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Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
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Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
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Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
December 06, 2011, 03:23:20 »
Whats goin on..
So my Aunt-in-law posts this on fb.. I watched it and I thought "Teachers should of been there for him.."
Can the teachers not do anything before?
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
Reply #1 on:
December 06, 2011, 04:34:03 »
It's hard to make a statement without knowing the facts or circumstances, but speaking in general terms, most schools are understaffed and that is what I believe to be the core problem. One of its concomitants is inadequate supervision and education in general will suffer. Students don't get the support they need; they become understimulated and disinterested. This is often manifested in troublesome behavior, and if you add the lack of supervision into that equation, it is no surprise bullying has increased in correlation to cutbacks. It is evident that the government needs to subsidize schools considerably more than they do today. I know money is the underlying and never-ending predicament to pretty much everything in our society. I'm definitely not a politician, and maybe there are greater needs imminent, but when put in perspective, this is our future we are talking about. Can anyone honestly say they are satisfied with how most schools are administered?
There is one thing that costs every society a lot of unnecessary money, and ironically it is something most of us hate; bureaucracy. With all the authorities and instances, lack of collaboration, inefficiency etc, several hundred millions are being used to accomplish literally nothing. If something needs an overhaul with cutbacks, it is our political system.
While we wait for our politicians to pull their heads out of their asses, maybe classes related to empathy is something to be looked into.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"
Re: Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
Reply #2 on:
December 06, 2011, 04:42:05 »
My law teacher brought this up about two weeks ago. We were doing a Current Event's article and it was on a boy killing himself over being bullied, and, like yourself Lach a student asked, "well don't the teachers notice"? Our teacher explained that they need to be absolutely 100% positive before doing anything at all. A teacher can get into a large amount of trouble if they contact a parent regarding depression or other serious matters, and the child, in turn, is not depressed. Like Jonah says, he LOOKS happy on the outside. A teacher may suspect an underlying issue but without being 100% positive it is very risky for both the student and teacher if the teacher brings it up. Adding to this point, if the student is not depressed he/she may take it as offense, and an over-reacting parent may believe something is wrong with their child, even in cases where nothing is actually wrong.
Playing devil's advocate you can then look at it from the "better safe than sorry" point of view; and to that my teacher had no response.
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
Reply #3 on:
December 06, 2011, 04:54:54 »
Honestly, I don't think any students in 8th grade look at their teachers as a 'role model' or person they can turn to for advice. I think the parents are to blame IF ANYONE. Everyone needs someone they can turn to when things get rough, and when you don't have that person is when things get tough. A girl from around here killed herself by placing her head on the railroad tracks behind her house a little over two years ago. Looking back it's painful to see what a great person they were and know that they more than likely didn't have anyone to tell them that before they left.
Only Lilly
Join Date: Sep 2011
Only Lilly
Re: Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
Reply #4 on:
December 06, 2011, 07:16:25 »
(HAI DAIR) Was Jonah Mowry lying? You decide.
Only Lilly
Join Date: Sep 2011
Only Lilly
Re: Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
Reply #5 on:
December 06, 2011, 07:28:07 »
Remember the second video was taken 4 months after!
I believe that at that time he was feeling that way.
If nothing else it tells people that you don't feel like that forever.
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Can teachers not do anything for this boy before he got here?
Reply #6 on:
December 06, 2011, 14:48:28 »
To all my friends and supporters,
I made this video 4 months ago just before school was about to start. I was 13. It was a very emotionally dark time in my life. I made the video at 4:00am in the morning; I hadn't been sleeping at night for a long time, too many things going on in my head. I was dreading going back to school and I had not come out to my family yet. Only my closest friends knew. I didn't know how to say what I needed to say. All I could think about were all the bad things that had been happening at school last year, every year for that matter. I just couldn't bare to go through that anymore. I was done being fake happy, pretending hateful words didn't hurt, done hiding it from my family.
So this video was made for my friends that had moved on to High School who were worried for me, to say to them that I was going to take a stand, and to the haters at my middle school that I'm not going anywhere. I am who I am. I posted the video here and told people were to find it. That was it.
My friends were moved by the video and thought I did something important. I was encouraged to upload it to my Facebook page so more people could see it. Maybe it could help someone else going through the same thing. So I linked it Dec. 1st. My Parents saw it for the first time Dec, 2nd.
Then..... all this happened.
I never expected in a million years that it would have such a wonderful impact on so many people. I am truly humbled and truly thankful for all the love, encouragement and support from people all over the world. It's been incredibly overwhelming. I don't know what to say. Thank you so, so much!
Lastly, yes you have seen me happy in a couple short videos replies I posted; I would think that would be a good thing ?, and yes I do have friends, my High School friends, and I have made friends because when I came out they realized that they had hurt me and that they fealt sorry. The video is real, and true.
In the last few months everything eventually came out in the open, I felt a huge weight off my shoulders; I'm happy, I'm excepted for who I am, I'm more confident and feel stronger every day.
Thank you all, Love and peace to all who are hurting.
Jonah Mowry"
That's what the video description currently says.
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