Welcome to the Clan News for May 2021!
Let's start by thanking
@Jj oo ee yy for his tireless work while on the Socialite team. Joey has recently resigned from his position as both senior and staff. He did a lot of the leg work and took on a huge load which enabled the daily operation of Consentus to be possible. It cannot be said enough how much of a loss it is for us to have him gone, but everyone has their priorities that they need to attend. Joey is doing precisely that, and we wish him the best.
In addition to that, we have also gained some members of staff:
@Silky007 and
@Butters !
@Silky007 jumped on board the Socialite team and has been doing a stellar job helping many of our daily operations continue. He's eager to help, and this is something that we're excited to have.
@Butters has also joined the Socialites team and we couldn't be happier to have them. Ever since the point system addition, the work load has increased for the social team. And we're glad you decided to come on and continue the work that is needed to keep things moving. It's a busy job but we're confident that you can do it!
Consentus vs Excaliburz (Again)We're once again taking on our friends in Excaliburz in a Clan vs. Clan competition. This time, in the form of a Skill War! Like previous skill wars, the clan that gains the most XP in a particular skill will receive a point. The clan with the most points will be the winner! The war begins on the 1st of June and goes through to Monday the 7th.
If you're interested in joining, see the official thread
HERE for all of the details and how to participate.
New Ranking SystemAnother reminder that we are now using a new system for our members to rank up. As the game and the way we play it continue to evolve, we must and how we are a part of this community. We thought long and hard about how we can evolve as a clan and think we're on the right path. It's still hot (more lukewarm at this point) off the presses, so things could still change at any time. We're now basing everything on a point system.
Here are the ways to gain points:- Every forum post - 1 point
- Every month you are a clan member - 2 points
- Every 5 million clan XP - 2 points
- Leveling up on Discord - 2 points
- Attending an event - 10 points
- Hosting an event - 30 points
- Joining the clan Discord server - 30 points
- Sign up to forums - 50 points
For all of the additional details and then some, please visit the official thread found
Fortnite Reaper MassesOr "fortnightly" whatever. Same thing. Lauren is holding a reaper mass every 2 Fridays, and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like it is. You have a reaper assignment. We go around doing people's assignments with them. It's fast, fun, and if you don't fully know how to fight the particular boss yet. This is an excellent way to watch the attacks and mechanics without worrying too much about dying
* - Unless you're a certain person. You know who you are.Check out all the details
Skill of the WeekSissybear has a new skill of the week each week (hence the name). It's a fun way to mix up what you train, and it also has rewards in the form of a fancy forum badge.
Laggspikes is still in a commanding lead so far for 2021. But there are still another six months left. Plenty of time to catch up. Also, plenty for him to extend his lead. Please get involved and show us your efficiency of the grind.
Read about how the rankings work and the upcoming skills
New MembersA big shout out to our newest clan members! Thank you for choosing Consentus out of all the great clans in Runescape. It means so much that you're here, and we hope you enjoy it as much as so many others before have.
AchievementsAnother shout out to those who made massive gains over Double XP and those who hit a level/completionist milestone!
[99's Achieved]
Ashclaw → 99 Thieving, Divination & Invention
NoxiousArts → 99 Agility, Farming, Divination & Summoning
John2512 → 99 Archaeology
Blueted → 99 Woodcutting, Runecrafting, Divination, Dungeoneering & Invention
iJamie → 99 Ranged, Summoning & Construction
Xaiyaa → 99 Agility, Cooking & Firemaking
Phdman Pure → 99 Summoning, Hunter, Agility, Smithing & Firemaking
Sad_ye → 99 Crafting, Invention, Summoning, Cooking, Agility, Woodcutting, Firemaking, Construction, Fletching & Thieving
Tailes → 99 Herblore, Smithing, Construction, Crafting, Fletching, Divination, Agility & Thieving
Zuill → 99 Thieving, Construction, Hunter, Archaeology, Dungeoneering & Runecrafting
Veraduxie → 99 Hunter & Farming
Deadly Barbi → 99 Invention, Dungeoneering, Construction, Slayer & Agility
HelmySkin → 99 Farming, Divination & Cooking
Broddders → 99 Crafting & Smithing
Angel D lite → 99 Agility
