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Offline Joe

Clan News - June 2019
« on: July 02, 2019, 06:34:59 »

Welcome to the Clan News for June, 2019!

I'd like to start this off by giving a major thank you to @Krazy Golf.  As you all likely already knew, Krazy Golf has stepped down as an owner and taken the position of Senior Staff.  He is one of the original owners and has been with the clan since day 1.  We are so grateful for everything you've done, Dec.  We cannot thank you enough for the friendship and dedication you brought to this clan and everyone in it.  Go Blue Jays.

With Krazy stepping down, @Aquanoise has been promoted to owner.  He's only been with the clan for just over a year and a half and has already proven he can put in the work that is required to help lead this clan.  Congratulations Q!  We're all thrilled for you!

Old School!
Oldschool Runescape has come to Consentus and it's booming!

Chat: Consentus
Homeworld: 352

We'd like to welcome and thank all of the new Old School members to the forums.  We're happy to have you with us. 

What we offer:
- Discord area
- Variety of events
- Monthly community meeting
- Fun; friendly environment

We had a very exciting month here on Oldschool Runescape!

Some fabulous events have happened!
Week 3 | 17/06/2019 - 23/06/2019 @Hell Naw Man  : Woodcutting Skill War
Week 4 | 27/6/2019 @C J  : Introduction to Raids
It's a shame if you missed out on these.  You can check out our upcoming events in our Oldschool Runescape Events forum.

Are you interested in hosting an event?  It can earn you a nice 3 clan points!  Check in with @C J or @Hell Naw Man to get an event set up!

Are you due a rank-update?  Head on over to the Oldschool Runescape Applications forum to re-visit our ranks & requirements to see!

The War Rages On!
Team Tracie has once again held a clan vs clan skill war.  This time it was Consentus Versus Carnival.  The chosen skill was Hunter and 20 members from each clan spent a weekend hunting, hunting, and hunting a bit more.  Many hours of sleep were lost but it paid off in the end.  It was a hard fought war with the lead having tipped back and forth many times but Consentus was able to come out on top!  Both clans gained an astonishing 561,248,250 xp in just 3 days!  Consentus alone gaining 282,419,852.

And yours truly had to eat a ghost pepper which was SUPER FUN.  10/10 would recommend.

The Raids continue each week and are showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.  As their popularity grows, so too will the amount of times we will be able to host them each week allowing more members to take part in the fight!  Check out the How to Beastmaster - Raid School thread or our Discord's Beastmaster-Raid channel for more information and ask any questions you may have there as well. 

Once again a HUGE shout out to @KGBx and @Hydrogy for continuing to host and organize this event several times a week!  You've managed to pull off what many of us thought would be an incredibly difficult task to do week after week and we're all very impressed at how well you've been doing.  Truly amazing work gentlemen.  Keep it up! =]

Setting Records, Breaking Runeclan!
One of our members, @9 HP Skiller, pulled off a truly amazing feat.  Gaining over 198.6m Invention XP in a single day.  Yes, you did read that correctly.  And also yes, that did actually happen.  It happened so fast in fact, that the site we use to track our user's XP (Runeclan) was unable to actually record any of it at all. 

It was a long build up for you and no shortage of math to do this correctly.  I'm not sure saying "well done" and "congratulations" can really do justice to how big of an accomplishment this was.  It impressed the heck out of all of us and we're happy that you included everyone in this journey. 

New Forum Members!
We would like to welcome all of our new members to Clan Consentus and its forums.  Thank you for choosing Clan Consentus.  ^^

Member of the Month!
Congratulations to the new Member of the Month, @M o g!  Thank you for being an active and positive force in the clan.  It's always nice to have people others can rely on when they need help and you've proven that you're willing to do so on many occasions.  It hasn't gone unnoticed and we're grateful to have wonderful members like yourself in our big family!

Keep being amazing! <3

We have a plethora of events both on the forums and in-game every week so be sure to check them out!  Additionally, we have four set-in-stone events every week which are the Saturday night quiz, weekly capping at the citadel followed by penguins on Sunday, and then finishing off the week in the citadel again for portables on Friday.

We're still continuing to expand our horizons with what events we can offer and to who we can offer them to.  The majority of events are held at times more fitting for our European members.  This is no secret and we have no plans to change this just to be clear.  But we also realize that a sizable amount of our members reside in the US/Canada time zones where these events don't always occur at times which are the most convenient for them.  But we are continuing to bring you more events for these members so they too can take part and enjoy spending time with their clanmates!  We're now up to hosting at least 1 US/Canada event per week.  Depending on which team's week it is, this can go up to as many as 3 per week.  So please keep an eye out for these events.  And for those across the pond who are up late looking for something to do, you're more than welcome to join!

