May 14, 2014, 22:05:03
I consider myself to be agnostic. I've been reading a lot about the beginning of time recently and it's been screwing with my brain but I can get on board with that far easier than the belief of a God. however, the many theories may not be mutually exclusive.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: healer on May 14, 2014, 22:49:27
I choose to not deal with it at all. I try to minimize the influence of if a God does exist or does not exist. I do not chime into any real religious conversations because of this.
However, when proof comes that one or the other is true, then I will be willing to accept it. Until then, I want nothing to do with religion.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: HomeScape on May 15, 2014, 06:51:40
I personaly dont believe that there is somthing like a god wich helps people. I had a friendly discussion once with somone who beliefs in god and i asked her why god let things happen like the twin towers. She said he did that so we could learn from it. I personaly dont believe this and i dont see any fact/proven thing wich leads to the extistance of a god. scientists already have multiple explanations how the earth was made. However, in my near area some people talk about this spiritual thing, comunicating with dead people or getting "magicly healed" by somone wich they never see again. because of the amount of people, and the fact that it apparently really happened, i have a slight idea that somthing like this might be possible.

I personaly would love to see a world without religion, most of the wars are because of it. Who doesnt know the "allah akbar" before somthing is about to blow up or go wrong.

Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Charles JM on May 15, 2014, 07:55:25
I believe in God and I'm a pretty devout Christian, I go to church every week and everything else. I'm planning on going to the holy cities of Rome, Istanbul and Jerusalem in a few years time hopefully  :)
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Jarofhearts on May 15, 2014, 16:56:01
I don't believe in god and i fall into atheist category. On a side note poll turned out how i thought it would be. Clan is generally UK, if this was an american clan definitely would of been the other way around. I personally know only a hand few of atheists in my area I'm sure there is more but America and religion it really sparks debate here I don't know how much debate it sparks in the UK and other parts of Europe. From what I remember reading only 10% of Americans are atheist which I find to be pretty low anyway those numbers
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Noxarion on May 15, 2014, 18:05:56
I don't believe in god because I think, the only person you need faith in is yourself. And the way I heard and saw piece of text of the bible I think with god they mean the human race.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Alizadeh on May 15, 2014, 22:34:50
I've been raised as a Christian all my life, so I personally believe there is a God and that he does play a role into my life. I personally see a difference in my life when I do pray and read the bible, where as if I don't and I do things I shouldn't be doing. But this is my opinion and experience, not enforcing it on anyone.

Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Josh on May 15, 2014, 22:41:35
I've been raised as a Christian all my life, so I personally believe there is a God and that he does play a role into my life. I personally see a difference in my life when I do pray and read the bible, where as if I don't and I do things I shouldn't be doing. But this is my opinion and experience, not enforcing it on anyone.


Respect for writing that :) - i have nothing against anyone that is a believer

its good to see responses from so many people and across the globe - i do hear that the uk is alot less religious that the usa!
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Alizadeh on May 15, 2014, 22:44:20
I've been raised as a Christian all my life, so I personally believe there is a God and that he does play a role into my life. I personally see a difference in my life when I do pray and read the bible, where as if I don't and I do things I shouldn't be doing. But this is my opinion and experience, not enforcing it on anyone.


Respect for writing that :) - i have nothing against anyone that is a believer

its good to see responses from so many people and across the globe - i do hear that the uk is alot less religious that the usa!

Interesting, I never knew that. But I have also met a lot of non believers on RS too. I don't know why there is a correlation between playing video games and not believing in a God exists.

Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Josh on May 16, 2014, 00:12:35
Created a poll on Facebook - see if i can get more people to give an answer
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Campy on May 21, 2014, 18:48:17
I've also been raised as a Christian and in church all my life. I believe that there's a God, and like Sean I notice a difference in my personal circumstances when I pray and read my Bible. I'm not about shoving my beliefs down anybody's throats, and I think that there's too much of that. Just thought I'd throw my two cents into the ring and participate in the poll!

Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Jarofhearts on June 02, 2014, 07:52:46

its good to see responses from so many people and across the globe - i do hear that the uk is alot less religious that the usa!

That's pretty true from what I seen majority of the people I know believe in god where as many 10% of the people I come in contact don't believe in god. From what I do know the atheist/agnostic group is growing in America. Also in America geography of where you live plays a big part in your religion. Most people in the south are more likely to be religious in general than people in the west coast. I live in New York, long island. That completely changes the rules there due to the diversity and population size.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Joel on June 02, 2014, 12:24:04
I'm not really bothered either way. My mind tells me that there isn't a god but there are situations where I would like to think there is.

I guess someday we'll find out.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Josh on June 27, 2014, 02:21:45
This poll is quite something!
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Egypt on June 27, 2014, 13:44:06
Yes it's quite something, i'm surprised to see how many people voted "No" & "Not sure"...
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Rune on June 27, 2014, 13:48:26
No, but I believe in the easter bunny and santa.
I think the idea of a god is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Teknolla G on June 28, 2014, 02:43:47
I tend to lean towards agnosticism, myself. Religious debates are fruitless.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Thunderite on June 28, 2014, 15:21:20
Yes, I have been a strong believer in god since the age of 5, when Jesus came to me in a dream, and since that day I have tried to live a positive and peaceful life being kind to every person I meet.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Winter on June 28, 2014, 15:22:40
Yes, I have been a strong believer in god since the age of 5, when Jesus came to me in a dream, and since that day I have tried to live a positive and peaceful life being kind to every person I meet.

Omg this happened to me to, no way omg!
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Joel on June 28, 2014, 16:42:33
I never realised you guys were so deep..
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Rune on June 28, 2014, 17:44:54
I never realised you guys were so deep..
Even Adele can't go that deep.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Teknolla G on June 28, 2014, 17:51:46
I never realised you guys were so deep..
Even Adele can't go that deep.

Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: ShaneGoesArd on July 22, 2014, 14:42:10
I believe it is something we will never know for sure. My leading arguament is: if there is a god who created everything we see and touch, who created god?

But at the end of the day everything is theory, even scientific 'facts'. With everything we discover, we in turn discover new ways to disprove those discovery's or build on them and discover further. As for religion, well, let's not get into that, lol.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Josh on July 22, 2014, 23:09:19
These results really intrigue me!
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Server Lag on July 22, 2014, 23:32:04
100% Atheist.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: I Eat Sub on August 06, 2014, 00:14:15
I don't go to church any more but I do believe there is a god. i still believe in the catholics teachings
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Riddle on October 16, 2014, 15:26:00
Personally I don't think there is a god but I am not against the idea and wish that I did believe in a god since the idea of complete nothingness after death scares me.
Title: Re: Do you believe a God/Gods exist/existed? (IRL)
Post by: Minin Cape T on October 16, 2014, 15:55:47
The separation of life on Earth and God is dumb. Your God (if you really wanna call it that) exists inside of you. So I guess you can say you are your own God.
Your spirit inside of you is on a mission of self-knowledge. Which is a near unreachable and unteachable path. The only thing that can guide your spirit is your spirit itself . When you listen to a pastor/guru/whatever you get of your path for the truth. No one can guide you and you can't guide anyone else.
To answer the guy above... I think when our human bodies decide to die, our spirit always knows what the next step to reaching selfknowledge is and takes life in a new form to learn from the new experiences that carry onto the next life.