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Do Jagex do enough?
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:24:47 »
You often read reports where people die from playing too long on games be it either a console or computer game.  Jagex does have a "6 hour" kick, but is this nearly enough to protect us?

Is it their responsibility to make sure we do not frazzle our brains especially the younger players who aspire to be the type of payer that can play 15 to 20 hours per day.

Bonus xp weekends add to the problem where you are encouraged to play as much as possible to get all that free xp. 

I know you will say its their choice, but I put this to you, addiction is a difficult thing to define and if you look at some of the people in this clan and high players they are addicted.  Jagex want you to be addicted, or they will no longer have a revenue.

I wonder where these games makers would stand if someone took them to court for neglect.  After all we do live in a if there is blame there is a claim.

I personally know of an adult player who had her 5 children removed from her because she played the game for 20 hours a day, not only physically neglecting her children but also emotionally.  She has later had a stroke at age 36, and is now unable to play the game.  Runescape ruined her life, she has issues I know, but could Jagex not have done more to protect her emotional health.

We all know of people that are bullied online and I hear that the high level forums are full of bullies and disrespect.  I ask myself why they allow this to happen in full view of themselves and nothing is done to protect the victims?  Will it take a player to commit suicide before they stand up and protect our younger and more vulnerable players?

I wonder what training programme their customer support recieves to spot online grooming?  I guess nothing, I have asked to see the programme and what knowledge they have as staff about protection against predators they have playing their game, no reply.

We all complain that Jagex are only interested in money and complain about the SOF and being able to buy GPs, when actually we should be looking deeper into how they protect the more vulnerable amongst us.


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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 11:31:55 »
Jagex try to help us with the kicks and stuff as well as them mentioning that you shouldn't play too long as your health is more important. That was an answer to the barb security thing in like 2006

Even though I believe its 50/50 as people need to understand that they shouldn't stay on their computer all day but jagex should also make sure.

After a six hour kick they should add a cool off time of two hours imo.


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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 11:48:17 »
I play for about 10h+ each day, but thats only now becouse I dont have a job atm and my Ggirlfriend is bussy pretty much all nights. I enjoy playing much, but when someone ask if we could do somthing, I wont say no becouse I wanna stay home and play computer games. I've been doing this for about 9 years. Home from work make dinner, play games untill I go to sleep (unless someone wanna do somthing irl) AND I dont really think its up to the game creater to make sure your healthy thats pretty much ur own choice. (but thats what I think)


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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 12:11:55 »
They'd probably win a neglect charge, because you're putting your life at risk for the game, even when there are warnings and kicks in place.


Offline Cam

Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2014, 12:32:46 »
Jagex try to help us with the kicks and stuff as well as them mentioning that you shouldn't play too long as your health is more important. That was an answer to the barb security thing in like 2006

Even though I believe its 50/50 as people need to understand that they shouldn't stay on their computer all day but jagex should also make sure.

After a six hour kick they should add a cool off time of two hours imo.

I was about to suggest a cool down period :P But that doesn't stop you from just playing another game until the cool down is over, I guess there is nothing Jagex as a single entity can do, so that puts the responsibility on the player.

I myself have neglected school work in the past to play Runescape, and looking back at it, it was kind of stupid to put life on hold for a game.
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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2014, 12:33:41 »
It's more of a parental neglect if a kid plays until they drop, Jagex does not encourage it but people play for long hours anyway. You read articles about 12 year olds dying during gameplay for long hours, exactly what were their parents doing? Allowing it so they could take it to court under that if there is blame there us claim rule?



Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2014, 12:38:22 »
It should be up to the parents of the children to monitor how long they are on the computer for and to teach them how unhealthy it may be. Jagex has the 6 hour logout and the game session has ended warnings there to indicate that it may be time to take a break. If someone chooses to ignore that and continue and comes out with serious health problems, tough shit it's their own fault for been so stupid + the parents fault for not checking up on their children if they havn't seen them all day due to them playing a game.


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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2014, 13:39:37 »
Imo while Jagex could do more with warnings and cooldown periods, it is ultimately not their responsibility. Individuals well-being should be monitered by them or in their parents, not Jagex.

As lilly did mention though, issues such as bulling and grooming need to be tackled and I do believe Jagex could do a lot more to address this. If Jagex do have measures in place they need to be made available for us to see.

