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Offline Cam

Blood & Organ Transplant
« on: October 23, 2011, 13:26:32 »
I thought this would be an interesting topic to delve into since I've recently just joined the organ and blood donor register.

There are a lot of people who are not on the register and could be perfect for it, since it is voluntary to opt into, and people just don't think about it.

Do you think everyone should be registered at birth, and people should opt out instead? There are on average three people in the UK that die each day waiting for a transplant because there are not enough organs available, alongside of that, there are 10,000 others of all ages in the UK who are in desperate need of an organ transplant.

Do you like the idea of donating your organs and blood when you pass away?
I'd like to give people another chance of life should mine be cut short. And I'd hope to think others would do the same back, should I need a transplant.

What do you think of the idea of donating your organs to someone who has abused their body themselves, such as alcoholics who are in need of liver transplants?
Obviously they should be given a chance, although in my opinion, they should be the lowest priority on the list, and those who are in need of transplants who did not cause it to themselves should be at the top.

Do you think age and profession should also be considered on who gets the transplant? Such as making a the decision between a youth and the elderly and a milkman and a doctor. (Not saying being a milkman is the worst of jobs). Should the decision be between two students, one studying medicine, and one studying carpentry, do you think one should be prioritised over the other?

If you have not joined the register, would you join in the future?

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Offline Thunderite

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Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 13:44:53 »
I already joined the Blood one and just waiting to have an op before I donate else I would of done already. My fam is already on blood list (except mum who can't), I think if you can donate, then you should definitely put yourself on the list.

Might end up being you that is in need of it one day.


Offline Winter

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Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 13:50:10 »
I personally think if you can donate then you should donate - I for one, personally would like to put myself on both of those registers so my organs and blood won't go to waste when I die and can be given to somebody else in desperate need of them.

I personally think people who will soon enough die without a donor should be at the top of the list - your profession and/or age shouldn't really be taken into consideration but if you're a child or an elderly person then you'll probably soon enough die without a donor anyway.

I think more people need to donate and instead of multiplying the population we should be trying to care for those we already have - quality over quantity.



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 15:45:10 »
I agree with Abbie. If you donate you won't be hurting anyone, you'll be helping someone. If you don't when you're able to, you're hurting someone. It's like watching someone die in front of you and you do nothing but just watch. You could help them but you just choose not to when you could be saving a life.

That one thing can make a big difference to the person you're donating to and people close to them.



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 17:15:07 »
I also registered yesterday ^^

I came home after I got my license and my little brother and cousin asked why I had a heart on my license.
&& I told him "When I die, my organs and tissues will be donated to people who needs them"
They said "Why would you ever do that?".
I told him "I'm not going to use them when I'm dead, might as well save someone"
He said I was stupid, but once he gets older he might actually realize that it's a good thing.

I'm not sure if the UK gives you a card or puts something that indicates that you're a donor on your license.
but in American they put a little red heart on peoples licence/ID if they want to be a donor.



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2011, 17:35:27 »
I've not registered as of yet, I think in the future I will though. I personally don't like giving blood because it makes me sick for a few days and I feel weak. I wish I could though, but I think registering is a very noble thing to do. Even though you're not going to need your organs when you die one side of my brain tells me it would rather keep the whole body in-tact, but that's just stupid thinking.

I will register soon but I don't think there will ever be enough organs for people who need them. It's always great to help push towards the cause though and anyone's who's taken time out to go onto the list I respect you.



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2011, 17:48:58 »
I am not a blood/organ donor.

In the United States, when you get a driver's license you get to choose whether or not you want to. (at least that's how it is in New Jersey)

I just don't like the idea of my parts inside somebody else, even if I'm not using them, its weird to me because there are stories all the time about how people who get transplants suddenly like things they've never done or heard of (because memories are stored in all of your cells, not just your brain).  You can look up stories about it if you want, its been in the news over here several times...and personally, my body parts are my business.

