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Offline Krazy Golf

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Censorship of Pornography
« on: July 22, 2013, 11:06:58 »
Heavily debated topic, with strong views for and against.

Very lucrative industry with millions of viewers a day, high wages, high government taxation.

Health risks (STDs), misrepresentative images of women and sex in general, pressure to perform. Many stories of ex-stars who have been mentally and physically scarred by the industry.

Do you think pornography should be censored? Prime Minister David Cameron explains below how he plans to block it from ISPs unless you personally request it. Could be a potentially embarrassing phone call.


I personally do not think it should, but efforts to keep those under age from viewing should be increased.

What are your thoughts?


Offline Zach

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Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2013, 11:45:13 »
No way it should be censored, it would be a huge waste. There would always be ways around that no matter what you do- proxies, etc. Underaged viewing? That's a pretty minor issue that they're pursuing. If they're worried about the internet, why not focus on something a little more harmful; like the gore websites and underground drug websites.


Offline Adam

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Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 11:49:04 »
Personally, I don't think it should have a huge blackout.

Children are growing up to know things that they should not at their age, but that's the act of growing up.
Like you said Dec, more efforts should be made in making it more difficult to watch Pornography/View Pornography online to stop Children from doing so.

But I don't feel it's necessary to have to ring your ISP to get this unblocked, it's not needed.
Telling someone you don't know that you want to view pornography over the phone?

I know that on Vodafone sim users phones, when you try to access Pornography or Mature sites such as Online Dating, it asks you to go to your local store to prove you at 18+ to get it unlocked, and I disagree with this.

This is something that needs majorly discussing, as it is all confusion at this moment in time.


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Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2013, 11:52:48 »
That would be a hugely embarrassing phone call to make! Lol

But I do agree that measures should be taken to not allow children that aren't of age to watch that sort of thing.


Offline Krazy Golf

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Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2013, 11:54:31 »
No way it should be censored, it would be a huge waste. There would always be ways around that no matter what you do- proxies, etc. Underaged viewing? That's a pretty minor issue that they're pursuing. If they're worried about the internet, why not focus on something a little more harmful; like the gore websites and underground drug websites.

Is it a minor issue though? You hear these scary percentages of something like 40% of viewers are under-age. Now whether these are fabricated statistics or not, it is hard to tell. But they certainly do tell a story.

And I agree with you on the last part, they should focus on tackling the illegal websites, especially child pornography and substance abuse sites.


Offline Rune

Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2013, 11:55:06 »
Fuck censorship, all I have to say.
I think I started watching porn when I was 13 or something.


Offline Greg

Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2013, 12:28:33 »
I quote from Dr Cox from Scrubs,

If you delete porn from the internet, you will just have one website called bring back the porn.



Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2013, 12:29:35 »
I'd rather there be porn today for kids, then kids out there trying it. I can't tell you how many people I knew, young people, that got pregnant in school and now their lives are ruined.



Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2013, 12:35:46 »
It would just be a waste of money on any governments part to attempt to enforce this. There are actions individual parents can take to prevent them from being able to view stuff like this for ~$5 a month through their net companies, i know because we have it on our computers due to chris living here and having a knack for it.

I'd rather there be porn today for kids, then kids out there trying it. I can't tell you how many people I knew, young people, that got pregnant in school and now their lives are ruined.
^so very true.


Offline Cam

Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2013, 13:08:59 »
We are slowly losing our rights to free will day by day, lol. If people want to watch porn that is up to them. I don't see why they should have to ask permission to do so.
It's not the pornography company's fault if children stumble upon their website. The parents should be monitoring young children whilst they are online anyway. So why should the pornography industry suffer for something out of their control?
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Offline Tommykillme

Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2013, 23:41:41 »
The laws (in Uk 18+ and some US states 18+ or 21+) to view this material.

To me, laws are laws.

Take selling alcohol and cigarettes for example. - this is of course a different nature but a controlled law of a production.

I do agree that like these it should be restricted. If you buy a magazine or film involving pornography you are asked for the relevant identification of age. This should apply to the Internet. So I do support.

On a side note, parents with children (I class children by law stating under 18 in the UK for this nature of material) should ensure that there are the restrictions and limits on the Internet they have for their children.

I have not read David Cameron's views. After his back going on the tuition fees for UK university students I no longer wish to regard his promises or views. I did, and can admit, making a mistake with my governmental vote.


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Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2013, 03:46:04 »
I'll say the same thing i've said with the gun laws Obama tried to pass.

No matter the product, if you put more restrictions on something, that just gives people more reason to do whatever they possibly can to get past.


Offline Rune

Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2013, 13:10:54 »
It's the exact opposite in Denmark, you can call to turn on a pornofilter.


Offline Zach

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Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2013, 14:06:09 »
I'll say the same thing i've said with the gun laws Obama tried to pass.

No matter the product, if you put more restrictions on something, that just gives people more reason to do whatever they possibly can to get past.

Your right in so many ways.

Marijuana Prohibition- Have to be a criminal to sell it in most places, 42% of the United States have tried it.
Prohibition of Alcohol- Increase in dangerous mobs to sell liquor, thousand of people died over just getting liquor.
The first Prohibition- (God said don't eat the apple in the tree, and guess what happened.)



Re: Censorship of Pornography
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2013, 14:55:19 »

I think the general block of a filter - that can be turned on if requested, seems a fair trade off in protecting children's innocences (to some extent) and in allowing those of legal age (18) to view such. If you want it - you can have it just ask for it basically.

The other debate, which is in tangent, is the debate of allowing children to be exposed for their own good( learning about the world) or protecting them from things they may not be ready for

At least it will not be a flat out ALL PORN is banned, or yes, there probably would be a site called "bring back the porn"

But it is a slight knee jerk reaction to the recent murders etc, that have had pornography (rightly or wrongly) attributed in certain ways
-eg the murder of april jones; the murderer had been watching child porn....

People will always have the reverse psychology of, ooh something is banned lets try it. that is just human nature... and so teen pregnancy will probably still remain rife - but in part due to poor parenting, part to do with attitude, and partly other factors. not one singular ( and i speak from family experience; as my cousin had the best parents ever, loving caring, would die for her - but the more they tried the worse she got, and it was all to do with sticking two fingers up at them, and society, and she ended up pregnant n doing drugs etc when she was 15/16. but is kind of clean now...so)


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