
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Matty on September 07, 2013, 18:03:48

Title: Australian Politics
Post by: Matty on September 07, 2013, 18:03:48
So The Liberals took control of Government today, what does this mean for Australia and its people?

From my understanding, and the only two thing i really listened to though the election, is that Tony Abbott as promised to give apprentices a 20k loan.  The thing im really not impressed with though, Australia, is very behind with internet speed, connectivity and prices.

I didnt vote today, because of my extreme work hours, so now im facing a $35 fine Woo!

If anyone could give me more information on anything politics related id be grateful
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Krazy Golf on September 07, 2013, 19:13:25
I don't have a lot of knowledge on Australian politics but I've watched a few videos of Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott in the last few days. I have to say I am not impressed with Abbott in the slightest, he seems to be quite a devout christian and holds views of anti-same sex marriage which I think is totally wrong. I understand he has also said a few wrong things in his time (all politicians do) regarding women. Not sure he is the right thing for Australia right now, but only time will tell.
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Matty on September 07, 2013, 23:54:57
I wish there as a "Like" Button, im agree with you
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Thunderite on September 08, 2013, 11:00:53
You get fined if you do not vote?
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Only Lilly on September 08, 2013, 11:37:08
You get fined if you do not vote?

to be honest thats the bit that shocked me!!!

Although I do think everyone should have to vote, what happens if you spoil your vote?
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: George on September 08, 2013, 11:48:11
from what i can tell your old pm lost peoples confidence spectacularly and the new guy is so old fashioned in his way of thinking. Seems like almost every developed countries problem atm.
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Kevin on September 09, 2013, 02:33:19
Wen Tony Abbott got told of a soldier's death in Afghanistan he said 'Shit happens,' then he later said it was out of context and when people questioned him about the context and stuff he had no reply, this is not a good leader for us, how he won the election I do not know because politics sucks and IDRC about it
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Jawz on September 09, 2013, 04:05:11
He is the absolute worst!!! I don't know one person that voted for him, the whole election has been a complete load of shit. If you look into how the media viewed the election in the weeks prior to it, it is so obviously rigged. He's all about the rich staying rich and the poor getting sweet fuck all. His view on the environment and animals and what not is atrocious as well. Looking forward to leaving Australia when I finish my degree.
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Egypt on September 09, 2013, 05:43:05
Look, I don't know much about this guy but it seems to me that he's going to be more like Fathi Sorour in Egypt

Why not? from what I've read he doesn't seem to know 25% of what goes on in his own country, he doesn't know what his people want and he was never good at taking decisions

Maybe we're all judging too quickly on that? maybe he'll do fine and run the country in the right way. We don't know yet

We can't judge someone from his past, but from his present

Ps: If he was not good then you'd better watch videos about Egyptian Revolution 2011 & 2013 ;)
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Winter on September 09, 2013, 07:02:26
He's a Conservative, right? (Or the equivalent to it)

Hate him. Hate him even more after reading up about his views on same-sex marriage and what Australian people are saying here.

I read that he "won by a landslide" - smells like bullshit.

I find it surprising you get fined if you don't vote though.
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Paul on September 09, 2013, 09:35:23
I thought the fine was higher Maffew, I was told it was shy of $200.
I voted Labour, I heard way too many bad things about Abbott.. I heard that he was removing Sunday and public Holiday Rates, Cutting out overtime pay, Delaying the National Broadband Network, removing HECS-FEE help for Students (Meaning University Students need to pay their $4000-$5000 a Semester upfront) and a couple of other minor things.
Also to answer Lilly if we spoil our vote nothing happens we vote anonymously, but when we go to a Polling Area, we have to have our names checked off.
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Matty on September 09, 2013, 11:08:00
Paul, i haven't received the fine yet, although i am expecting one hopefully not $200 :(
Have you seen the documentation about the Nbn, its a joke, from what i saw of it.
As for removing my penalty rates, i am not happy Jan! I work weekends, public holidays (Even Christmas Day), late shifts and overtime for a reason.
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Thunderite on September 09, 2013, 18:29:43
A fine for not voting is ridiculous since you shouldn't be forced to vote. And hey Joel and Paul, who randomly came out of no where to post on the Aussie board. \:D/
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Only Lilly on September 09, 2013, 20:07:33
I thought that Robert, good to see you both read the forums.

I am a million percent that he did win genuinely does anyone seriously think that the election was rigged?

I spoil my vote in elections as I think all women should vote 
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Paul on September 10, 2013, 00:48:26
I Lurk the forums everyday haha. =O, I just can't get any interest in Runescape anymore =/.
On-topic though, it is compulsory in Australia for everyone to vote over the age of 18, both men and women.
Honestly, I think it could have been rigged, I asked 10 people who they voted for out of those 10, 2 said Liberal's, rest were all Labour..
can't really do much about it now though, whats happened has happened.. we just have to sit tight and see what he brings.
Title: Re: Australian Politics
Post by: Kevin on September 10, 2013, 07:53:05
It might've been rigged it might not have, personally I believe it was rigged but many bad people could've voted for Abbott because of his anti-asylum act or something and anti gay marrigage