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Offline Only Lilly

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Charity begins at home?
« on: January 20, 2014, 23:15:03 »
We all hear of the world disasters, wars and tragedies.

The whole world is in crisis, who are the most needy?  Is it fair to send billions to 3rd world countries, that will never be able to the debt back?

Why cant we all realise that we are all humans and no matter where we live, whatever is the colour of our skin we are all humans.

Do you agree with foreign charities?



Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2014, 23:19:45 »
I do, but i don't donate to anything though. I am a member of UNICEF and Amnesty and have been for a few years now, I like what they work with and i want to support them, but i don't wanna donate to some random charity program.


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 23:20:42 »
I don't get why we give all our money overseas when our own country is a shithole and full of our own problems.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 23:22:11 »
I don't get why we give all our money overseas when our own country is a shithole and full of our own problems.

what about natural disasters?  Should we leave victims of earthquakes to die?


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2014, 23:28:54 »
I don't get why we give all our money overseas when our own country is a shithole and full of our own problems.

what about natural disasters?  Should we leave victims of earthquakes to die?

Natural disaster I suppose are okay to donate to since they are naturally occurring and most of the time they are unforeseen so nothing can be done to prevent them. People who have lost their homes in landslides and such and need shelter and food and water.

I wouldn't donate to things like Africa though where the problems are never ending and it's just pumping money into their country but nothing is ever solved. Harsh as it may sound. Their government needs to sort itself out but it just doesn't care.



Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2014, 04:17:05 »
I Personally would never donate to a charity.

I Would much prefer to do a bunch of unpaid working hours doing something that I can see is making a difference.

For Example: Going to Uganda etc and building homes, wells and things that will make a difference.

donating money to a charity is just a money maker for the owner as you know most charity's only donate about %20 of their incomes.


Offline Cam

Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2014, 08:53:02 »
I don't donate to charity very often, pretty much the only charity I donate to is help the heroes.

There are plenty of charities for people to donate to if they want, charities specifically for aid abroad and charities helping in your home country. I think it's mainly down to the person to decide who and if they want to donate to.

But I do see people's point about sorting yourself out before helping others. Especially when David Cameron donates billions of taxpayer's money against their will for foreign aid when we are still in a recession. I always wonder how many countries would repay the favour if anything happened to us?
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Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2014, 10:33:47 »
I only donate to the natural disasters and  that's it. Cause half the time i dont actully know what they do to the money


Offline Aghast

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Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2014, 10:43:17 »
I would only donate to a local charity, that way I know where my money is going.

I don't believe in helping out other countries, when you have problems of your own. They need to learn how to figure out their problems, not depend on richer, stronger nations to help get them out of their affairs. I don't believe that we need to get involved in every single natural disaster, catastrophe, etc with other countries. It's a waste of taxpayer money, that could be used to fix domestic stuff.


Offline Rune

Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2014, 11:18:10 »
I don't get why we give all our money overseas when our own country is a shithole and full of our own problems.
This, politicians do the same in Denmark..



Re: Charity begins at home?
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2014, 18:40:00 »
People always bring up that we have responsibilities to do things like this, yeah in some circumstances we do, and most we don't give. Unless it's a dutiful command for me to give money I won't give them. I work long hours for my own money, and certainly won't be sending it off across the world unless I'm going with it


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