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Nex Guide
« on: May 07, 2016, 20:05:11 »
The All To Nex Guide!

Table of Context:
  • Nex What is Nex
  • The Frozen Key
  • Getting to Nex
  • The Frozen Door
  • Gear Set-up for DPS
  • Gear Set-up for Tanking
  • Information about Nex’s Phases and Minions
  • Nex DPS Role
  • Nex Tank Role
  • Nex: Tank Like Drifted! With Unicorn!
  • Nex Duo! Regular Duo
  • Nex Duo: Max cape, Nihil Duo!
  • Nex Solo
  • Closing words

What is Nex?
         Nex is a powerful Zarosian weapon of war, Nex is an entity whose name conjures the meaning of 'murder' or 'death'. This powerful boss rests in the ancient prison, sealed away in the depths of the God Wars Dungeon, displaying a combat level of 1001. Getting to the powerful entity that lies in the ancient prison requires the frozen key, and only then one can engage her in combat, requiring knowledge and precise timing to vanquish these powerful foe.
The Frozen Key:
        The frozen key is what gives you access to nex’s lair, it is made by combining 4 key pieces from each of the factions in the God Wars Dungeon. These factions are Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, and Zamorak. This key also has the requirements that a set for God Wars Dungeon which are: 70 Ranged for Armadyl, 70 Strength for entering God Wars, 70 Agility for Saradomin, and 70 Constitution for Zamorak. After meeting all these requirements, getting the key pieces is through the means of killing the monsters of each faction. You can kill all of them in the main God wars Dungeon, but it’s advised to kill them in their separate locations.
Here are pictures of each location: (Followed By overhead map of how to get to each faction)





Overhead Map: With directions to get to each location.

Frozen Key cont.
        Once all pieces are acquired, one can assemble the frozen key:
The key itself holds 10 Charges and loses a charge each time you pass through the frozen door or teleport using the max guild portal. Once the Key reaches 0 charges, you have to repair it, you can repair with Bob in Lumbridge Axe Store, or at your Player Owned Houses Armour Stand. The cost is based on your smithing level. For example at 99 smithing, each charge is 10k each. The cost to repair the key is very miniscule since you’re going to always make more than the repair costs of the key.

Getting to Nex:
Once the frozen key is acquired, you will now have access of entering nex’s lair through the frozen door, located between Armadyl, and Saradomin.

:The Frozen Door:
Now that you’ve entered through the frozen door, you appear in a room with stairs leading down, head on down and you will appear in a safe room. Now in this safe room, make sure you have the following: full Ancient Ceremonial, 3-5 pieces of food, a regular energy potion and the Frozen key. However if you have gone through a questing journey, the shard of zaros obtained from Fate of the Gods you won’t need any food since none of the factions, including ones in nex’s killcount room will attack you.

A little Neat trick to getting through the room faster is this surge spot right here: (You must be facing the wall, it’ll always work if you face diagonally as me in the picture)

Video Recording from Jack - Bomb D

The Final Room before Nex!:
Running through the room will get you to the room before you face one of the best bosses in the game, in my opinion. This room is equipped with a bank, which is really all you need. However, once you enter nex’s prison, you cannot climb back out to the bank, your only way out is by teleporting or dying on a kill.

Gear Set Up for DPS w Inventory: High Level Set-Up: Including 2h-Melee and Dual Wield.

Beast of Burden:

Melee: Nox Scythe/Drygores > Chaotic Spear/Claws
Mage: Nox Staff/Seismics > Attuned Crystal Staff/Chaotic Staff
Range: Nox Bow/Ascensions > Royal/Chaotic Crossbow

Superior Elite Void > T90 > T80(set) > T75(set) > T70(set)
For the sets, you can use just 3 pieces and substitute the other slots for other armours, like having Torva with warpriest gloves/boots/cape or gloves/boots/helm.

Necklaces/ Rings:
Reaper Necklace/Ammy of Souls > BloodFury/ Dragon Rider Ammy > Fury
For rings it’s advised 2 rings but is not needed, if not 2 then only 1 ring is required.
Asylum Surgeon's Ring/Ring of Vigour > Death Ring/Ring of Vigour > Ring of Vigour

Scrimshaws: Cruelty/Elements scrimshaw (Both since you can switch between them each kill.