rosebuud → 99 Invention
Seedot1234 → 99 Magic, Attack & Strength
PoppinMolly → 99 Ranged, Constitution, Defence, Attack & Strength
AntiGrind → 99 Firemaking, Invention, Smithing & Agility
Diesel Inc → 99 Herblore, Attack, Defence, Strength, Invention & Prayer
Halomaestro → 99 Herblore, Slayer & Magic
Swingswing → 99 Fletching & Woodcutting
SIIMSY → 99 Smithing
Gobin → 99 Thieving
1493colton → 99 Hunter & Crafting
FreeKesky → 99 Hunter, Thieving & Herblore
xXAcidRainXx → 99 Hunter, Divination, Magic & Attack
Tee Sizz → 99 Archaeology
Maxx852 → 99 Smithing, Summoning & Strength
Sir Hoffs → 99 Crafting
Hognatra → 99 Fishing & Prayer
HDColuhrs → 99 Archaeology, Farming & Divination
iwz → 99 Fishing, Invention, Runecrafting & Slayer
ClayCapes → 99 Agility, Dungeoneering, Hunter & Invention
Rscaqe → 99 Slayer, Attack, Strength, Cooking, Woodcutting, Fletching, Firemaking, Crafting, Smithing, Mining, Agility, Thieving, Runecrafting, Hunter, Construction & Divination
Tjall → 99 Cooking
Nullbar Sebb → 99 Fletching, Constitution, Strength, Defence, Attack, Archaeology & Herblore
Pernida → 99 Invention
Romtel → 99 Divination
BegLess → 99 Archaeology
TheFlawless1 → 99 Defence
BzF God → 99 Farming
CARROTFIST → 99 Ranged
Sheramie → 99 Archaeology
Buckarooni → 99 Divination, Archaeology, Invention & Dungeoneering
Wonders → 99 Agility, Invention, Archaeology, Hunter & Divination
Zwijntie → 99 Fletching, Construction & Smithing
Kaylee770 → 99 Crafting, Herblore, Agility, Cooking, Attack & Prayer
Narochh → 99 Fishing
44Aerick → 99 Thieving
Silky007 → 99 Firemaking, Construction, Woodcutting & Agility
BlueWonder → 99 Smithing, Attack, Thieving, Archaeology & Agility
Darth Skytie → 99 Smithing, Farming & Mining
LegacyCA → 99 Fletching
Syveth → 99 Firemaking, Agility & Attack
MackenzieSky → 99 Hunter, Runecrafting & Slayer
MehruneDagon → 99 Thieving
Boschken → 99 Smithing & Thieving
Simman23 → 99 Fishing & Cooking
Marvex → 99 Agility, Crafting & Thieving
RecordTime → 99 Invention, Cooking & Firemaking
Cohrau → 99 Thieving
pushafari → 99 Herblore
Grandnewby → 99 Cooking, Fishing, Firemaking, Mining, Agility, Thieving, Runecrafting, Hunter & Divination
DOU5TY → 99 Divination & Archaeology
Lost Dan → 99 Firemaking & Divination
Sir MacDaddy → 99 Hunter
ButcherHots → 99 Cooking, Crafting, Thieving & Construction
smolbud → 99 Herblore, Summoning & Strength
ZombieR → 99 Fishing & Prayer
Fliegenklats → 99 Farming
virus11 → 99 Constitution
fdhd → 99 Invention & Fletching
A Zammy Wine → 99 Divination
Karil MVP → 99 Magic
Cloud Slayer → 99 Mining
Swinkid → 99 Divination
Instincx → 99 Construction
[Max Total level Achieved]
Alizadeh → 2898 Overall
Sc0ttyh → 2898 Overall
Rukaszki → 2898 Overall
Asroma → 2898 Overall
H A L 10000 → 2898 Overall
MrHxC → 2898 Overall
Jiso → 2898 Overall
[120's/Comps/200Ms Achieved]
Mattwox → 120 Ranged, Constitution, Herblore, Slayer, Farming & Archaeology
Greggorzz → 120 Farming & Slayer
Batreeky → 120 Constitution & Construction
Wing Wong → 120 Prayer, Fishing & Divination
Tovenares K5 → 120 Woodcutting & Smithing
iJamie → 120 Invention
HolyPanda → 120 Fishing & Defence
Elephantus → 120 Farming & Archaeology
BOZNMATE → 120 Archaeology
Laggspikes → 120 Prayer, Strength & Runecrafting
Coups → 120 Summoning & Magic
Thesis RS → 120 Defence
SlayerKing24 → 120 Firemaking
Proud Polak3 → 120 Herblore, Invention & Smithing
rosebud → 120 Farming
Slayer Wolf → 120 Invention & Cooking
Djensen → 120 Herblore & Farming
Akiiki → 120 Herblore
Haseo → 120 Smithing & Divination
Paddoe → 120 Construction
M o g → 120 Fletching
Bardenpho → 120 Dungeoneering
Alina xddd → 120 Herblore
Tee Sizz → 120 Ranged
Citizen Naab → 120 Herblore
Alizadeh → 120 Archaeology
Killyan → 120 Attack
PDeegz → 120 Slayer
Spiffy → 120 Construction
Br ad → 120 Archaeology
Zoop Zoop → 120 Ranged
Geisla → 120 Summoning
Pernida → 120 Archaeology
BegLess → 120 Herblore & Slayer
BzF God → 120 Slayer, Constitution & Ranged
Shelley → 120 Fletching
Alaklondewen → 120 Archaeology
Sir Harsh → 120 Defence & Slayer
Sc0ttyh → 120 Herblore
Santa Muerta → 120 Thieving
Souls R us → 120 Slayer
M4ximillian → 120 Agility & Fletching
Grand Conde → 120 Agility
Wazz → 120 Hunter
Amanium → 120 Cooking & Slayer
Iron Peticks → 120 Attack
LifePoints → 120 Construction
HMS_Country → 120 Dungeoneering
Rukaszki → 120 Slayer
Asroma → 120 Dungeoneering
Wildbandito → 120 Invention & Archaeology
Prailie → 120 Farming
ci ci → 120 Archaeology
Rainforest → 120 Archaeology & Invention
Muad Dave → 120 Ranged & Firemaking
Deoxygenate → 120 Herblore & Archaeology
Spinosapa → 120 Invention
Juicy Soup → 120 Crafting
Qlfie → 120 Invention
tashoony → 120 Constitution
Jenssss → 120 Firemaking
Cabel89 → 120 Invention
