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« on: June 30, 2017, 15:44:23 »

Netflix original series 13 Reasons Why faces yet another controversy after two families blamed the show for the suicides of their teen daughters.

Two grieving families from the Bay Area recently stepped out and shared the tragic fate of their two teen daughters who took their own lives. In April, two 15-year-old girls, Bella Herndon and Priscilla Chiu, committed suicide allegedly triggered by the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why.

The two teens, who have not known each other, reportedly watched and finished the show at around the same time and died just four days apart. The families of the girls are now blaming the series, adding that it triggered the suicide. They also reiterated the notion that the show glorifies self-killing.

Speaking with the KTVU, Herndon’s parents revealed that she had a history of depression and battled it in the past. The mourning parents also shared that their daughter appeared to be much happier lately and even had new friends visiting the house.

Her mother Donna recalled the tragic day when she found the lifeless body of her daughter.

“All I could see is that she was on her knees bent over, like she was digging in the closet. I thought she was joking around ’cause there’s really nothing to find in her closet. So I laughed and said, ‘Hey Bella, what are you doing?’ And then I got closer and she had hung herself. She was so blue.”
Chiu, who lived with her uncle Peter, revealed that the teenager had also battled depression and struggled in school. He added that he had missed the signs that something was wrong, wishing he had done things a little differently.

“She was precocious. She’s very determined. I just remember her brother running out and screaming, ‘Priscilla hung herself!’ We took her down, called 911, tried to do what we could…CPR, but it was pretty obvious. She was cold.”

Both families also condemn 13 Reasons Why for its “very graphic” depiction of Hannah’s suicide. Peter Chui described the two-minute scene where she slits her wrists in a bathtub as something dangerous that could trigger suicidal instincts of a small percentage of young adults. He also added that the show only gives one alternative for bullying and other issues — that is to commit suicide.

On the other hand, John Herndon stated that he’s not convinced that 13 Reasons Why was “trying to attract attention to the issue of teen suicide by showing a little girl killing herself. There’s nothing positive about that.”

Meanwhile, Netflix has released a statement in response to the tragic death of two teenagers in California.

“Our hearts go out to these families during this difficult time. We have heard from many viewers that 13 Reasons Why has opened up a dialogue among parents, teens, schools and mental health advocates around the difficult topics depicted in the show.”


Offline Nikkie

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« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2017, 16:04:16 »
The main girl in the show was a manipulative little bitch. I don't know why people raved about it as much as they did.


Offline cahaya

« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2017, 09:06:04 »
I think people that were bullied or are depressed can relate to the main character and when they saw her kill herself they might have thought that was the only way to solve the problem.. It really saddens me when people do take their own life as they think it's the only way to take away their suffering


Offline Only Lilly

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« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2017, 20:40:19 »
The main girl in the show was a manipulative little bitch. I don't know why people raved about it as much as they did.

but will you be watching season 2?  @Nikkielauran


Offline Nikkie

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« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2017, 22:09:59 »
Probably. Gaby will end up putting it on and I'll look up occasionally hahaa


Offline Tim

« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2017, 23:57:45 »
I can definitely agree that the show WILL cause distress in some people. I had a load of trouble with her suicide having had similar experiences, friends who've tried, succeeded, etc. My girlfriend has made the decision not to watch the show because of the graphic scenes it has. However, I don't think blaming a show for the suicide solves anything. Clearly there were other problems going on in these kids' lives that lead to them thinking suicide was a solution. Yes, in the show the girl does get "revenge" by killing herself and releasing the tapes, but they also showed her having tons of other trouble. They also showed how her friend Clay, his family, and her own family reacted and tried to stress about how terribly it affects other people. Clay at one point goes like 2 weeks or something without a shower from grief. Blaming the suicides on the show is like blaming a pharmacy for drug addiction. There are other underlying problems with people, and scapegoating is never the answer.

My biggest personal problem with the show comes when Hannah reaches out for help after she's sexually assaulted by the "worst bad guy" in the show. They show the guidance counselor essentially blaming her for not explicitly saying no even though she definitely didn't consent, and then telling her he can't do anything or talk to her about it unless she wants to press charges. Schools in America dedicate SO much time to trying to convince kids that they can talk to them about anything, and they can give you help that you need, or you can just go in and talk. This show has probably convinced some kids with troubles that they won't get help when they search for it
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No, don't let it be the last time
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