
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Chrissie on October 20, 2011, 07:44:51

Title: Abortion
Post by: Chrissie on October 20, 2011, 07:44:51


Something I found on Facebook, thought I'd share and get other peoples view on this subject.

What do you think? Is abortion the same as killing a born child?

My view: I'm against abortion.
Every child has a reason to be here.
&& It may seem like a mistake to some people, but in my eyes they are a blessing.

Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Rune on October 20, 2011, 07:57:45
Abortion seems fine to me, have to be within the 12 weeks of course.

I'm looking at the big perspective though.
The earth does not support that many people and we have grown with over 5 billion people in 200 years, and a lot of us are starving.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Wintastical on October 20, 2011, 08:04:09
I can't find the video, but I saw a story that Ron Paul told involving abortion too.  He was a doctor previously, and he watched an abortion take place.  When it was done, they held a baby in their hands.  They tossed the baby in a bucket in the corner of a room and forgot about it.  Meanwhile a woman was giving birth down the hall, where they had 4 doctors helping to deliver the baby safely while the other one sat in the bucket and died.

I'm against abortion.  I don't hate or think any less of someone who has one, but the idea of it kinda disgusts me.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Jesse on October 20, 2011, 08:17:10
Pretty much agree with Rune.  I have no religion so that aspect is not a factor for me, as long as the abortion is within the first few weeks i have no problem with it.

Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Winter on October 20, 2011, 10:50:09
Abortion seems fine to me, have to be within the 12 weeks of course.

I'm looking at the big perspective though.
The earth does not support that many people and we have grown with over 5 billion people in 200 years, and a lot of us are starving.

I agree with this.

It also makes me want to strangle somebody by the neck when they say "you can just put the child up for adoption" because there are so many factors and problems with it. You also have to think of the Mother, both physically and mentally.
What if the rape happened to a 10 year old child, would they still say "just give the baby up for adoption"? <-- Just one factor.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: R on October 20, 2011, 14:15:24
I have no problems with abortion. I recently saw a photo on 9gag which had a man at an abortion rally with a sign saying "Congress wants to save te lives of the -homeless -ethnic -unborn babies". I believe that speaks for itself. Recently while driving past an abortion rally I screamed out the window "pro choice". Needless to say I didn't receive any happy looks from the people rallying
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Redtunnel on October 20, 2011, 14:54:13
The concept of personhood is different from the concept of human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder?

Nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity, as it cannot exist outside her womb.

The earth does not support that many people and we have grown with over 5 billion people in 200 years, and a lot of us are starving.
Recent studies, published in Nature (Solutions for a Cultivated Planet), have shown that the Earth has the capacity to provide for all of us up till year 2050, where the medium expected number of humans are 9 billion. (UN DESA, 2009). A five-point plan was proposed, and to conclude it: reduced expansion of agricultural land in the tropics, improved yields from existing arable land, changing diets, decreased food waste and efficient use of inputs (such as water and fertilizer). Though, seeing as we don't live in utopia, it is unlikely all of these changes will be implemented.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Rune on October 20, 2011, 16:28:06
The earth does not support that many people and we have grown with over 5 billion people in 200 years, and a lot of us are starving.
Recent studies, published in Nature (Solutions for a Cultivated Planet), have shown that the Earth has the capacity to provide for all of us up till year 2050, where the medium expected number of humans are 9 billion. (UN DESA, 2009). A five-point plan was proposed, and to conclude it: reduced expansion of agricultural land in the tropics, improved yields from existing arable land, changing diets, decreased food waste and efficient use of inputs (such as water and fertilizer). Though, seeing as we don't live in utopia, it is unlikely all of these changes will be implemented.
I knew all that already. ;)
I hold a magazine named Illustreret Videnskab , which is a science magazine. :)
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Iuro on October 20, 2011, 19:32:14
Seeing how this is the debate thread I guess i'll throw my 2 cents into this.
I normally will bite my tounge when it comes to things like this but the idea that abortion is murder is bullshit to the fullest extent of the word.
As an Atheist I absoulty HATE when a religion person will belittle science in any sense be it the whole crap about Intelegent design and Creationism. I also hate the idea of Brain washing but that could be used in another post.
Abortion is fine. I have nothing bad to say about it at all. Is it murder? No. As red said we will care about an unborn child more than living people. The Rationalization of this is that "Oh the people that have done wrong in their life deserve what they get."
This is the mind set of just about any Christian living in America.
Bare this in mind for a second. A 16 year old girl gets pregnant. She has no job the father has left and can not be found. Let's say she was bright and had a wonderful future a head of her. What is holding her back is this unborn cluster of cells. She can either A. let the child be born and never seek out her life or B. Abort and live her life.
I see nothing wrong with choice B. I do respect human life because on the grand out look of the universe we are the most "intellegent" form of life. But because we hold on to Fairy tales and bronze age myths we can't even get over this small thing.
We want to prevent people from dying of diseases that have cures and are easly prevented but we can't because we are stuck on the idea that a cluster of cells is a human.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Winter on October 20, 2011, 20:44:57
Yeah, lets all care more about a cluster of cells (as Iuro said) which could develop into a human being rather than worry about all the starving, abused and ill babies and children already in this world which are in need of help.