Nex Gear for Tanking:

Substitutes for Tanking gear:
Weapon: Seismic > Seasinger > Virtus
Gear: Void/T90  > Port Armour > Nex Armour > Warpriest > T70
Aura: Supreme Invigorate > Penance > Vampyrism
Necklaces/ Rings:
Reaper Necklace/Ammy of Souls > BloodFury/ Dragon Rider Ammy > Fury
For rings it’s advised 2 rings but is not needed, if not 2 then only 1 ring is required.
Asylum Surgeon's Ring/Ring of Vigour > Death Ring/Ring of Vigour > Ring of Vigour
Scrimshaws: Elements/Attack scrimshaws (Switching between both)
:for familiar if you’re new to tanking you can switch to the yak set up in the DPS role. For the items in the yak it comes down to what works for you, for instance, the DPS yak set up, if I would use it for tanking, it would be too many rocktails to brews. So I would switch it from the 3:1 ratio to a 2:1 ratio or even a 1:1 Ratio. However the more you get use to tanking, the less food is required. In my tanking inventory, the rocktail soups are just there for emergency heals, incase I mess up and get in a prison w/o a defensive ultimate up.

Information About Nex’s Phases and Her Minions:
Phase 1: Smoke:
        For this Phase, nex will attack with magic, her spells will be smoke spells which a chance of poisoning the player, this is the reason we bring Antipoison++. Nex will start the phase off with ‘Let the Virus flow through you!’, this is a 1 person targeted spell, which it usually goes on the tank. This makes your combat stats drain which if you have overload potions this isn’t much of a factor for you. This spell can also be given to other players by running next to them, the radius for it is a 3x3 square. Her other special attack is ‘There is… NO ESCAPE!’: this will make nex teleport and fly through the paths in the middle, being hit by this will do a lot of damage, usually around 4000 which can be higher, and it disables your protection prayer. Her next ability is by far the most annoy, which she drags you towards her, stuns you beside her and deactivates your protection prayers. To get out of this attack you need to freedom to make sure you’re not in one of the paths. To avoid it all together you need to have anticipate active when ever it’s off cooldown. After reaching 4/5ths (160,000) of her HP she will call Fumus. Once Fumus is dead you need to tag nex into the nex phase.

Phase 2: Shadow:
            Once shadow phase starts you need to protect ranged. These ranged attacks drains the player's prayer if the attack hits as in doing damage to you. She has 3 special attacks, the first one is: “Fear the shadow!” She will spawn a shadow trap under the player where the player will have 3 ticks to move. If you don’t move, you will get hit for up to 4000 damage, also if you’re on another player's shadow, you will get hit for double the damage as in it will count as 2 shadows instead of 1. Her nex special attack is kinda prioritized over all over the other specials. Nex will say: “Embrace Darkness!” Which makes the room darker, and the closer you are to nex, the darker it will get. However this also has another part to it, if you’re in melee distance from nex, for 5 seconds, you will start getting hit damage up to 700 per tick. This attack having priority, meaning if someone without embraced darkness comes into the fight, she will do the attack again. Once getting to 120,000 Hit Points (3/5th) she will call Umbra and will stay in the phase until he’s killed.

Phase 3: Blood Phase:
        This phase is all about damage, since you will have to do 40,000 damage in a short amount of time. In this Phase she has two special attacks, both of which has healing effect, as well as her spells are blood spells, and act as blood barrage on ancients but stronger. Another note is that with each hit from the reavers, no matter if it does no damage, it will heal nex, these 2 factors make this phase that much more challenging. Her first special attack is,”A Siphon will solve this!”: This special summons 2 reavers, and any attack that is dealt to nex heals her for the hit damage, so for instance if you hit 2500, nex will heal for 2500, this effect last 8 game ticks, which is roughly 2 abilities on a reaver and a charged snipe on nex. This special also has the effect where the remaining life points on each reaver will heal nex for that amount. Her nex special attack is “I demand a blood sacrifice!” - This will mark a random player, usually the one that is the furthest from her but it’s not always the case. This player needs to run, 8 spaces away from nex in time, which is an ability, and escape. If the player doesn’t run away in time, it will heal 100% of the players maximum life points and do 10% of damage to that player IE 9900 LP, will damage player by 990 and heal her by 9900. During this phase, nex has an healing ability which begins from start of blood phase and lasts until the end of it. Bleed over time abilities will heal nex for 100% of the hit on her; this abilities are: Combust, Fragmentation Shot, Deadshot, Dismember or Slaughter. Also the 2 new abilities from raids that act like an upgraded version of Combust and Fragmentation Shot DO count as a bleed. After battling with all these factors you get her to 80,000 life points and she will call Cruor. Kill Cruor and it’ll begin ice phase!

