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Offline Emma

Am I just an angry feminist?
« on: August 27, 2014, 17:53:45 »
What are your thoughts on misogyny in the music industry? I like this woman's view:

I don't consider myself a prude but I find a lot of the attitude that's become norm to be completely unacceptable. Am I wrong? Am I just overreacting?


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Re: Am I just an angry feminist?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 18:57:19 »
I was under the impression that the average listener didn't really pay attention to the lyrics, and I’ve never really watched music videos, so I have no real concept of how they may affect people. For example, I don’t have any recollection of seeing Beyonce’s videos but I like her anyway and see no reason why she wouldn’t be popular without dressing promiscuously. I like to think that lyrics are merely reflective stories of people's lives, conveyed through the music; music is but a medium for thoughts and experiences, and if it is misogynistic, I believe there is an underlying problem that needs to be dealt with rather than e.g. censoring the music. Upon reflection though, nothing seems to sell like a scandalous performance, so I’m not really surprised that artists challenge our ethical values, and that in and of itself may cause spiralling trends, which in turn may normalize unhealthy ideals and thus substantiating the very foundation of music – how we interpret and view life
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