I'd love to write an essay on how I feel about this subject matter but I have to retain my brain capacity for my History essay homework. If only School would let us learn about controversial topics like this instead of a 600 word assessment on describing Medusa's lair or writing about every last detail on how the League of Nations dealed with problems between two countries in a disagreement.

Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Iuro on October 21, 2011, 03:02:15
Yeah, lets all care more about a cluster of cells (as Iuro said) which could develop into a human being rather than worry about all the starving, abused and ill babies and children already in this world which are in need of help.

I'd love to write an essay on how I feel about this subject matter but I have to retain my brain capacity for my History essay homework. If only School would let us learn about controversial topics like this instead of a 600 word assessment on describing Medusa's lair or writing about every last detail on how the League of Nations dealed with problems between two countries in a disagreement.

Well that's just another argument to be made about the league of nations and the wonderful thing we call the UN.
Aka Global police force.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Chrissie on October 21, 2011, 04:24:05
Seeing how this is the debate thread I guess i'll throw my 2 cents into this.
I normally will bite my tounge when it comes to things like this but the idea that abortion is murder is bullshit to the fullest extent of the word.
As an Atheist I absoulty HATE when a religion person will belittle science in any sense be it the whole crap about Intelegent design and Creationism. I also hate the idea of Brain washing but that could be used in another post.
Abortion is fine. I have nothing bad to say about it at all. Is it murder? No. As red said we will care about an unborn child more than living people. The Rationalization of this is that "Oh the people that have done wrong in their life deserve what they get."
This is the mind set of just about any Christian living in America.
Bare this in mind for a second. A 16 year old girl gets pregnant. She has no job the father has left and can not be found. Let's say she was bright and had a wonderful future a head of her. What is holding her back is this unborn cluster of cells. She can either A. let the child be born and never seek out her life or B. Abort and live her life.
I see nothing wrong with choice B. I do respect human life because on the grand out look of the universe we are the most "intellegent" form of life. But because we hold on to Fairy tales and bronze age myths we can't even get over this small thing.
We want to prevent people from dying of diseases that have cures and are easly prevented but we can't because we are stuck on the idea that a cluster of cells is a human.

This topic has nothing to do with religion.
I'm an Agnostic Atheist, yet I am still against abortion.
And "Let's say she was bright and had a wonderful future a head of her"
If she was bright, she should have thought about it before she made the mistake.
Everyone by the age of 16 should know that Sex = babies.
I'm not saying stay a virgin until you're married, but at least think of what could happen before having sex.
( birth control, condom, shots.. There is so many ways to prevent from getting pregnant )
She could have also given the baby up for adoption. There are so many women out there that can't have children. ( I am one of them )
"unborn cluster of cells" could have been the next genius or just a normal everyday person.
"unborn cluster of cells" is an unborn child and killing a child, regardless if it's in your hand or in the womb of a woman, is murder.

Btw, "This is the mind set of just about any Christian living in America."
I honestly HATE when people judge others by religion. (:
just saying.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Jesse on October 21, 2011, 05:14:04
19 year old girl get's raped, she's now carrying the baby of a disgusting rapist.

What does she do?
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Iuro on October 21, 2011, 14:23:29
Seeing how this is the debate thread I guess i'll throw my 2 cents into this.
I normally will bite my tounge when it comes to things like this but the idea that abortion is murder is bullshit to the fullest extent of the word.
As an Atheist I absoulty HATE when a religion person will belittle science in any sense be it the whole crap about Intelegent design and Creationism. I also hate the idea of Brain washing but that could be used in another post.
Abortion is fine. I have nothing bad to say about it at all. Is it murder? No. As red said we will care about an unborn child more than living people. The Rationalization of this is that "Oh the people that have done wrong in their life deserve what they get."
This is the mind set of just about any Christian living in America.
Bare this in mind for a second. A 16 year old girl gets pregnant. She has no job the father has left and can not be found. Let's say she was bright and had a wonderful future a head of her. What is holding her back is this unborn cluster of cells. She can either A. let the child be born and never seek out her life or B. Abort and live her life.
I see nothing wrong with choice B. I do respect human life because on the grand out look of the universe we are the most "intellegent" form of life. But because we hold on to Fairy tales and bronze age myths we can't even get over this small thing.
We want to prevent people from dying of diseases that have cures and are easly prevented but we can't because we are stuck on the idea that a cluster of cells is a human.

