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Quote from: Iuro on January 05, 2012, 17:32:46Quote from: Aaron on January 05, 2012, 15:20:34Quote from: Winter on January 05, 2012, 15:06:10 My Mum is theist but she doesn't read the bible, believe homosexuality is wrong, goes to church, etc. You don't have to do any of those things to be a good Christian. Js.I myself am an Atheist, both my Mother and Step dad are Christians, but oddly my mum believes in Evolution as well (She's a scientist.) The short and simple way I see it, is I don't believe in it until something happens to me (personally), to make me believe. This is how I treat other things like believing in Ghosts, or Aliens.I do like asking both my parents questions though, not trying to discredit their beliefs but just to grasp how they feel about there religion, such as ; If God forgives everyone, if you have been bad your entire life, disbelieving in God, breaking all of his laws etc, can't you just ask for forgiveness moments before you die and be granted into heaven? And if he forgives everyone why is there a need for hell? It's simple things like that which just don't make me believe.I beg to differ on that because its in the damn book that you need both but the church thing is debatable meaning there are "banned books" from the bible and theirs a quote from Jesus basically telling everyone what you said. You don't need to go to church etc.The Old Testament was translated from Hebrew into Greek, then from Greek into English. The translations were thought to have been sometimes wrong, which splits Christians / Jews into two different groups which view certain subjects differently. Mainly the Homosexuality issue. Many believe that it was miss-translated and was never put "HOMOSEXUALS ARE BAD AND AGAINST CHRISTIANITY" . Also, it never says in neither the old nor new Testament that you have to go to Church every single Sunday to make you a good Christian. AAAAAAAAAND, the correct day to go to church according to the Old Testament is Saturday. Anywho.
Quote from: Aaron on January 05, 2012, 15:20:34Quote from: Winter on January 05, 2012, 15:06:10 My Mum is theist but she doesn't read the bible, believe homosexuality is wrong, goes to church, etc. You don't have to do any of those things to be a good Christian. Js.I myself am an Atheist, both my Mother and Step dad are Christians, but oddly my mum believes in Evolution as well (She's a scientist.) The short and simple way I see it, is I don't believe in it until something happens to me (personally), to make me believe. This is how I treat other things like believing in Ghosts, or Aliens.I do like asking both my parents questions though, not trying to discredit their beliefs but just to grasp how they feel about there religion, such as ; If God forgives everyone, if you have been bad your entire life, disbelieving in God, breaking all of his laws etc, can't you just ask for forgiveness moments before you die and be granted into heaven? And if he forgives everyone why is there a need for hell? It's simple things like that which just don't make me believe.I beg to differ on that because its in the damn book that you need both but the church thing is debatable meaning there are "banned books" from the bible and theirs a quote from Jesus basically telling everyone what you said. You don't need to go to church etc.
Quote from: Winter on January 05, 2012, 15:06:10 My Mum is theist but she doesn't read the bible, believe homosexuality is wrong, goes to church, etc. You don't have to do any of those things to be a good Christian. Js.I myself am an Atheist, both my Mother and Step dad are Christians, but oddly my mum believes in Evolution as well (She's a scientist.) The short and simple way I see it, is I don't believe in it until something happens to me (personally), to make me believe. This is how I treat other things like believing in Ghosts, or Aliens.I do like asking both my parents questions though, not trying to discredit their beliefs but just to grasp how they feel about there religion, such as ; If God forgives everyone, if you have been bad your entire life, disbelieving in God, breaking all of his laws etc, can't you just ask for forgiveness moments before you die and be granted into heaven? And if he forgives everyone why is there a need for hell? It's simple things like that which just don't make me believe.
My Mum is theist but she doesn't read the bible, believe homosexuality is wrong, goes to church, etc.
leviticus 18 22?? ??-??--??? , ?? ?: , ?. "..."Litterl go out and-male Aqaba not talking bed, a woman: abomination, he was.
ChurchHebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Next questions?
Quote from: Iuroleviticus 18 22?? ??-??--??? , ?? ?: , ?. "..."Litterl go out and-male Aqaba not talking bed, a woman: abomination, he was.This is what I mean, there are two views on this. Some Christians believe that isn't what it was translated into, the language was somewhat lost. And others believe that it meant that a Man couldn't lay with another Man. The above sentence makes no sense whatsoever. No where does that say that two men couldn't have a relationship with each other. Also, Leviticus was from the Old Testament which is believed to be the 'Hebrew Bible'.Quote from: IuroChurchHebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Next questions?Quick question, I wasn't aware that sentence said you HAD to go every single Sunday to be a 'good' Christian. That's like saying if you were disabled or had a housebound illness but believe in God, you're not a Christian and don't count. Either way, Anyone who believes in a God or some great afterlife is winning in my opinion. If they die, and there is a heaven then they're sorted and the rest of us didn't believe so don't get in, and if there isn't a heaven, then they wont even know because they're dead. Lulzwtfbbqsauce.