Phase 4: Ice Phase:
        On this phase she will use Ice spells which hits all players, freezing them if they don’t have Magic protection prayers off and it’ll lower prayer points. In this phase she has 2 special attacks, the first one is: “Die now, in a prison of ice!” - She will freeze the player in place with ice stalagmite surrounding them. The player will get hit with damage around 7000+ if not protected by a defence damage negating ability or a reviving one. If not you will after to use Freedom while in the prison and eat up or use Anticipation before the prison or as she says ‘die now…’ . If she’s in melee distance, she will attack with melee unless her target is a far. Another way to survive the prison is have your teammates click on the icicle around the player, this is luck based if you break it or not, breaking it will cancel out the damage of the ice prison on the player. Her next special attack is “Contain this!” - She creates a barrier of ice 3 by 3 around her, if the player is MD in this situation, and gets hit by it, it will do 3,500 damage and are stunned for a few seconds. The small icicles will rush out towards the players, getting hit with these will deal 1,700 damage, and it is possible to get hit with two of these in succession. Once hitting 40,000 life points she will call Glacies, and upon Glacies death it will transfer her to her final phase.

Phase 5: Zaros Phase:
             Nex begins the phase by saying: “NOW, THE POWER OF ZAROS!”, healing to 73,333 hitpoints and activating turmoil, which drains the players stats and increases her own stats. It’s not really noticeable with overloads though, or atleast I don’t notice it. Nex will switch between two of the protection prayers and soulsplit. The two protection payers she’ll switch through are: Ranged/Melee or Mage/Melee. The soul split is different from the players soul split where it will heal for the hit she hits on the player, so if she hits a 2500, she will heal a 2500. Players also this phase should not get their prayer drained to 0 since doing so and not having protect magic on will get hit with damage up to 5000+. When Nex reaches 0 life points she will switch to the Wrath prayer and you would have to walk 4 spaces away from her to not get hit by it since it does more damage than our wrath prayer.

Nex DPS Role:
        This role requires to do a lot of DPS so that the kills will go by faster and the tank will be able to use less supplies. Also the minions are invulnerable to Magic.

Phase 1: Player: Protect Magic Prayer
            Begin your rotation with Anticipation, followed by basics till 65% adrenaline and then thresholds, another aspect to note is to use combust or fragmentation shot when nex says: “There is…!” since when she comes back down the path the effect will trigger dealing more damage. Repeat until Nex calls Fumus, killing the minion as fast as possible.

Phase 2: Player: Protect Range Prayer
        Once  phase 2 starts, you have a few seconds to soulsplit, the length depends with what nex starts with. If she starts with her darkness special attack, you can soulsplit a few seconds after her shadow trap, pretty much she says ‘Fear the Shadow’ and you wait till she does her ranged auto-attack animation and then turn on Protect from range. The one that you can soulsplit longer is when she begins the phase with ‘Fear the Shadow’ and you can soulsplit the first shadow and the second shadow, then turning on range prayer after her ranged auto-attack animation. For the next section it’ll depend if you use melee or Range/mage.
  • Melee: Use 1-2 melee abilities then run 2-3 squares from nex and repeat. It’s advised to not use thresholds unless you don’t mind tanking a few of the typeless damage hits and have pretty high hitpoints for a little bit.
  • Ranged/Mage: This is the easier one out of the 2, just stand away from nex, and use basics/thresholds. If you want to use a channeling threshold such as Asphyxiate/Rapid Fire use it after she uses her shadow trap attack.
Continue doing the above 2 until she calls Umbra, and kill that minion.

