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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

« on: May 30, 2016, 01:53:56 »
  • 1.0 - Introduction & Information
  • 1.1 - Requirements & Suggestions
  • 1.2 - Equipment
  • 1.3 - Inventory & Familiar
  • 1.4 - Abilities & Invention

1.0 - Introduction & Information
Glacors are a fairly strong monster that may be killed upon completion of the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest. Glacors can be found in the Glacor Cave using the Fairy Ring System, using the code D K Q.

Special Abilities;

Whilst fighting a Glacor, it may slam both arms onto the ground and fire a large cluster of icicles towards you. You must move away from the square you're standing standing on in order to avoid the special attack. When hit by the icicles, you will lose half of your current life points.

When the Glacor has half of its lifepoints remaining, it will spawn three different glacytes that must be killed before you can finish killing the Glacor.

It is highly recommended that you kill the enduring glacyte first. The further away you are from the Glacor, the more damage you will deal to the enduring glacyte.

Upon killing the enduring glacyte, proceed to kill the sapping glacyte. Once killed, proceed to kill the unstable glacyte.

NOTE: Ensure you avoid the unstable glacyte's special ability - You'll be able to see when this is about to happen as its special bar reaches 100%.
(click to show/hide)

1.1 - Requirements & Suggestions
  • Ritual of the Mahjarrat
  • Fate of the Gods [Suggested]
  • Purchased from a Slayer Master [For Slayer Assignments]
  • 80 Magic [Suggested]
  • 80 Defence [Suggested]
  • 67, 87 or 96 Summoning [Suggested]

1.2 - Equipment

Item (most effective → least effective)

• Helmet: Slayer Helmet [On Task]  →  Refined Anima Core Helm of Seren  →  Virtus Mask  →  Anima Core helm of Seren  →  Hood of Subjugation
• Top: Refined Anima Core body of Seren  →  Virtus Body  →  Anima Core Body of Seren  →  Garb of Subjugation
• Bottoms: Refined Anima Core legs of Seren  →  Virtus Bottoms  →  Anima Core Legs of Seren  →  Gown of Subjugation
• Gloves: Virtus Gloves  →  Gloves of Subjugation  →  Culinaromancer's Gloves  →  Warpriest Gloves
• Boots:  Virtus Boots  →  Boots of Subjugation  →  Warpriest Boots
• Amulet: Amulet of Souls  →  (Blood)Arcane Stream  →  Dragon-Rider Amulet  →  Saradomin's hiss  →  Blood Amulet of Fury.
• Cape: Completionist cape  →  Max cape  →  TokHaar-Kal-Mej  →  God Cape
• 2H Weapon: Noxious Staff  →  Camel Staff/Staff of Darkness  →  Attuned Crystal Staff  →  Chaotic Staff
• X2 Weapon: Seismic's  →  Seasinger makigai & Kiba  →  Attuned Wand & Orb  →  Virtus 
• Aura Runic Accuracy  →  Reverence  →  Vampyrism
• Ring:
Asylum's Surgeon Ring  →  (Superior)Leviathan Ring  →  Sixth-age Circuit  →  Ring of Wealth

1.3 - Inventory & Familiar
Inventory - This is how you should want your inventory to look.
Room for loot.
Replaceable with whatever potions you have available.
Spring cleaner - This is good for crushing any runite drops.

For a familiar, it's down to personal preferences and how good you are at killing Glacors. If you struggle to kill a lot of Glacors per trip and struggle for food, you may be better off taking a Beast of Burden. Otherwise you may want to take a DPS familiar, such as an Ice Nihil.

1.4 - Abilities & Invention

For your ability bar, you may want something that looks similar to this. If you're dual wielding, you may replace the Sonic Wave ability with the Concentrated Blast ability.

If you're interested in using an augmented weapon whilst killing Glacors and want something to give you more of a boost, please check out this amazing thread.


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