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Offline Only Lilly

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Clan Chat expectations
« on: June 09, 2017, 17:52:38 »

Consentus was founded on the moral values of respect and harmony. To date, this still remains our core ambition. We are trying to provide a friendly and positive atmosphere which results in a sense of belonging. We don’t expect each individual to like one another or get along at all times, but we expect everyone to try their best and work together towards a welcoming community.

We expect you to not cause arguments in the CC, particularly not on a personal level. Discussions are completely fine, but try to avoid topics that can easily be viewed as offensive or inappropriate (such as religion, politics and sex). It’s better to use the debates forum for sensitive topics.

Keep in mind that all of us have a different sense of humour and contrasting personal values. We expect everyone to respect these differences. If you don’t agree with someone, we expect you to disagree respectfully or not speak at all. Undermining another person is not acceptable. What one person considers friendly banter may be viewed differently by another. If you initiate banter, make sure it’s in a positive and friendly tone.

Please avoid use of discriminatory language, have a wide range of members, with different needs and disabilities and even if we didn't using degrading words is against all we stand for.  Let us carry on building an inclusive Community.

Please make an effort to congratulate people on their achievements, respond to questions and welcome new members, especially if no one else has.

PM an owner or senior staff (in-game or on the forums) with intra-clan issues.


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