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Offline Jonat

Clan News - November 2021
« on: December 01, 2021, 18:54:11 »
Welcome to the Clan News for November 2021!

*written by Jonat*

Its almost impossible to believe but Christmas is almost here. 2021 seems to have totally flown by, what seemed like five minutes ago we were sunbathing in the summer sun, now its time for Christmas decorations to go up and prepare our stomachs for too much chocolate, wine, drink, pudding, cake, turkey, etc etc.

Yet another DXP has been and gone, Jagex will ofc be planning another one as i write this, to return in another month or so. A new yak track has started (is this the 198th of the year?) this one has a massive 20% xp boost until the end of the event as a reward for completing it, so actually really is worth doing and can break up the usual daily grind (to do another grind!).

Anyways, less waffling from me and on with the news of this fantastic clan.


Consentus Real Life Events - Amsterdam trip

A real life even is planned for next year, obviously with the increase in Covid regulations changing by the day no one knows how or if this can take place yet, but hopefully..... The event is a 3 day meet in Amsterdam from 7th-10th April 2022. Details can be found on the forums.



Team PVM Bingo

The highly popular Bingo returns in December, this time its "Team PVM Bingo" hosted by our one and only Penguin himself @Mog

These are generally keenly contested events and bring competetiveness to a new level, respectable banter in the cc when someone gets or doesnt get a drop is quite normal!!

Also with prizes of :-

10 Bonds for the winning team,
5 bonds for the runner up team
10m gp for Third place team

This is a very worthwhile event. (even if the dreaded Dragon kite shield is on the list againnnn)

Sign up now using this link


Clan Instragram

We love your in game pics, doesn’t matter what it is, or where you are, we want to see it.
Take the shot, change filters etc, whatever you feel. Then post to Discord “Clan Instagram”

Some of them will even get onto our proper Instagram and if really lucky get the prestigious “like” from Runescape itself.

Keep them coming


Consentus Events

There are always plenty of events every week, ranging from Boss masses to Hunting Penguins, and of course our legendary Daily Divine Yews

These are always posted on the offsite home page and also in Discord "events"

If you want to suggest  an event, there is a Discord thread coincidentally called "Events Suggesgtions" for you to post in


Clan Christmas Events

With the magic of Christmas almost here the Clan will be hosting plenty of events over the Christmas break

The first of these is the "Christmas Fashionscape"

Get your Runescape Christmassy Outfits on, take a pic, post on the below thread


"Secret Santa" Hosted by Sissybear

Its time for our Annual Secret Santa event! To take part all you have to do is:

1. Sign up by commenting on the thread
2. Everyone will be assigned a random person who has signed up, Sissy will be pming everyone a random name after sign ups have ended.
3. Once you have bought your gift. you must give it to Sissy and she will get it to the person you were assigned they wont know who the gift is from though. if you leave the clan you can't get your gift back and Minimum is 5m

Entries end December 5th. you will be assigned a person after entries close.


We're hosting "pets for christmas" photo comp.

Dress up your pet in the christmas spirit ☃️☃️

Post your photo in this new Discord channel "Pets for Christmas" channel, you have until 26 december.

I will announce the winner in this channel on 28 december

There will be plenty more events, keep your eyes peeled on the forums over the next few days for details


Golden Party Hat

Hypeeeee.....New Party Hat

I'm sure you all know by now (unless you are on the moon or in a Han Solo deep freeze) there has been a newly released Party Hat

Requiring 8 shards from a possible 11 available to make yourself a wonderful Orange....sorry Golden Party Hat to keep or sell, the price is quite volatile but you can usually get 500m ish coins for it.

Can be extremely frustrating obtaining these elusive shards, but at least there is a "bad luck mitigation" rule that means you should eventually get one

*Disclaimer :- I accept no responsibility for anyone who sells at low amounts and then the price shoots up though the roof over the next few months years etc*


Consentus – End of Year awards

Every year Consentus hosts the infamous annual awards.

Please click and nominate for each category.  You can nominate as many members as you wish, but only the top 5 will make the final voting stage.


Nominations CLOSE on the 1st of December, so it could well be closed for nominations when you read this. Watch out for the voting due very soon


Consentus – OldSchool Runescape

Consentus is back on Old School! We’re a few months in, and things are steadily moving along.  Word is spreading of what we offer; a warm and vibrant community, which has piqued the interest of more than a few people. As our numbers grow, so will our ability to offer new and exciting events and other amenities to our members.

If you or any of your friends play Old School Runescape - please feel free to join or guest in the chat! We love seeing new names pop up and treat everyone as if they are our own.

Old School Runescape is a massive and exciting community. With (quite literally) a world of its own. Cities, characters, and quests that you cannot see in the main game. Give it a shot sometime! You may just enjoy yourself.

Contact @Sissybear for more details or join Consentus's adventures on OSRS

Join the osrs discord and social media here



The 5.6's

Congratz and welcome to the 5.6b xp group :-

Mrs Brabant

Also New clan members who are 5.6 and have joined Consentus in November :-

Khall dr0g0

We now as a clan have an astonishing 15 members of the 5.6b xp and with three more clannies over 5bn that number could raise real soon


God Wars Three – Zuk

Im sure by now many of you have attempted and beaten the new Zuk challenge and got lots of lovely nice new weapons, or just plenty of coin from the sales of them.

Good luck to anyone who hasnt yet.


