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Creationism vs. Evolution - What do you think?
« on: July 12, 2013, 22:14:31 »
This is an interesting video I stumbled across whilst at university.

I have learnt about the formation of the Earth and solar system, geological periods, etc and have been told that the Earth is more than a few thousand years old. I think although the fossil record is largely incomplete it provides crucial evidence of evolution and I find it difficult to understand how some people can believe otherwise, the idea of creationism.

I'm aware there are different theories which contradict both of these, but I think these are the main two and the two that most people talk about.

Please do not take offence if you believe in creationism or are a christian, I am only expressing my opinion and it does not reflect the wider majority. Please also keep any offensive comments off this thread, otherwise they will be removed.

So, what are your opinions on the argument of creationism versus evolutionary theories? Or do you not agree with either of them?


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Creationism vs. Evolution - What do you think?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2013, 22:47:27 »
Boring. Will find out when I die and I'm standing at the pearly gates.


Offline Sunshine Kid

Re: Creationism vs. Evolution - What do you think?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2013, 23:35:39 »
Okay so I had a thought, many religions are founded on the idea that a god created the universe and entities to inhabit it.

What if "God" was in-fact once a living person, whom himself question his mortality and existence.
And questioned what happens when a person dies, where do they go, for instance.

Having decided on what he deemed an acceptable response, set out on a journey to spread his word and detailing his journey within a book.
This would sort of be in line with the concept of God, Jesus H. Christ and the holy spirit.

Religion isn't exactly trying to prove a point but more offer an answer to an otherwise impossible question.

Views have changed since the times of René Descartes, whom questioned his own existence and suggested "cogito ergo sum", I think therefore I am, the simple notion that because he thinks about his existence he must exist to do so.
Or even Ancient Greece, where people believed that the Sun was led by Apollo and his golden chariot.

For a long time people didn't understand how these things worked, so they make up reasons that were thought to be suitable.


Offline Minin Cape T

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Re: Creationism vs. Evolution - What do you think?
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 23:37:57 »
Idgaf ism the only right one


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Creationism vs. Evolution - What do you think?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2013, 13:35:20 »
that was really interesting, how can such an intelligent man make himself look such a fool



Re: Creationism vs. Evolution - What do you think?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2013, 14:13:28 »
As a Deist, I believe in Evolution.

If I don't understand the results of something, or if it doesn't fit, I can't turn to a scripture and say "Oh okay, this is why" I personally have to know or see why for myself.

although the fossil record is largely incomplete it provides crucial evidence of evolution and I find it difficult to understand how some people can believe otherwise, the idea of creationism.


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