Phase 3: Player: Protect Magic Prayer
This phase is one of the hardest, but if you’re DPS are not splashing hits and avoid healing her, it should go smoothly. Also Depending on how many DPS’ers you have, you don’t all have to use your ultimates.
  • Melee: Begin with Berserking, using an ability on a reaver, using Anticipation, Adrenaline Potion, into Destroy, if you get marked, escape, followed with Barge, into Assault, or basic then assault and then a basic if you have time. When she says: A siphon will solve this, you will have to get off immediately, if not all your hits will heal her for 100% of the damage, since you would be under the effect of Berserk, it’ll heal her a lot.
  • Ranged/Mage: For this phase, I recommend standing 8 Squares away since if she decides to mark you, you don’t have to move. Start this phase by using Sunshine/Death Swiftness, into 2 Basics on reaver, followed by Snipe, Snap Shot, Dazing shot, followed by Rapid Fire. For Mage: 2 Basics on reavers, Dragons Breath, Concentrated Blast/Sonic Wave, into Wild Magic, followed Asphyxiate.
      Once Nex calls Cruor, you guessed it! Kill Cruor!

    Phase 4: Player: Protect Magic Prayer
            Depending on what nex used on the last phase last will mark what special attack she will use at the start of this phase. If she marked someone, she will start with Contain this!, if she Siphons, she will start with a prison.
    • Melee: Depending what she started with, you will either have to wait out a contain this, or just go in ham. If you were the person that saved your ultimate, use it now and wreck nex with basics and thresholds. And when nex calls contain this, run away from her until the icicles goes away. The more experienced you are with this, you can run back after a shorter time period and avoid the damage from it all together or take 1 hit from it.
    • Mage/Ranged: For this, you would have to move to your max casting range of your weapon, and if it begins with contain then you will have to move a few squares away from nex, basicly run away from her until her contain this attack is over. If you were the one that saved their Ult, using it will make for a quicker ice phase.
    This next point counts for ALL combat styles, if you get prisoned, you will have to cast freedom and eat up to above 8000 life points, preferably to full hp. This happens occasionally when nex calls contain this, she will pick the player that is doing the most DPS and go after them, this is where the tank will provoke it off. Which also has a chance of not working, since Nex will sometimes ignore the provoke ability. Nex calls Glacies, and DPS’ers go kill him!

    Phase 5: Player: Protect Magic Prayer
            Welcome to Zaros phase, in this phase it’s advised to not melee, but it is a method that you can do. This is that way since Nex when not praying Protect Magic/Range she will switch to protect melee and the chances of killing yourself with Melee are quite high. Another reason, is that using Berserk is not advised for that reason. However if Nex is Praying Range/Mage you can use melee as long as you’re on the opposite side of the tank and switch to your other combat style when she stops praying protect range/mage. Now for the other combat styles, you range/mage from a far but close enough that she will be in your Sunshine/Death Swiftness, and preferably the other side of the tank as well. The DPS’ers role here is to get Nex down as fast as possible, saving everyone supplies and not die, since she hits harder here.

    Nex Tank Role:
            This role is by far my favorite role and one that I am most experienced with, this part will include the basics of tanking, if you want the more experienced version, go to ‘Tank Like Drifted’ and you’ll learn how to work towards tanking on a unicorn.

    Phase 1: Player: Protects Mage or Melee (depending on where you stand and what combat style you’re using)

                    I have labeled spots where you will stand at the start of the kill, tagging Nex once and then running to the other circle. So for example, with melee, you will attack nex with an auto-attack, followed by an ability while running towards the spot, surging out and running to the spot labeled in the second red circle on the right and protecting melee when nex gets into melee range of you. A little mechanic to know of, is that nex will mage sometimes, and it’s usually when she switches agro to the DPS players, this can be really obvious when she does it, or not so and you’ll just take a mage hit that can hit over 2000. The next part I will explain a little on what to do when Meleeing and maging. You will be dual wielding this phase.
    • Melee: So you’re in the second melee spot marked on the image, you will be using thresholds, and basics, along with rotating Anticipation in so that it’s never off cooldown and saving your freedom to when nex drags you in since Anticipation only lasts for 10 second before she can pull you again. When Nex calls: ‘There is..” that’s when you switch to protect magic, and back to protect melee when nex is in Melee distance.
    • Magic: Tag nex with a auto and an ability, and run to the spot, use thresholds and basics along with rotating Anticipation. For tanking with magic, you can either stay where I marked for mage tank on the image or go to where the melee tank goes. This is personal preference and teams preference as well. If you choose the mage spot, you protect magic and just DPS her as usual. If choosing the melee spot, you will need to protect melee.
    Phase 2: Player: Protects Range Prayer
            This phase you will be dual wielding, and you can follow the DPS section in the guide for this phase until it’s over, where you will have to lure nex to this spot:

    Phase 3: Player: Protects Magic Prayer
            For this phase the any combat styles is the same tactic. Tag nex into the start of blood phase, and run into melee distance. Usually I use devotion at the beginning of the phase and then proceed to use basics to DPS nex. Depending on the team size depends on what abilities you’re going to use: Duo: Use Thresholds, Trio: Use Basics. At the end of the phase, when she calls Cruor, put on your shield, you’ll keep the shield on for the rest of the kill and make sure you’re at 100% adrenaline for the beginning of the ice phase.

