Welcome to the Clan News for SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2022*written by F.Pandrex*
September the end of summer is near, little kids all in tear.
Ready to blow a fresh breeze into the lands.
Them crickets sore and moved upon these months
Preparing for the end of year where more will happen so we hope.________________________________________
Intro Dear clannies,
Welcome again to this issue of the monthly news.
Next months are gonna be a banger!
Get your spades ready because Jamie is hosting the greatest treasure hunt ever seen!
Also its that time of year again Ho Ho Ho It is BING O O O O.
Ever wondered who every one looked like dont forget to check out the IRL meet up residenting in Belgium this year!
Oyster Competition September This month winners areee ...... Drumrolssssss....!
Winners for September:
@Steph - lowest amount 56.800
@Axe De - closest amount 3.255m!
Oyster Competition OctoberWinners for October:
@Axe De - 42,012gp (lowest amount)
@Yuma Tsukumo - 1,817,937 (closest amount)
Test out your luck in the discord!
Thank you for this awesome addition JAMIE
Clan InstagramWe love your in game pics, doesn’t matter what it is, or where you are, we want to see it.
Take the shot, change filters etc, whatever you feel. Then post to Discord “Clan Instagram”
Some of them will even get onto our proper Instagram and if really lucky get the prestigious “like” from Runescape itself.
Keep them coming
Consentus EventsThere are always plenty of events every week, ranging from Boss masses to Hunting Penguins, and of course our legendary Daily Divine Yews
These are always posted on the offsite home page and also in Discord "events"
If you want to suggest an event, there is a Discord thread coincidentally called "Events Suggestions" for you to post in
Consentus Events UpcomingTreasure Hunt 26th of novemberhttps://consentus.co.uk/events/consentus-clan-clue-casket-opening!-18335/Ever wanted to out that inner treasure hunter? Maybe you are a pirate deep inside who knows.
Then gather your caskets now all over Gielnor and lets spam the Chat BIG TIME on the 26th of November with Yours truly Rsruinedme as your host!
Lets get casketstacking!
Xmax BingO O O Ohttps://consentus.co.uk/events/xmas-bingo-d/That Time of year again Ho Ho Ho,
Get them saly bells ringing and those Mauls swinging
Go loot them chests and gather some crests
Dont forget to slay them Kings and Queens to gather the illusive BIngo bragging rights!
Chill & Skill in Discord - Hosted by Laurisaurus!Another new event is Chill and Skill, these events will be running every two weeks and starting at 19:00 Game Time
So come along for some social and skilling fun - doesn't matter if you're killing a boss or doing some portable skilling.
Fridays 2022 @ 20:00 Game Time
Hosting portables at Well of Goodwill W25
The Dino Lady will be in the General Mature Chat Voice Channel in Discord
Bring your amazing selves along to the voice channel and have a skill in mind to train!
Let her know if you need a specific portable so she can get that set up for you.
Consentus Real Life EventsBelgium 15-18th of juneBelgian fries belgian beers and belgian choclate everything you will ever need

And to top it off you get to meet the others
Consentus – OldSchool RunescapeConsentus is back on Old School! We’re now several months in, and things are steadily moving along. Word is spreading of what we offer; a warm and vibrant community, which has piqued the interest of more than a few people. As our numbers grow, so will our ability to offer new and exciting events and other amenities to our members.
If you or any of your friends play Old School Runescape - please feel free to join or guest in the chat! We love seeing new names pop up and treat everyone as if they are our own.
Old School Runescape is a massive and exciting community. With (quite literally) a world of its own. Cities, characters, and quests that you cannot see in the main game. Give it a shot sometime! You may just enjoy yourself.
@Sissybear for more details or join Consentus's adventures on OSRS
The 5.6'sSadly enough Runeclan is down.
I am following up what info i can get from The new runepixels.
Allowing Alts In The ClanThere has been always been a rule of "no alts in the clan" however there has been a vote regarding this in the recent months and it has been agreed to allow this to now happen.
It should however be an alt that is quite active and only "Should space allow ofc"
At the moment we have so many new people joining and have been unable to accomodate Alts.
New Members for Welcome to all our new forum members in SEPTEMBER\OCTOBER 2022! Thank you for choosing Consentus and we hope you enjoy it here with us!
What A busy month