Dino Lady’s Reaper Masses

Hosted by @Laurisaurus.

Calling all Killers of Consentus and Slayers of Reapers! Every First Friday of the month at 19:00 Game Time we all head off together to get through Death’s hit list! If you are interested in joining us for this adventure then please head over to the #reaper-mass channel in our Discord to sign up with your task.

Please note, these can only be massable bosses for obvious reasons, can't team a solo boss!


Allowing Alts In The Clan

There has been always been a rule of "no alts in the clan" however there has been a vote regarding this in the recent months and it has been agreed to allow this to now happen.

It should however be an alt that is quite active and only "Should space allow ofc"

At the moment we have so many new people joining and have been unable to accomodate Alts, a couple of clannies did but have both since taken them out again to make space for others. Thanks, that is much appreciated.


Shameless Plug Time – Small Businesses

Some clannies have recently started up their own businesses to make some irl gains! Please check out the links below to help support them!

Laurisaurus' Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/real-life-board/laurisaurus'-new-adventure-in-designing!/
Laurisaurus' Shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/laurisaurusdesigns/

Clue's Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/runescape-discussion/calling-all-cluers-orlando-smith-pinsmaster-casket-case-limited-edition!/
Clue's Shop https://treasuretrailpins.com/


Excaliburz Alliance

A little reminder that we are still allied with Excaliburz! Come and join them in their cc to say hello and join their Discord Server - their invite can be found in #allied-clans in our server.


New Members

Welcome to all our new forum members in November 2021! Thank you for choosing Consentus and we hope you enjoy it here with us!

(click to show/hide)



Whether its your first 99 or your last 200m, its always worth celebrating! A huge congratulations to the following:

(click to show/hide)


Member of the Month - November 2021

A huge congratulations to this month’s Member of the Month – @Debs

She is lovely, helpful and keeps the clan chat pleasant. (also for us older clannies, a really nice dessert)

What more can we ask, thankyou and well done.


Pro and Noob of the Month - November 2021

After winning the last three months Pro of the month, It was my pleasure to hand over the award to someone deserving, unfortunately Dase won it.....

Pro of the Month: D a s e - 195,262,823 XP

Noob of the Month: Tekotiko - 278,640 XP


Forum Badges

A gentle reminder that we offer Forum Badges on your forum account! These look amazing, take a look here for yourself!

Interested in applying for some? Click here to do so!



Consentus Merch!

Just a small reminder that we have Clan Merchandise! Rest assured that we don't make any money off this. This is just our way to spread our clan spirit with all of you. The merch is designed with a black, white or iconic logo. Click this link to start shopping!



Our Discord Server is a huge success and it's thanks to the outgoing Doc Joe and now the new boss of it DrFloof's hard work in maintaining it. If you haven’t joined and would like to, click below! We encourage you all to make full use of it.


So many different channels for you all to use and comment on, See ya on Discord :)


Contact someone from the media team if you want anything filmed. Please note this is for “ingame” stuff and for legal reasons we have to keep it respectable!!!

If you would like to have an achievement filmed please let us know on this thread



WhatsApp Groups

We have a WhatsApp Group available for all our members – if you would be interested in joining, please contact @Only Lilly.

We also have a Women’s Whatsapp Group as well – please contact @Laurisaurus if you would like to join.


Social Media

Feel free to look at our social media pages!   

We have them all "instabook, twitergram, facetube"   



From Staff

Thank you all for being part of Consentus, we are not and can not be the great place we are without you all.

From the clan chat to the discord to the forums, we love having you all involved and part of our and your family here on Runescape

We really are a wonderful place to be in, and thats thanks to everyone

Jon - Jonat


Offline Laurisaurus

  • *
  • Join Date: Apr 2019
  • 2808
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Crafting! This player has the most points from all of our weekly skill competitions in 202 This player has 120 in the skill: Farming! This player has 120 in the skill: Herblore! This player has 120 in the skill: Invention!
  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 19:02:26 »
Thank you for the news! 🥰

Am I old for knowing what angel delight is?? D:

Congratulations to Angel for motm, well deserved!


Offline Jonat

Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2021, 19:45:02 »
I would never say you are old.

You scare me too much 😇


Offline Only Lilly

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  • Join Date: Sep 2011
  • 17843
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Fishing!
  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2021, 22:49:05 »
Brilliant news, thanks for making me smile xxx


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2021, 23:55:16 »
Well done on the news, Jon!

Congrats to Angel for MotM...well deserved!


Offline Butterkist

Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2021, 14:12:40 »
Brilliant read, thanks!


Offline Hunterishen

Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2021, 14:34:57 »
this was quite genuinely very entertaining to read

congrats angel!

you really made me laugh with this, so thank you!


Offline Laggspikes

Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2021, 16:48:23 »
Thanks for the news!!!

"I do the choking here" - Laggspikes 2k21
"No wait, I do wanna dye!" - Joe 2k21


Offline btraill

  • *
  • Join Date: Dec 2016
  • 408
  • Gender: Male
  • Awards This player has 99 in the skill: Magic! This player has 99 in the skill: Prayer! This player has 99 in the skill: Hitpoints! This player has 99 in the skill: Strength! This player has 99 in the skill: Woodcutting!
  • Oldschool: btraill
  • Rsn: btraill
Re: Clan News - November 2021
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2021, 18:39:13 »
Thanks for always providing the news allowing me to catch up!


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