This topic has nothing to do with religion.
I'm an Agnostic Atheist, yet I am still against abortion.
And "Let's say she was bright and had a wonderful future a head of her"
If she was bright, she should have thought about it before she made the mistake.
Everyone by the age of 16 should know that Sex = babies.
I'm not saying stay a virgin until you're married, but at least think of what could happen before having sex.
( birth control, condom, shots.. There is so many ways to prevent from getting pregnant )
She could have also given the baby up for adoption. There are so many women out there that can't have children. ( I am one of them )
"unborn cluster of cells" could have been the next genius or just a normal everyday person.
"unborn cluster of cells" is an unborn child and killing a child, regardless if it's in your hand or in the womb of a woman, is murder.

Btw, "This is the mind set of just about any Christian living in America."
I honestly HATE when people judge others by religion. (:
just saying.

Please come to Texas.
And yes religion has everything to do with this. If people didn't see that it was murder based off of Bronze age myths this wouldn't even be an arugment.
Also go read what Creationism is and see how they all but tryed to teach religion in schools and belittle science.
This is why I H.A.T.E. Religion.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Chrissie on October 21, 2011, 14:47:38
19 year old girl get's raped, she's now carrying the baby of a disgusting rapist.

What does she do?

Rape and health problems should be the only exception to abortion.
I can sympathize with a person who's been raped rather than a person who had a one night stand.

"I was raped, suppressed it and a growing belly for 7 months, had a baby girl, and placed her for adoption. If you hear anyone use the stupid line again, "well what if you were raped, then why should you have to carry to term a baby?" Pleas refer them to me! I'm sick of them persuading people on stuff they don't even bother asking a real woman that has been through it about! Pro-lifers are tough in general, Pro-choice people are wimps (sorry, but it is true. I bet if we did a survey they would be the ones that cried as a kid if they didn;'t get picked something)

...Why do they assume automatically women can't handle it? Two wrongs dont make a right. I am so mad at the abortion industry, I cant explain it. Its just that they would made it so easy for me to walk in the door and kill my daughter that first day I found out I was pregnant (without telling my parents or anyone first) luckily I didn't thanks to God taking over. My opinion on everything changed full over after just a few days of letting the fact that this is a little life, sink in. But they made it so easy for me to kill my daughter, and since she means the world to me today, this grudge isn't going to ever go away until they are destroyed (the companies like planned parenthood...not the people destroyed)
- by a woman that was raped.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Chrissie on October 21, 2011, 15:02:18
Seeing how this is the debate thread I guess i'll throw my 2 cents into this.
I normally will bite my tounge when it comes to things like this but the idea that abortion is murder is bullshit to the fullest extent of the word.
As an Atheist I absoulty HATE when a religion person will belittle science in any sense be it the whole crap about Intelegent design and Creationism. I also hate the idea of Brain washing but that could be used in another post.
Abortion is fine. I have nothing bad to say about it at all. Is it murder? No. As red said we will care about an unborn child more than living people. The Rationalization of this is that "Oh the people that have done wrong in their life deserve what they get."
This is the mind set of just about any Christian living in America.
Bare this in mind for a second. A 16 year old girl gets pregnant. She has no job the father has left and can not be found. Let's say she was bright and had a wonderful future a head of her. What is holding her back is this unborn cluster of cells. She can either A. let the child be born and never seek out her life or B. Abort and live her life.
I see nothing wrong with choice B. I do respect human life because on the grand out look of the universe we are the most "intellegent" form of life. But because we hold on to Fairy tales and bronze age myths we can't even get over this small thing.
We want to prevent people from dying of diseases that have cures and are easly prevented but we can't because we are stuck on the idea that a cluster of cells is a human.

This topic has nothing to do with religion.
I'm an Agnostic Atheist, yet I am still against abortion.
And "Let's say she was bright and had a wonderful future a head of her"
If she was bright, she should have thought about it before she made the mistake.
Everyone by the age of 16 should know that Sex = babies.
I'm not saying stay a virgin until you're married, but at least think of what could happen before having sex.
( birth control, condom, shots.. There is so many ways to prevent from getting pregnant )
She could have also given the baby up for adoption. There are so many women out there that can't have children. ( I am one of them )
"unborn cluster of cells" could have been the next genius or just a normal everyday person.
"unborn cluster of cells" is an unborn child and killing a child, regardless if it's in your hand or in the womb of a woman, is murder.

