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Offline Priester Leo

A guide to PvM by a guy who is bad at it
« on: March 26, 2019, 14:26:20 »
I am making this guide because I see people struggle to get into PvMing a lot and I feel like I can help. This doesn't mean this guide is perfect by any means, nor is it objective. It is more of a course into how I got into PvMing and some tips I could give others who want to do the same.

I am by no means perfect at PvM and will never claim to be, I struggle at bosses like Telos and the Ambassador and rarely do group bosses such as Vorago and AoD. I am still improving as well and will try to help anyone who is interested to do the same.

The guide will go over the basics (some beginning requirements), what to work towards, and how you can perhaps motivate yourself to try for higher bosses. It will however not go over strategies for every single boss, however I will do this for the low level bosses to some extend.

The basics:

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Starting out:

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Mid tier bossing:

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High Level Bossing

(click to show/hide)

Group Bosses:

(click to show/hide)

What to work towards:

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How to stay motivated:

(click to show/hide)

If there are any suggestions to make this guide better, or you disagree with any of the points, or I just forgot something (I would forget my arrows all the time at bossing if it wasn't for presets), just let me know and I will add it :)


Offline Hydrogy

Re: A guide to PvM by a guy who is bad at it
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2019, 15:53:58 »
I am making this guide because I see people struggle to get into PvMing a lot and I feel like I can help. This doesn't mean this guide is perfect by any means, nor is it objective. It is more of a course into how I got into PvMing and some tips I could give others who want to do the same.

I am by no means perfect at PvM and will never claim to be, I struggle at bosses like Telos and the Ambassador and rarely do group bosses such as Vorago and AoD. I am still improving as well and will try to help anyone who is interested to do the same.

The guide will go over the basics (some beginning requirements), what to work towards, and how you can perhaps motivate yourself to try for higher bosses. It will however not go over strategies for every single boss, however I will do this for the low level bosses to some extend.

The basics:

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Starting out:

(click to show/hide)

Mid tier bossing:

(click to show/hide)

High Level Bossing

(click to show/hide)

Group Bosses:

(click to show/hide)

What to work towards:

(click to show/hide)

How to stay motivated:

(click to show/hide)

If there are any suggestions to make this guide better, or you disagree with any of the points, or I just forgot something (I would forget my arrows all the time at bossing if it wasn't for presets), just let me know and I will add it :)
Nex is basically a solo boss at this point and only really gets duo'ed by a person teaching another person and or friends or reaper task, elite dungeon 1 and 2 are both very profitable while elite dungeon 3 isn't really that profitable and the elite dungeons can be done way faster than 45mins in a trio, i didn't read everything but everything else i read seems good thanks for putting the effort in keep it up ;)


Offline Priester Leo

Re: A guide to PvM by a guy who is bad at it
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2019, 16:07:45 »
While you are right that Nex is more of a solo boss, this is more to show how to get into PvM. Nex is also more of a boss that people do solo once they are maxed since it is way easier to reach then due to the portal in the Max Guild making it much easier to do one kill trips.
As for Elite dungeons I will adapt the guide to follow what you said, as you probably have more experience with them then I do ;)


Offline Kyron

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Re: A guide to PvM by a guy who is bad at it
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2019, 18:57:10 »
Cool little guide. Thanks for this!


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: A guide to PvM by a guy who is bad at it
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2019, 19:25:23 »
This is a great little guide :

Thanks for taking the time xxx


Offline Aqua

Re: A guide to PvM by a guy who is bad at it
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2019, 20:50:39 »
Nice guide! Hope some people find good use of this  O:)

thanks for making it  :D


Offline Amy

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Re: A guide to PvM by a guy who is bad at it
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2019, 10:19:44 »
This is a fun guide! :)


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