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@Powerless 1) You have not read my comments at all. Quote me where I said a fertilized egg has human rights. I did, however, say a fetus has human rights, which occurs past conception. A fetus has the major body organs, in my opinion, that is enough...2) Chickens, cows, dogs don't have abortions. Do not know where you got that information from.3) Again, you have no read my comments. At no point have I talked about animal pregnancy. What I said is how can we as a society say a fetus has no rights in whether it has the chance to live or not while there are animals like dogs and cats, who are not human but still have the right to live.
@Powerless 1) Consider this scenario: Male is called M and Female is called FM comes home one day and beats his pregnant wife. As a result of M's attack, F's baby is killed. In this situation, M can be prosecuted for the murder of the fetus and the assault of the women. If it had survived but the fetus' development was impacted by the attack, it would be double assault. Under the law, the fetus is considered equal to the woman and has basic human right, though it has not developed into a full baby yet. Also, note double assault. The fetus is a separate entity and not one with the mother, which is how most people justify abortion, and how its a woman's right. That is why the fetus should have human rights and why abortion is immoral2) Contradiction happens all the time. Killing is not okay, it's immoral. However, in self-defence or in the Army killing is pardoned. You see? I cannot vouch for women who have been raped or even imagine the things they go through. Being raped without the added consequence of pregnancy is bad enough, something women their entire will go through processing and recovering from if they do that is. Now add the pregnancy to the equation and the already distress and the chance of miscarriage is a lot higher. Under no circumstance will I ever deny these people abortion. It may be a contradiction, but like my example, they happen all the time. "Let nature take its course" - we would not be here talking about abortion if nature had its say. Also, saving the mother is the what the doctors will always do. I have no control over it and will not argue against it, tough enough being a doctor as it is. Above that, if a mother does die then the fetus is in life threating danger so it would be logical to save the mother first and then try and save the fetus.
1) Consider this scenario: Male is called M and Female is called FM comes home one day and beats his pregnant wife. As a result of M's attack, F's baby is killed. In this situation, M can be prosecuted for the murder of the fetus and the assault of the women. If it had survived but the fetus' development was impacted by the attack, it would be double assault. Under the law, the fetus is considered equal to the woman and has basic human right, though it has not developed into a full baby yet. Also, note double assault. The fetus is a separate entity and not one with the mother, which is how most people justify abortion, and how its a woman's right. That is why the fetus should have human rights and why abortion is immoral
@Powerless 1) Want something philosophical? Modernity has killed any sense of morality.2) You asked why should we give a fetus its rights.Law does change, hence why it legal to have an abortion. But we still class it as a person when in court. Therefore it has basic rights. How killing a fetus has become a sense of emancipation I do not know. 3) I have absolutely no care if you think its moral or not because you can't see the forest for its tree. Nothing will change your mind because of that. I can do nothing more for you, dear. 4) I have played Devil's Advocate for the sake of discussion and not once has anyone give me an example of how abortion is moral or one the remotely well thought out. But you can try if you want.
@Powerless I don't understand. Claims without evidence... I gave you a real-life scenario in which a fetus by law is acknowledged as a separate entity with rights. Just because I placed no names does not mean it did not happen.1) Cornified cells like skin have a nuclei so it devlops properly. After this is done it destroys it self to make space for protein. This makes the cell to die, however, still providing support and warmth. This is why you can scrub away dead skin or be fun when you get a cut. 2) To disregard a fetus' right because it's not self-sustaining is not a valid point at all. Children out of the womb are not self-sustaining, most teenagers are not self-sustaining. To some extent, even some adults still sustain off their parents. So by your conclusions, these people are not worthy of humans rights. We are not self-sustaining animals. Also, when you say "potential" to become a human, what are you implying? I assume you mean in the case of miscarriage. To that, I say we mourn it as if we have lost the life of a human life. 3) What you save first does not show value or importance. What if you place a woman and a man in a corner and choose to save the woman, is the man not important? It all comes down to the situation. What if the person who was doing the saving was also going through the IVF procedure and knew their potential child was on that cart. For a mother or potential mother its instinct to protect her child no matter the cost. 4) Agree, it all comes down to interpretation. Hence why this debate is so subjective. 5) Your right vs respect arguments lacks a conclusion. What sort of respect do you mean in terms of the fetus? And what do you mean by "for what it is"?6) A newly born child relies on the woman to breastfeed. Does that mean the women has ownership of the child? Can she kill that child as it still relies on her for food? No. So it does not matter if it's inside or outside the body, the point still stands that a fetus is not part of a women's body, it just happens to grow inside it. No one has asked when a woman's body is expected but when the baby is expected. 7) In a perfect world, all children will recieve love and care. However, even planned pregnancies can lead to children being neglected, abused or abandoned. Nor is the man and women alone in pregnancy or when looking after a child. We are lucky as a society that there are charities and government programmes to help raise children. At no point will I ever say it should be illegal. I rather someone have an abortion in a clinic than use a coat hanger and kill the fetus and themselves. I simply believe it to be immoral.
@Powerless I know you made arguments about why people believe the fetus should have rights. But you also give your own opinion beneath them. That is what I am responding to. 1) your point about the Human Genome did not invalidate anything. Yes, no one would argue the for skin cell independence, this is because skin cells are not individual, its part of our genome not separated from it. I'll admit I do not understand the point you made, the part about skin cells threw me off and I can't wrap my head are how absurd it is. I'm sorry, but you going to have to clarify in better detail. 2) My point still stands. Okay, so the biological mother may not be taking care if it but if someone is then the argument still applies. It's not self-sustaining, it may drink someone else's breastmilk, it does not matter who takes care of it, but that someone does. Though I do like that point on the fetus not being able to survive without the host. Hard to argue against You'll be interested to know that there are science advancements that are taking place where they are recreating an artificial uterus. The impact of this, I guess is still unknown. 3) I'll give you that my point was really bad. However, you are implying that given the situation the human will be saved 100% of the time. I admit the majority of people will, but I would also bet that some would have saved the embryos. It like that question do you save 1 and let 100 dies or save 100 and let 1 die. It all depends on what people have been through. Of course, those of public service would save the man first. I have no idea what a technician at the lab would do. This is a tough argument. One that can easily be able to agree and disagree on. 4) Guess we both agree. 5) Okay, I do like this point. The issue is that when the woman wants the baby then as a society we accept it as if it was a developed human. This is why I bring up law. But when the woman does not want it then the fetus is regarded as nothing. This is the big issue I have. 6) I agree. But if we look at it scientifically, even with unplanned parenthood the women go through a biological change in that we see an increase in hormones that can change her as in she becomes more caring and nurturing in time for the child. The shows the perhaps that abortion is unnatural and goes against the natural order. However, society and culture also play an effect to what extent we follow science and nature.7) It's unfair to assume that pro-life do not care about the child beyond birth. The issue of poverty, abuse, child neglect is an issue that needs to be looked at on its own, rather than being a branch of another subject.Also, there are pro-choice who believe a woman has every right to drink or smoke while pregnant even though it stunts development and how it causes major health problems for the child. Neither side is perfect.Maybe help raise children was the wrong phrase but you would be surprised how much aid there is and what you are entitled to as a parent. Things like maternity leave and pay, shared perentaly leave and pay, maternity allowance, the list goes on. These aids are there from the time you are preganant and when the child goes to school. Also you cannot disregard the law or justice system in this arguement because its the centre of our society and everything we do is revolved around it. Sure it may of flaws but does not mean its invalid as an argument. Nothing is every black or white. There needs to be a legitimate debate when it comes to the law.