    Phase 4: Player: Protects Magic Prayer
            For the start of this phase, she will either contain or begin with ice prison attack, depending on the last special attack she used on blood phase. For this phase you will use anticipation at the same moment when she says: Die now in a prison of ice!, and then use defensive ultimates. Depending on your life points determines which defensive ultimate you will use. After each ultimate, use more defensive basics to gain adrenaline, if you’re experienced enough you can use freedom in this rotation, if not, use all the basics that you can without using freedom. If you don’t have enough adrenaline to get to a defensive ultimate, you will need to eat to full hit points, and tank the prison. After the prison is over you will use offensive basics and adrenaline potion if needed to get to 100% adrenaline and being ready for the second ice prison. Depending on your teams DPS, you will only need to tank 1 prison, the average is 2 and worst case scenario is 3.

    Phase 5: Player: Protects Magic Prayer
            This phase for tanking, I usually start with using devotion into Enhanced Excalibur heal and I cycle through defensive abilities and offensive basics mixing in some offensive basics. While tanking nex, stand on the other side of the DPS’ers so they won’t get melee damaged by nex if they stand too close to her. Doing this will save everyone supplies.

    Tank Like Drifted! With Unicorn!
    In this part it’s for more experienced players with tanking nex, my gear for tanking nex is usually void, but if I’m teaching someone or I’m duo’ing I prefer T90 DPS armour. If you’re in a lazy mood, using the port armours is also an option.
    My Gear Setup:

            I tend to switch between holy overloads and supreme overloads based on my DPS’ers, if I don’t have to do much DPS I will use holy overloads, and if more DPS is needed I use supremes.

    Phase 1: Smoke
            For this phase I DPS normally, and if I get pulled in I switch to my shield and heal the melee hit that she will do, then run out to the spots I’ve marked in the picture of the tanking portion. Also I debuff nex with invulnerability, I don’t have the runes in the preset, I just add them in at the start of each trip after I summon my unicorn.

    The ability bar I use for tanking are these 2:

    Phase 2: Shadow
    For phase 2 depending on what she’s praying changes what I do:
    Nex’s praying Range:
            I stand a few squares away from nex and pray soulsplit, for a shadow trap, and a few seconds after as explained in my DPS guide section. I’ll add it here so you don’t have to scroll up and find it:
    Once  phase 2 starts, you have a few seconds to soulsplit, the length depends with what nex starts with. If she starts with her darkness special attack, you can soulsplit a few seconds after her shadow trap, pretty much she says ‘Fear the Shadow’ and you wait till she does her ranged auto-attack animation and then turn on Protect from range. The one that you can soulsplit longer is when she begins the phase with ‘Fear the Shadow’ and you can soulsplit the first shadow and the second shadow, then turning on range prayer after her ranged auto-attack animation.
    Nex's praying Mage:
            For this phase I use an ability, running into melee distance, then I click away from here atleast 3 squares away, wait a second, and then use another ability, making my character run back into Melee Distance.
    I continue to DPS nex as normal after that, and straight after she calls Umbra I run past her and surge through the middle of the room into the spot I’ve marked in the picture:

    I stand in the circle spot and until she does a shadow attack, then walking a square down, and move my camera to where I can see the health of Umbra, and right when he dies, I tag nex into the nex phase before my DPS’ers get into position. This saves your DPS’ers time in not having to switch prayers back to protect range.

