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Offline Powerless

Re: Debate - Abortion
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2018, 19:51:49 »
1) Your point does not make sense. Skin cells begin with having DNA in them so it can form in the first place. But once they have formed it no longer has any DNA as it destroys itself. Most cells contain DNA but that does not mean it uses it all. Only specific parts are used so each part of our body can function properly. The different cells in our body express a fraction of our genes and it represses the other. 

2) A fetus and mother relationship is not at all like a parasite and its host. The role of the placenta is what makes this relationship so dynamic. When a mother is healthy then the placenta will increase the rate it absorbs nutrients but if the mother's health at any point is compromised then the placenta will reduce how much it absorbs for her well being and take only the amount that is needed to develop.
There is also research that shows that a fetus will use its own stem cells to help repair the damage it does to the mother's heart. It may not use its mouth to eat but the fetus is much more than a parasite or some sort of a tumour that many believe it to be.

3) Personally, I do not like the idea of using human instinct is a good form of argument as it is so unpredictable, similar to human rationality. I do see your point though. I would save the man before the embryos too. But my reason is not that I don't see embryos as life but the nature of IVF and ethics. This argument is the equivalent to saving the mother before the fetus I assume. That's something I can agree on.

6) Perhaps you are right here. However, if you stray too far what is natural the line between moral and immoral becomes blurred.

7) An interesting perspective, but also a different debate.

I'm growing tiresome on this point about the law. I will not budge on this point and nor will you. Every time we have argued our side its always been with the same argument. We have to agree to disagree on this. For me, morality and law are so intertwined in our society. For you, it's not.

Honestly, I think I've said everything on the side of how abortion may be considered immoral. I have given this side of the argument because it's important that someone does and that we should always question our selves on issues that are so emotive and that we do not cower away because feeling may get hurt. We can only do great things as a society if we stick to the moral path.

What I have argued does not necessarily reflect my own personal attitudes.

It was fun discussing with you powerless, peace brother :)

I won't go through and try and refute either. Had a good discussion. This is the kind of stuff I'm wanting to bring back to the debates forum - civil, polite, and courteous debate. We'll agree to disagree (sort of, since when it comes to what the law should be we actually agree lol). Was nice chatting with you too.  ^^


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