Nub Chick
Aster X
As always, apologies if i've missed anyone.
AchievementsNo dxp these months but the gains kept coming in! Big gratz on whether its your first 99 or your last 200m, its always worth
celebrating! A huge congratulations to the following:
Apologies but with the downtime of runeclan i lost out on september DATA my dear apologies
OCTOBER[99's Achieved]
Floors → 99 Farming
Swingswing → 99 Dungeoneering
DarthMicheal → 99 Crafting
MehruneDagon → 99 Invention
Iron Jbroni → 99 Attack & Strength
Snow Kale → 99 Archaeology, Cooking, Firemaking & Fletching
Jatix → 99 Attack
Nazzarus → 99 Agility, Archaeology, Attack, Constitution, Cooking, Crafting, Defence, Divination, Dungeoneering, Farming, Firemaking, Fishing, Fletching, Herblore, Hunter, Invention, Magic, Mining, Prayer, Ranged, Runecrafting, Slayer, Smithing, Strength, Summoning, Thieving & Woodcutting
Dreamsweet4 → 99 Fishing & Magic
Cbutler99 → 99 Smithing
Lazy Tuesday → 99 Divination, Farming & Prayer
Thing Dude → 99 Agility
Tomato 56789 → 99 Ranged
Handsome → 99 Archaeology, Attack, Constitution, Defence, Invention, Magic, Ranged, Strength & Summoning
Mr Mc Murray → 99 Agility & Cooking
Zer0neRS TTV → 99 Dungeoneering, Fletching, Hunter & Invention
Techuci → 99 Mining
Nisa X → 99 Agility, Farming & Mining
here 4 drls → 99 Invention
Cearbhall → 99 Constitution & Mining
JoshinAround → 99 Farming
SirBlaz3Alot → 99 Invention
JJ0E → 99 Crafting & Smithing
Full Restore → 99 Archaeology
Khal → 99 Invention
[Max Total level Achieved]
ShardOfZaros → 2898 Overall
[120's/Comps/200Ms Achieved]
Powerless → 120 Runecrafting
Rubes → 120 Archaeology
Zelon → 120 Cooking & Smithing
Limefhet → 120 Archaeology
Bloodsmom2 → 120 Divination
ShardOfZaros → 120 Farming
Koriandr → 120 Smithing
Yuma Tsukumo → 120 Defence
Tomarnomar → 120 Slayer
Killitorous → 120 Farming
Devill-Me → 120 Magic
Coups → 120 Cooking & Thieving
Deliever → 120 Smithing & Strength
Duskyn → 120 Cooking
Vlees alt → 120 Constitution
Rowt → 120 Woodcutting
Antzinpants → 120 Fishing
Yoloo → 120 Firemaking & Mining
Gobin → 120 Prayer
lil aub → 120 Magic
tashoony → 120 Attack
Azlin → 200M Agility XP
SlayerKing24 → 200M Attack & Firemaking XP
Citizen Naab → 200M Archaeology XP
Laggspikes → 200M Farming XP
Iron Peticks → 200M Farming XP
iJamie → 200M Farming XP
Tovenares K5 → 200M Runecrafting XP
M4ximillian → 200M Agility XP
Duskyn → 200M Farming & Woodcutting XP
Mr Angeli x → 200M Agility, Attack, Cooking, Crafting & Strength XP
Lumos → 200M Ranged XP
Loligagging → 200M Defence XP
Draquist → 200M Magic XP
Shalimars → 200M Farming XP
Windragon → 200M Runecrafting, Strength & Thieving XP
Fetch exp → 200M Magic XP
Member of the Month -OCOTOBER 2022A huge congratulations to this month’s Member of the Month –
Sol Angelica You go Girl! We love you for being so pinchyy in Gielnor alot of bums have been sacrificed for your daily needs of pinches

Thank you for your efforts to make consentus such a great anf unf clan! Keep up the good work!
Pro and Noob of the Month - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022Pro is obviously the member who gains most xp in the previous month, Noob is for the closest above 250k.
Sadly enough runeclan where i got the data was down. this wil lreturn from november again with the help of runpixels.
Apologies for the inconvinience

Consentus Merch!Just a small reminder that we have Clan Merchandise! Rest assured that we don't make any money off this. This is just our way to spread our clan spirit with all of you. The merch is designed with a black, white or iconic logo. Click this link to start shopping!
https://www.redbubble.com/people/consentusmedia/shop ________________________________________
Discord!Our Discord Server is a huge success. DrFloof's does a lot of hard work in maintaining it. If you haven’t joined and would like to, click below! We encourage you all to make full use of it.
Now we made the switch to a new server so make sure you go check everything out!
https://discord.gg/AggHFUWf8BSo many different channels for you all to use and comment on, See ya on Discord
Video’sContact someone from the media team if you want anything filmed. Please note this is for “ingame” stuff and for legal reasons we have to keep it respectable!!!
If you would like to have an achievement filmed please let us know on this thread
WhatsApp GroupsWe have a WhatsApp Group available for all our members – if you would be interested in joining, please contact
@Only Lilly.
Theres a temporary onne for the Trip to Belgium aswell! get your hands on it NOW!
We also have a Women’s Whatsapp Group as well – please contact
@Laurisaurus if you would like to join.
Social MediaFeel free to look at our social media pages!
We have them all "instabook, twitergram, facetube"
From StaffI would like to thank you for the patience of receiving the news
Upcoming UpdatesDouble exp will be back next week! Get your supplies en get ready for some amazing gains! see YOu at the well of goodwill w25!
Lets get excited!
BIIIINGOOOOOO is upon us! sign up now!
GO CHECK IT OUT NOW!https://consentus.co.uk/events/xmas-bingo-d/Past UpdatesSo september and October were pretty dry on updates hence the late clan news.
Go check out the new herb Patch above hets oasis theres somethign wonderful glooming there!
Little tip, don`t forget to check your bank for seeds they are worth a ton again! (throwback to 10 years ago)
Fredje - F.PandrexPS
Sorry if there are any writing mistakes