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Cameron's Rants
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:50:36 »
I'm making this thread just so I can get some things off my chest and I can pretty much let those who care how I personally feel about certain things. I will go into as much depth as I believe is needed. I will post every time I feel there is a topic I actually need to discuss.

Today's is just simple and it's about Runescape.
Transferring items and or money to another account.

I can BARELY understand the problem with doing such a thing. If you made the money yourself on your "main" or another account and you want to give something to your other account then by all means, do it. I don't care. I won't be mad at you or anything.
How can you personally call someone out on that if they WORKED for the money? I mean honestly. What's the logic in that?
I don't really see any possible counter argument to this unless perhaps the person either:
1. Lies about transferring or not
2. The person didn't actually work for the things (rwt and such)

I get really annoyed when I see people around Runescape just piss and moan about it. It gets old and has been happening forever.


Dark Windz

Re: Cameron's Rants
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2012, 08:07:53 »
I agree on you with that.



Re: Cameron's Rants
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 02:53:10 »
Aww, shit.

Fucking speaks for itself. He's so God damn ignorant...and just scum.
He believes if ANYONE I mean ANYONE was in his position that they would make the same decision. So...according to him, everyone has the same exact mindset as he does? Not everyone would make the same decision. I know I wouldn't. I can't stand people who are so damn narrow minded.


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Re: Cameron's Rants
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2012, 03:02:28 »
mhmm only watched less than a minute and thought it was stupid as fuck


Offline Winter

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Re: Cameron's Rants
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2012, 14:09:49 »
I used to be subscribed to Stokenut for a few months last year and I did enjoy his videos BUT I agree he's a narrow minded person and that is what caused me to not subscribe to him again on the YouTube account I currently use.

It's actually unbelievable how much money he made from it and then he's managing to get even more money by having partnership on YouTube as he gets a decent amount of views. However, I personally wouldn't pass up the opportunity if it was offered to me but I'd actually spend it on things like university fees and seeing a certain somebody. :P But yeah, he deserved to be banned and anyone (even if it was me) who does this deserves to be banned.



Re: Cameron's Rants
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2012, 14:28:04 »
I personally wouldn't pass up the opportunity if it was offered to me but I'd actually spend it on things like university fees and seeing a certain somebody. :P

But.. it doesn't cost that much with train to see Pluto, does it?


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