    Phase 3: Blood
            When entering blood phase I try to have my hitpoints around 5,600. I begin the phase with casting Devotion, followed by Dragons Breath, Wild Magic, and then basics. If my hitpoints drop to around 2-3K I put on my shield and try to Resonance a melee hit from nex, usually it doesn’t work out that way, so I sip a brew dose or two. If the kill is where nex is praying protect Magic, the one tip that I enjoy doing is when Nex marks you, you escape away and then Barge back into her and deal some damage, it’s not necessary but it’s really fun. When nex calls Cruor I run to this location and keep using basics to keep my adren at 100%:

    Phase 4: Ice: Tip: Use Anticipate right when she says: Die now in a prison of ice!
            At the start of ice phase I try to keep my hitpoints as low as I can, since for the first prison that comes I will use the ability: Immortality. Since I will heal hitpoints from it, instead of wasting hitpoints by using Barricade. Here’s my example on why I use immortality: HP is at 1,800, you use the ultimate, die from the prison and heal 4,800 from the ability. In this example you’ve healed 3,000 HP which is enough to tank till the second prison to use Barricade.
            Since the patch of not being able to use offensive abilities in a prison, you use 3 basic defensive abilities, while in the prison. Which should get you to 36% adrenaline coming out of the prison. After that I use offensive basics to get to 100% adrenaline, and use anticipate right when she says ‘die now in a prison of ice!’. A little extra information, is that it’s possible to survive 3 prisons just from using defensive ultimates but the timing on surviving the 3rd prison has to be precise, and if it isn’t you will have to heal up with food and a brew. Another tip I can give you is that if your anticipate isn’t off cooldown, you can run nex around the room preventing her from using her ice prison attack. The way to do this is to have nex running, and if she stops running she will use her special attack, even if she only stopped for a millisecond.
    Phase 5: Zaros:
            At the start of Zaros I like to begin it off with either barricade or devotion along with Enhanced Excalibur heal, usually this is enough life points to last me the phase, if the DPS is lacking I would use reflect/debilitate, along with Resonance. When using Resonance I turn my prayer off and try to heal a larger amount of life points. When nex is finally dead, I either run away from her Wrath or escape/surge away.

    Nex Duo!
    Part 1: Regular Duo:


    For nex duo, the same aspects for each role will apply except the tank will have to deal more damage on blood phase. There is 2 ways you can do blood phase as the tank, for the DPS it stays the same.
    Way 1: Using both thresholds, along with keeping adrenaline near 100%. Starting with devotion as well. It’ll pretty much be: Devotion, Dragons Breath, Concentrated Blast, Wild Magic, Asphyxiate, and then basics. Or Devotion, Melee Basic, Destroy,  Melee Basic, Assault, and then Basics. If nex does mark you for sacrifice, you will need to escape, and then Barge back to melee distance.  If your DPS and you are on par, Nex will call Cruor.
    Way 2: Using Berserk or Sunshine at the start of blood phase along with your DPS partner, and work to getting back to 100% adrenaline after along with doing damage.
    Now on Ice Phase there is also 2 ways of doing it, way 1 is doing it regularly as in tank just tanks prisons and stays alive, or way 2 where you both DPS and free each other from the ice prisons. Zaros phase is the same as the other phases.

    Part 2: Nex Duo, Maxed, Nihil Duo!
            This part has the highest requirements since both players have to be maxed to do this method efficiently, since it requires using the max guild portal. Your gear setup for this will be the same as solo with some slight changes to your inventory. Also this WILL be instanced since you will be teleporting out after every kill.

    For the gear, you can change a few things: You can use a Styrkebow instead of a shield, and you can use T90 boots along with a ring switch. Your familiar here will be a Shadow Nihil. Another change in the inventory is that you can take away 2 rocktails for 2 more brews, since in fast kill duo’s you generally don’t need that many rocktails and are more on the brew side since drinking it doesn’t drain adrenaline.

    The Kill itSelf!

    This is the bar I use personally.
    In this portion I won’t be explaining what abilities to do when, I will just be pointing out some strategies to make the kill go faster since the DPS portion covers it along with the other duo part.
    Phase 1: This phase is completed just normally and with 2 people using Nihils it should go quickly. Phase 2: For this phase you can soulsplit the beginning, using snipe, followed by snap shot for some quick healing. Phase 3: In this phase both of you do not need to ultimate, so choose one of you to ult this phase while the other one just uses thresholds. Phase 4: This phase for the person that didn’t ultimate last phase should ultimate this phase while the other person tanks the prison, making this phase go by fast, generally only 1 prison should hit this phase. Phase 5: This phase you just need to go ham on the DPS and switch tanking if one of you is running low on supplies.