Quote from: Aaron on January 05, 2012, 22:01:25Quote from: Iuroleviticus 18 22?? ??-??--??? , ?? ?: , ?. "..."Litterl go out and-male Aqaba not talking bed, a woman: abomination, he was.This is what I mean, there are two views on this. Some Christians believe that isn't what it was translated into, the language was somewhat lost. And others believe that it meant that a Man couldn't lay with another Man. The above sentence makes no sense whatsoever. No where does that say that two men couldn't have a relationship with each other. Also, Leviticus was from the Old Testament which is believed to be the 'Hebrew Bible'.Quote from: IuroChurchHebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Next questions?Quick question, I wasn't aware that sentence said you HAD to go every single Sunday to be a 'good' Christian. That's like saying if you were disabled or had a housebound illness but believe in God, you're not a Christian and don't count. Either way, Anyone who believes in a God or some great afterlife is winning in my opinion. If they die, and there is a heaven then they're sorted and the rest of us didn't believe so don't get in, and if there isn't a heaven, then they wont even know because they're dead. Lulzwtfbbqsauce.It's not just that. It's what they did in their life that in my eyes is wrong. " if there isn't a heaven, then they wont even know because they're dead." K that's wonderful for them but what about all the people that person influenced in their life with their spread of the word? If the person had children who now belive in something that is a Bronze age myth?That's the harm. The harm of a false sense of security. The idea that they might go forth to be apart of a story book fable and keep preputating the notion that this is FACT. That's the problem i have. If religous people kept to themselves the ideas would have been gone ages ago. They need (Just as with any thing with indoctrination IE North Korea, Nazi Germany) To keep it going on or it would be dead in the tracks.Also about the whole "Hebrew bible" well for one the "Hebrew bible" is called the Torah and it's still relevant to Christianity. Let's look at Genesis Let's look at Psalms (The lord is my Shepard? Ring a bell?) The story of Moses? THESE ARE ALL THINGS THAT ARE TAUGHT IN SUNDAY SCHOOL which are CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SCHOOLS. To say that the old testament has nothing to do with the new testament is the same as me saying "Oh the first 12 chapters of this book where nothing fuck it ignore them."Also how about them 10 commandments. Old testament but fuck it who cares about the shit before Jebus came. Then we can change them. When he gets here.Can't Have It Both Ways
Quick question, I wasn't aware that sentence said you HAD to go every single Sunday to be a 'good' Christian. That's like saying if you were disabled or had a housebound illness but believe in God, you're not a Christian and don't count. Either way, Anyone who believes in a God or some great afterlife is winning in my opinion. If they die, and there is a heaven then they're sorted and the rest of us didn't believe so don't get in, and if there isn't a heaven, then they wont even know because they're dead. Lulzwtfbbqsauce.
Quote from: Aaron on January 05, 2012, 22:01:25Quick question, I wasn't aware that sentence said you HAD to go every single Sunday to be a 'good' Christian. That's like saying if you were disabled or had a housebound illness but believe in God, you're not a Christian and don't count. Either way, Anyone who believes in a God or some great afterlife is winning in my opinion. If they die, and there is a heaven then they're sorted and the rest of us didn't believe so don't get in, and if there isn't a heaven, then they wont even know because they're dead. Lulzwtfbbqsauce.Just to point out something, contrary to the bolded text, anyone who is ill, or taking care of the ill does not have to go to church.Going to Church is a major part of Christian religions and it is one of the things that has turned me off of religion. Why can't you pray to God at home? Why can't you take part in communion, and read the bible from your own home? Why do you have to go to church, spend an hour and a half of your week (the lenient sects of Christianity, some are much stricter [up to 15 hours a week at church]) and DONATE MONEY to something no one can prove exists on the basis of faith.In a couple thousand years Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism will all be "tales and myths" created by man's imagination to explain the unexplainable. Just like the Bronze and Golden age God's. Why will they be myths? Because we're just beginning to explain them.
Missing link, right here.