A public list of usernames who have had action taken against them also would be nice. Temporary bans leading to more severe punishments such as stat roll backs, a forum/ingame mute (temporary/permanent) all the way to an Ip address ban if needed for repeat bullying. For grooming it would be good to know Jagex are reporting individuals to the relevant authorities and stopping any abuse dead ingame and on forums.

So yes, I think Jagex are doing "enough" but I feel they could do a lot more, especially when it comes to bulling and abuse. I feel they need to move away from doing the industry standard, bare minimum, and show the players they are making an effort to support them. It may even help remove the negative image a lot of players have of Jagex.


Offline Greg

Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2014, 13:46:21 »
All about self control and self motivation.

It is like my gambling addiction. In the end, it comes down to the person.

Problem nowadays, even if you aren't on Runescape, the internet will suck you in instantly after you logout. Facebook, cat pictures, shit like that.


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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2014, 14:15:01 »
I really don't know how people can play like that. It's an issue I've never thought on much. I can't really play long sessions with being ridiculously bored and I don't think I've ever been 6hr logged.. I always thought it's sad for someone to play 'all day' and not enjoy life, as we're only given 1 shot at it. But I can understand how the addiction works (I mean I'm here after 8/9 years of playing)..

I mean cool down timers and things would help but like someone said, what's to stop them doing something else for a couple of hours? If they had a block on accounts after so many hours played a day/week people would easily stop playing.. Losing Jagex the money which, at the moment, they seem to desperately crave.

I personally think it shouldn't be down to Jagex to stop people playing..

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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2014, 14:34:27 »
I think it's up to the individual to limit themselves.  If Jagex were to implement time limits on Runescape, people would start demanding the same thing on other games.  Not to mention the people who play this game for 10+ hours a day, whether its for personal pleasure, or the people who profit from it Via Youtube and Streamers, would be in an absolute outrage.


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Re: Do Jagex go enough?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2014, 14:35:07 »
Cool down periods all I can suggest, it's personal.

Some weekends I could sit all weekend and play, other weekends I would rather be out and about doing stuff.

It's all about moderation.

Help should be offered if moderation cannot be found.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Do Jagex do enough?
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2014, 14:41:27 »
Look at it from a persons view that has no control over what they do?

People with addiction problems are hardly likelyto say, I need to revise for this exam , I need to sleep etc, all they will focus on is being the best at what they do.

ooooooo 120 capes arriving, I will play 20 hours straight to get one.


the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.


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Re: Do Jagex do enough?
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2014, 16:57:44 »
I am the kind of player that starts playing the game and then realizes he played to long once it already dark. Other times  I''ll go like 4 or 5 months not playing the game cause real life is getting busy or already busy and fun.Atm I play way to much cause I have nothing else to do  most irl things cost money and money is something  don't have much of. As well i am looking for job and pretty much all available jobs are in the newspaper or on internet so no need to leave the house and waste gas.  It pretty easy to get hooked back on the game after playing for a few mins . I also use this game to escape loneliness . This  clan and runescape game makes me feel like I am not alone . I do think their should a limit to how much u play per day .


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Re: Do Jagex do enough?
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2014, 18:21:53 »
I think a 6 hour kick is enough.
I don't know of a game that truly stops you from playing if you play for too long.

As an example of other games, Final Fantasy XIV has no warnings, League of Legends has no warnings, Maplestory actually REWARDS YOU with bonus EXP if you're logged on for more hours, up to 50% bonus EXP if you've been on for 5 hours straight. They at least have in loading screens "Playing for too long is hazardous to your health", but its not like that stops them.

A 6 hour log is good enough imo. For people who know what it means it at least allows them to be like "I'm not going to log in now" after being booted off. I've done it a few times. I'm sure others have well.

Not allowing players to play their game after a certain amount of time is a bad business choice. People who have the time to play want to be able to play as long as they want. Obviously it doesn't matter to those who don't have the time. I myself, when playing the game 'Rusty Hearts' was upset as it had a built in Stamina meter that if you did enough dungeons you would not get any more EXP if you run out of stamina. They eventually did remove it.

I agree with the rest above, its up to the parent or the player to stop them if they've played for too long.


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