I think that whoever needs it most should get it...Young before old, etc --unless there are other circumstances. Sadly, its become: which ever old white man has the most money gets the transplant. I don't agree with this, but the system that it works in allows for loopholes such as this. (it has to do with being able to fly across the world to get the body part instead of them having to ship it here = more $)


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Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2011, 03:54:45 »
I am not a blood/organ donor.

In the United States, when you get a driver's license you get to choose whether or not you want to. (at least that's how it is in New Jersey)

I just don't like the idea of my parts inside somebody else, even if I'm not using them, its weird to me because there are stories all the time about how people who get transplants suddenly like things they've never done or heard of (because memories are stored in all of your cells, not just your brain).  You can look up stories about it if you want, its been in the news over here several times...and personally, my body parts are my business.

I think that whoever needs it most should get it...Young before old, etc --unless there are other circumstances. Sadly, its become: which ever old white man has the most money gets the transplant. I don't agree with this, but the system that it works in allows for loopholes such as this. (it has to do with being able to fly across the world to get the body part instead of them having to ship it here = more $)

The only thing i have to ask is why would any of that matter when you're dead?
You're Dead they can't fix that. It's permanent. Never going to change. Why would it matter who gets your organs if you're dead? What i got from you're arugment was that because a 70 year old man may get an organ over a 17 year old kid you won't do this?

It's your opinion and i respect that but to be honest man that has to be the down right dumbest thing I've ever heard of as an argument for why someone wouldn't be an organ donor.

Regardless of what life you may save all life is worth saving.



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2011, 05:04:45 »
I am not a blood/organ donor.

In the United States, when you get a driver's license you get to choose whether or not you want to. (at least that's how it is in New Jersey)

I just don't like the idea of my parts inside somebody else, even if I'm not using them, its weird to me because there are stories all the time about how people who get transplants suddenly like things they've never done or heard of (because memories are stored in all of your cells, not just your brain).  You can look up stories about it if you want, its been in the news over here several times...and personally, my body parts are my business.

I think that whoever needs it most should get it...Young before old, etc --unless there are other circumstances. Sadly, its become: which ever old white man has the most money gets the transplant. I don't agree with this, but the system that it works in allows for loopholes such as this. (it has to do with being able to fly across the world to get the body part instead of them having to ship it here = more $)
What i got from you're arugment was that because a 70 year old man may get an organ over a 17 year old kid you won't do this?

I agreed with you until you said that ^.
I would rather my organs go to a 17 year old boy than a 70 year old man.
Because that man had 70 years of experience in life while that boy only had 17 years.

And what he said about the loop holes is completely true and it shouldn't be allowed.
I wouldn't call what he said dumb,nor should you, because it's his own views on life.


Offline Iuro

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Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2011, 19:08:20 »
So you're saying because the guy is old his life is not worth saving?



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2011, 19:32:52 »
People can do whatever they want with me when i'm dead.  I mean what do i care, I'm dead.


Offline Wintastical

Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2011, 21:06:05 »
I try to donate blood often, but it leaves marks on my arm and I look like a heroin addict. 

I definitely think there should be a priority 'system' involved with organ transplants.  There was a man on death row who was given a heart transplant, only to be executed a few months later. 

I'll sign up to be an organ donor at some point.  If people need my organs when I'm dead they can have them.  If they wanna use me as a pinata they can.  Like Jesse said, I'll be dead so I can't really object to it.



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2011, 00:56:13 »
So you're saying because the guy is old his life is not worth saving?

Huge misconception.
Never once did I say that nor will I ever.

I'm saying that 70 year old man has lived a long life, hopefully a happy one.
Now, that 17 year old boy barely had a chance to live.

I would rather that 17 year old boy live 53 more years,
rather than that 70 year old man living 6 more years.
(Average age to die is 76)



Re: Blood & Organ Transplant
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2011, 02:47:53 »
So you're saying because the guy is old his life is not worth saving?

I'm saying that 70 year old man has lived a long life, hopefully a happy one.
Now, that 17 year old boy barely had a chance to live.

I would rather that 17 year old boy live 53 more years,
rather than that 70 year old man living 6 more years.
(Average age to die is 76)


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