Btw, "This is the mind set of just about any Christian living in America."
I honestly HATE when people judge others by religion. (:
just saying.

Please come to Texas.
And yes religion has everything to do with this. If people didn't see that it was murder based off of Bronze age myths this wouldn't even be an arugment.
Also go read what Creationism is and see how they all but tryed to teach religion in schools and belittle science.
This is why I H.A.T.E. Religion.

Why Texas?
I think it would still be a huge argument without the Bronze age myths.
I have no idea what Creationism is nor am I going to find out. ;].

Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Chrissie on October 21, 2011, 15:07:32
The concept of personhood is different from the concept of human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder?

Nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity, as it cannot exist outside her womb.

Scientific fact is that baby has the same number of genes and chromosomes at conception as you and me even if it doesn't have a heartbeat for 21 days, it's still a human life in there. Life begins at conception, that it's a one-celled human organism
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Aaron on October 21, 2011, 16:18:54
It really does depend on the situation but in most cases I would be against abortion.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Iuro on October 21, 2011, 19:34:21
Texas is the biggest place for Christian Mythology.
Over 200 Megachurches and is also the birth place of Creationism.
And this will mean nothing if you don't know what it is.

Also how can you say that it wouldn't be an argument?
The who idea that life starts at conception is erm let me think a second.....  CHRISTIAN IDEAL.
Life starts at conception so therefore killing cells that are "humans" is murder.

And without the whole i don't know life stars at conception thing being thrown around there is no argument in this.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Chrissie on October 21, 2011, 21:26:28
Texas is the biggest place for Christian Mythology.
Over 200 Megachurches and is also the birth place of Creationism.
And this will mean nothing if you don't know what it is.

Also how can you say that it wouldn't be an argument?
The who idea that life starts at conception is erm let me think a second.....  CHRISTIAN IDEAL.
Life starts at conception so therefore killing cells that are "humans" is murder.

And without the whole i don't know life stars at conception thing being thrown around there is no argument in this.
This has NOTHING to do with religion.
It's about whether or not you'd take a child's life.
&& to be fairly honest, I don't care for religious crap
such as Creationism and Christian Ideal.
&& I said it would be and argument.

Scientific fact: that a baby has the same number of genes and chromosomes at conception, just like you and I,
even if it doesn't have a heartbeat for 21 days, it's still a human life in there.
Life begins at conception, that it's a one-celled human organism.
Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Jesse on October 21, 2011, 21:46:10
Rape and health problems should be the only exception to abortion.
I can sympathize with a person who's been raped rather than a person who had a one night stand.

You're contradicting yourself by saying there's an exception to what you're portraying as Murder.

Why is it different?  The circumstances how it happened are different but you're still taking a life.. The child of a rapist is just as innocent as the child of the one night stand.

If you believe that abortion is wrong than you believe it's wrong, no exceptions.

It's like saying "I believe the death penalty is wrong" then in the next sentence saying "Well it depends how they did it"  Murder is murder..

Title: Re: Abortion
Post by: Iuro on October 21, 2011, 22:20:51
Texas is the biggest place for Christian Mythology.
Over 200 Megachurches and is also the birth place of Creationism.
And this will mean nothing if you don't know what it is.

Also how can you say that it wouldn't be an argument?
The who idea that life starts at conception is erm let me think a second.....  CHRISTIAN IDEAL.
Life starts at conception so therefore killing cells that are "humans" is murder.

And without the whole i don't know life stars at conception thing being thrown around there is no argument in this.
This has NOTHING to do with religion.
It's about whether or not you'd take a child's life.
&& to be fairly honest, I don't care for religious crap
such as Creationism and Christian Ideal.
&& I said it would be and argument.

Scientific fact: that a baby has the same number of genes and chromosomes at conception, just like you and I,
even if it doesn't have a heartbeat for 21 days, it's still a human life in there.
Life begins at conception, that it's a one-celled human organism.

Not even close. That's conjection and quote mining.
Also if that route is going to be taken that killing one cell is killing a human? Then shit I must have killed 34 million humans by scratching at my skin causing cell death.

Also "This has NOTHING to do with religion. "
If it has nothing to do with religion then why is murder wrong in the first place?
We define murder as wrong mainly from Biblical text. In nature there is nothing wrong with one Lion killing another Lion. So i again say. If Religion is taken  out of this why is Murder wrong and if that's the case why is this even an argument?