H A L 10000 → 120 Archaeology
APproject → 120 Farming
DanceMonkey → 120 Firemaking
Dscended → 120 Hunter & Smithing
Shunbud → 120 Archaeology
Powerless → 120 Smithing
MrHxC → 120 Dungeoneering
Ben Kimim → 120 Woodcutting
MrBirk → 120 Crafting
Daseiin → 120 Mining
But A Noob → 120 Constitution
Jiso → 120 Archaeology, Herblore & Slayer
Play Ranges → 120 Archaeology
Ryun Stark → 120 Summoning
Chumey → 120 Divination
Edd → Completionist Cape
Mattwox → 200M Invention XP
S t e p h → 200M Ranged & Smithing XP
Batreeky → 200M Invention XP
Wing Wong → 200M Summoning & Dungeoneering XP
Elephantus → 200M Invention XP
Sam24 → 200M Farming XP
Germ366 → 200M Archaeology XP
rosebud → 200M Summoning, Herblore & Archaeology XP
RsRuinedMe → 200M Smithing, Agility, Crafting, Fletching & Divination XP
Haseo → 200M Slayer XP
pobre → 200M Archaeology XP
Jonat → 200M Smithing XP
M o g → 200M Archaeology XP
Spiffy → 200M Summoning, Herblore & Smithing XP
Zoop Zoop → 200M Invention & Archaeology XP
Blitzekrieg → 200M Smithing XP
Laurisaurus → 200M Invention XP
Halferr → 200M Herblore XP
Buying Luck → 200M Slayer XP
Kurti → 200M Dungeoneering & Magic XP
Agile Smarti → 200M Hunter XP
Amanium → 200M Invention XP
Muad Dave → 200M Slayer XP
Rizzy185 → 200M Farming XP
BegMore → 200M Mining XP
Adrenaline → 200M Fishing XP
Member of the MonthPlease join me in congratulating our next member of the month;
What can I say about Rosebud? She's been with us for a few months now and has been nothing less than a delight. Checking all of the boxes on what you want to see in a clan member. Talkative, friendly, outgoing, knowledgable, a good sense of humor - the list goes on for a while. But you get the general idea. We can't mention enough how much we appreciate all you've done. Such as teaching people how to PvM to have the pleasure of knowing that they will find the same joy you find it. All because of your willingness to help.
Please don't stop being the person that we all love. Congratulations, Rose!

Pro and NoobEvery month we have a Pro & Noob competition. We track the experience of all our clan members and award the player with the most experience gained that month with the Pro rank. The player with the closest XP to 250,000 but not below for that month is tagged with the Noob title.
And wouldn't you know it? Rosebud struck twice in the same place. Get it? She's lightning striking the month of May twice? Forget it.
May, 2021- Pro of the Month: @rosebud (456,206,124 xp)
- Noob of the Month: @Madchen (263,813 xp)
Minecraft BTWThe clan has a Minecraft server that
@masj3 runs. It's currently running the latest snapshot of the 1.17 update.
If you're interested in joining, navigate to the #Minecraft channel on our Discord server and ask for an invite!
DiscordSpeaking of Discord, we have one! Shocking, I know. Our Discord server has been busier than it's ever been. Which we love to see and hope, if you haven't already, will join us on it and keep the good times rolling.
Click below to be invited to the server. Read over the welcome page and then select the "Players" role at the bottom to gain access to the server. To have your role updated to reflect the forums/in-game, visit the #role-change channel and let us know. Someone will respond to you and get it taken care of.

WhatsApp GroupsWe have a WhatsApp Group available for all our members – if you would be interested in joining, please contact
@Only Lilly.
We also have a Women's Whatsapp Group as well – please contact
@Laurisaurus if you would like to join.
Clan InstagramA reminder that our clan has an Instagram page that our beloved
@Alaklondewen runs! We're offering cash prizes should your submitted photo be liked or shared by Jagex! You can post your pictures on the official thread found
HERE or on the Discord server in the #clan-instagram channel.
Social MediaFeel free to look at our social media pages!
From StaffMay was a fun month. Felt rather long, in honesty. But in a good way. A lot happened, and we accomplished so much. You don't want that sort of progress to stop. But summer is just a few days away, and it's time for us to get and stretch it out. Get out and enjoy the fresh air.
We love having you all here but don't forget to live your life. COVID-19 is finally starting to decline in most places of the world. Vaccines are out, and we're fighting back so we can get back to living our lives. So go out and explore! Run, bike, swim, walk, visit friends, or something else. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you're moving. Consentus will be here when you get back. We're not going anywhere anytime soon.
Thank you, everyone, for all that you do and for being who you are.
~The Consentus Team
