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Offline Alizadeh

Requesting Action Bar Help
« on: January 31, 2020, 04:20:20 »

So, I am hoping I can get assistance in making my action bars in game. I am mainly looking for revolution action bars for training slayer. What I am looking for is:

1. 2H Melle Slayer Bar
2. 2H Range Slayer Bar
3. 2H Mage Slayer Bar

I know there are plenty of talented and intelligent PvMers in the clan, any tips or assistance in making the optimal setups for these scenarios would be appreciated.

I also did not know where to place this forum post, so if it is in the wrong forum I do apologize.

Thank you for all your help!



Offline Jerichos7

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Re: Requesting Action Bar Help
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2020, 04:39:58 »
Honestly if you are doing Slayer this is your best resource, it will tell you everything you need to know and give you solid set-ups. I find it more difficult to figure out Bossing revolution bar set-ups personally. TBH I usually just use my slayer bar setup lol.



Offline Aso XD

Re: Requesting Action Bar Help
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2020, 12:57:07 »
Action bar abilities are based on numbers.
You can see these numbers by hovering over an ability.

Cleave (melee>strength) deals 188% weapon damage immediately.

Some abilities deal damage over time.

Dismember (melee>strength) deals 188% weapon damage of the course of 6 seconds (31.6% damage per second)

Every combat style has bleed abilities (damage over time).
Bleed abilities aren't good for low hp monsters as a quick ability instantly kills them.
Knowing what your abilities does when using an action bar is extremely helpful.
Most bars will prioritise bleeds as they do the most damage.

I've colored bleed abilities in yellow, timed/charge up abilities in green.
Thresholds (50% adrenaline abilities) are line 1, regular abilities are line 2.

2h melee bar:
Hurricane > Smash > Assault > Slaughter > Forceful Backhand
Cleave > Dismember > Sever > Smash > Slice > Anything (sacrifice/fury)

2h ranged bar:
Snap Shot > Rapid Fire > Bombardment > Tight Bindings
Corruption Shot > Fragmentation Shot > Dazing Shot > Snipe > Binding Shot > Anything (piercing shot/sacrifice/ricochet)

2h mage bar:
Wild Magic > Asphyxiate > Deep Impact >
Corruption blast > Dragon Breath > Combust > Sonic Wave > Impact > Anything (chains/sacrifice/wrack)


Offline Aqua

Re: Requesting Action Bar Help
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2020, 17:08:21 »
I think aso has a great explanation above here, however i will also post my own version if that may help.

first, ill share my revolution bars.

It is, even though youre letting rs do all the work by just activating random abilities, very useful if you know what the abilities even do.
This counts for bossing especially, but even for simple things like slayer it should be known imo.

So lets take the melee bar for example:

These are the abilities you see in my setup:
- Sacrifice (deals 100% damage, 30 second cooldown, 25% of your hit is a heal)
- Berserk (60 second cooldown, doubles damage output, 50% extra damage taken, ultimate ability (needs 100% adrenaline, uses 100% adrenaline))
- Hurricane (66-219% damage to all surrounding enemies, extra hit on main enemy for 84-161%, 20 second cooldown, treshold ability (needs 50% adrenaline, uses 15% adrenaline))
- Cleave (Deals 188% damage to everything in front of you, 7 second cooldown)
- Sever (Deals 188% damage, 15 second cooldown, reduces incoming damage of your enemy by 10% for 5 seconds)
- Quake (deals 219% damage + 188% damage to all surrounding enemies, 20 second cooldown, all targets hit have their defence and armour lowered for 1 minute, treshold ability (needs 50% adrenaline, uses 15% adrenaline))
- Assault (deals 4x 219% damage (if not interupted), 30 second cooldown, treshold ability (needs 50% adrenaline, uses 15% adrenaline))
- Greater Fury (Deals 157% damage, 5 second cooldown, next ability has 10% more chance to be critical damage (or 100% if greater fury was also a critical))
- Smash (Deals 157% damage, 10 second cooldown)
- Dismember (Deals 188% damage as a bleed (spread out over multiple small hits), 15 second cooldown)
- Slaughter (deals 100-250% damage as a bleed (spread out over multiple small hits), 30 second cooldown, 3x the damage if the enemy moved location, treshold ability (needs 50% adrenaline, uses 15% adrenaline))

I know this is a lot of information.
So, lets break it down.

My sacrifice ability is switched with tuska's wrath on slayer tasks (10000% damage on slayer enemies), but its at the beginning because i want to do this ability as much as possible at the place i use revolution at. This can obviously be replaced with anything.

Note that revolution uses the abilities from left to right. this means the first ability available (off cooldown, enough adrenaline) will be triggered.
This means ultimate abilities (100% adrenaline needed) will barely be triggered if its at the end of the bar. you will keep doing normal abilities because their cooldown is over so quickly, even if you have 100%.

This is why my berserk is at the start. The first moment ill get 100%, berserk will trigger. This deals double damage.
Double damage on just normal abilities, will outhit no double damage on tresholds/normal ability rotation. this makes berserk a must.

then the real rotation begins. Treat the bar as 2 seperate things.
1 is your normal ability rotation. This happens when ALL tresholds are on cooldown, or if you havent gotten 50% adren yet.
2 is your treshold rotation. This is basically the order of tresholds you will use.

If you look at my bar:

The 'active' ones are my normal abilities, the 'non active' ones are the tresholds.
From left to right, my normal abilities are lined up from strongest to weakest. The same for tresholds. By strongest, i mean the most damage output per second.
Its probably not completely correct, but in practise it will work.
Its also very situational. My tresholds from left to right are lined up to deal alot of damage to many enemies around you. If you fight 1 enemy, suddenly assault will become way stronger than Quake. Just swap them around if thats the case.

Why are not all treshold abilities at the start?
Technically it will work.. however you want a healthy rotation. If lets say you have 80% adrenaline, and all tresholds are available, you will do 3 tresholds all after eachother.
Yes, this will have great damage output, but only for once. you are then stuck with just the normal abilities until they are off cooldown again. for your next target, you will not have a treshold available. you wasted it all on the previous one.
Melee has enough basic abilities to keep that rotation going, but magic and ranged have way less and youll lose out on damage if your character just stands there waiting for the next thing to become available.

Theres probably a better rotation out there, to maximize the damage output, however those are all mathematic theories in perfect situations.

If i feel like 1 ability is triggered too much, or 1 isnt enough in a specific situation.. ill just switch them out. However, i only switch treshold for treshold and basic for basic ability. This way, the whole rotation from left to right isnt changed much, other than damage output/effects from abilities.

Magic and ranged are a complete different story from melee, but the same concept nonetheless;

From left to right, strongest to weakest. Alternate tresholds and basic abilities, dont have too many ultimates (youll waste adrenaline).

I hope thats clear, because i know its alot of informations and terms at once.. and i probably forgot stuff even.

Feel free to ask about anything explained :)


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