    Nex! SOLO Guide!
            This part of my guide is the part where I’ll show you a method to solo Nex that works for me. Even though they nerfed where you can’t attack while in an ice prison, this should still get pretty fast kills. I am also not the best when it comes to soloing but I do find it really fun to do and just recently learnt how to solo on a nihil, so the guides ice phase is updated with my new rotation for ice phase :P !
    My Gear setup is the same as above except I have 5 brews in my inventory and a shield. You don’t need a scrimshaw, but it helps a ton when soloing nex.

    The Kill!
            For a solo the first 2 phases are really easy, and if you kill nex in teams you shouldn’t have any difficulties with them. The phase that people have troubles with are Blood and Ice, sometimes Zaros. These are the phases I will be explaining in my guide.
    Blood Phase:
            For blood phase I lure nex to this location here by the entrance.

    This will position nex at the corner of the path or 1 square from it and then I run into melee distance while using a basic ability to tag nex into blood phase. I begin by using Death Swiftness.

              This is the bar I use for soloing. Right when nex spawns her reavers, I attack a reaver with 2 basic abilities, drink adrenaline potion and then start channeling Snipe on nex, followed by Snap Shot when my snipe hits, and then dazing shot, into Rapid Fire. After a few more seconds I escape away, running back into my Death Swiftness, and I use Shadow Tendrils. If everything hits it should be a zero siphon.
            Now if you splash with abilities, you just repeat the above process, always starting with 2 abilities on reavers and snipe on nex. If your thresholds are on cooldown, you can still use Bombardment, and the threshold version of binding shot.
    Ice Phase:
            Right after nex calls Cruor I switch into Sirenic with pernix boots. I also try to get nex to mark me for sacrifice before Cruor dies so she will begin with contain. At this part I DPS nex with fragmentation shot combined with corruption blast and snap shot all while running around the outer ring of the room. At this point you should be at 85% adrenaline so you will Anticpate, then use basics till she prisons you. After this your fragmentation shot and corruption blast should be off cooldown, along with Snap Shot, you repeat using those 3 abilities combined with Snap Shot. If down correctly you can get nex's ice phase to pass in 1 prison. Also you can use defensive ultimate for the first prison, tank the second and defensive ultimate the 3rd if necessary, you could get the second prison with a defensive ultimate if you stalled nex out long enough for the cooldowns to reset. For this phase just remember to always use Anticipate for the prisons since you want to keep your freedom for emergencies for when Anticipate is on cooldown.
    Zaros Phase:
            For Zaros phase there isn’t much to write about, but I’ll still give some pointers.
    At the start of the phase I begin with using Death Swiftness, adrenaline potions with basics till 65% adrenaline, along with using enhanced excalibur to heal. I use SnapShot into Rapidfire, and when it’s done channeling, I use fragmentation shot and walk under her so I get the damage buff that it gives.
         Few other pointers:
    • Always walk under Nex when your Fragmentation Shot hits
    • If you want to save more food, don’t forget to use Devotion and Debilitate.
    • If you want an extra heal, switch to Strykebow, use resonance, turn off mage pray and heal with her next attack, turning mage prayer back on once you get the heal.
    • If Death Swiftness is on cooldown, you can use Deadshot.

    End of my guide!
            Hey, so I totally didn’t think that it will take this long to produce a guide like this, if there is anything that I’ve missed feel free to message me on the website or in-game and I’ll add it. :P

    Guide courtesy of Drifted Away


Offline Kniight Lost

Re: Nex Guide
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2016, 20:08:31 »
Great guide, need to read it more carefully.

How hard is nex compared to araxxi for a noob pvmer?


Offline Palace

Re: Nex Guide
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2016, 20:52:24 »
Solo? I'd say it's probably harder to learn because most people are able to kill rax within at least a few days of trying, but learning to solo nex requires a good understanding of it beforehand


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Re: Nex Guide
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2016, 21:47:49 »
You must of put alot of time into this


Offline Palace

Re: Nex Guide
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2016, 19:25:30 »
No, Drifted did. He made the whole thing and then let me post it here


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: Nex Guide
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2016, 23:50:46 »
Awesome guide :D
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Palace

Re: Nex Guide
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2016, 00:02:20 »
Please send all "daaaaayumns" to Drifted Away because he spent so much time making it and then was kind enough to let me post it here :D


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