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Offline Minin Cape T

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Re: Do Jagex do enough?
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2014, 21:46:52 »
jagex shouldnt have to do anything concerning a players health.

the 6 hour "boot" was mainly put in place to prevent botting for long periods of time.
in fact. it has nothing to do with player health whatsoever. if it did, it would say something like take a break or something...

why would any company. gaming or not limit its customers to how long they can use a product lol


Offline Cubchoo

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Re: Do Jagex do enough?
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2014, 21:48:42 »
jagex shouldnt have to do anything concerning a players health.

the 6 hour "boot" was mainly put in place to prevent botting for long periods of time.
in fact. it has nothing to do with player health whatsoever. if it did, it would say something like take a break or something...

why would any company. gaming or not limit its customers to how long they can use a product lol

That and it would be incredibly hard to regulate the hours people play, if they made a 6 hour a day limit per account people would play other accounts, if they did something similar with IP's people would get by it too.


Offline Minin Cape T

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Re: Do Jagex do enough?
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2014, 21:51:22 »
jagex shouldnt have to do anything concerning a players health.

the 6 hour "boot" was mainly put in place to prevent botting for long periods of time.
in fact. it has nothing to do with player health whatsoever. if it did, it would say something like take a break or something...

why would any company. gaming or not limit its customers to how long they can use a product lol

That and it would be incredibly hard to regulate the hours people play, if they made a 6 hour a day limit per account people would play other accounts, if they did something similar with IP's people would get by it too.

jagex would never do that though.


Offline Alan

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Re: Do Jagex do enough?
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2014, 21:53:03 »
Like most people have already said, it really it down to the parents, if Jagex installed cooldown timers where you couldn't log in for x amount of time after playing for x amount of time straight, they could potentially use a lot of money and lose a, lets face it, already dwindling player base at the same time. There's not much more they can really do.


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