Our next Clan Consentus Community Meeting will be held on 14-7-2019 at 19:30 in a member of staff's friend chat (who that is will be decided later) between Capping and Penguins.  You are welcome to bring up any topics you'd like to discuss with staff and the rest of the community.

You don't need to be a member of staff in order to host events. Simply speak to a member of staff about your event idea and we'll work with you to help make that event into a reality.

You can see all the events we have to offer over at the Events section of the forums.

Congratulations to those who achieved a set goal for the month of June.  All of your hard work has paid off!  Well done.  \:D/

(click to show/hide)

Citadel Resources!
Trust us on this one.  We're professionals.  It's no secret that collecting resources in the Citadel is a really boring and tedious task.  Having no one but the guards and giant dragon flying around to keep your company doesn't help at all.  You know the feeling, don't deny it, we've all been there.  Do yourself a favour and join us on a Sunday afternoon.  You'll find a large portion of your fellow members filling their cap, and having a great time.  Then go on a penguin hunt shortly after!

Pro & Noob of the Month!
Every month we have a Pro & Noob competition.  We track the experience of all our clan members and award the player with the most experience gained that month with the Pro rank and the player with the lowest experience that month is tagged with the Noob title.

June, 2019
  • Pro of the Month: @9 HP Skiller (231,505,428 xp)
  • Noob of the Month: Arzunii (301,689 xp)

A friendly reminder to everyone in Consentus that our Discord server is available to both clan members and guests!

Feel free to drop in the Clan Discord and chat with all your fellow members regardless of what game they're playing!  Now is the perfect time to join!

If anyone needs their Discord rank updated, please let a member of staff know and they will sort it out for you.

Social Media!
We’re keen to continue our efforts to expand and raise our profile on different social media sites.  Be sure to check out our pages if they peak your interest.  Our Facebook page and Instagram are updated on a regular basis thanks to our awesome page admins.

We also have a WhatsApp group for clan members!  If you'd like an invite, please message a member of staff on how you can join the group.  8)


If you would like to have anything added to the monthly newsletter that may not be on here, please make sure to let an Owner know and we will try our utmost to implement it if it fits the newsletter.

If you have any ideas that you think would boost the Clan and raise our profile, please let a member of staff know.  We are always pleased that people take their time to help us run this busy and respected Clan.

From Staff
Until next time Consentus, have fun and keep on 'Scaping!  And thank you for being the caring and welcoming community that so many of us love to log on and play with every day.  We firmly believe that the time you spend in-game is better spent when playing with friends.  Friends apart of a community where we're all working towards the same goal; being the best clan we can be.  As well as being a community that helps one another with each other's goals.  All of the support you offer us gives us the motivation and inspiration to aim higher each day to help make your time spent in-game truly worth it.  If we can improve your day even a little whether that be because an event we hosted or something funny one of us said, then that's a job well done in our book.  Thank you again and keep being amazing!

~The Consentus Team  <3



Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2019, 07:10:54 »
Thanks for news @Joe good read as usual


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2019, 07:56:31 »
Really enjoyed that joe xxx


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2019, 08:05:24 »
all im gonna say is, next time Carolina pepper?


Offline Joe

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2019, 08:12:46 »
@Hydrogy  Sure.  You volunteering?


Offline The Elders

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2019, 09:58:59 »
thankss for the newss  \:D/


Offline 9 HP Skiller

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2019, 12:33:01 »
Thanks for this wonderful news! Also thanks for the shoutouts :) had no idea that there was a pro rank. Hopefully I can bring more excitement to the clan as I know this clan keeps me motivated!


Offline Sissybear

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2019, 13:11:17 »
Thanks for the news Joe! :D


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2019, 16:04:17 »
@Hydrogy  Sure.  You volunteering?
Hydrogy has disconnected.


Offline Eternum Nox

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Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2019, 20:23:29 »
Thanks for news, Doc!


Offline OL Lyon OL

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2019, 01:12:42 »
congratz to krazy  and  was a fun month :D shame I missed the skill war but good job guys :P


Offline W Logan

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2019, 00:39:32 »
Wonderful read, I'm happy to be apart of such an awesome community!  8)


Offline Dee

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Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2019, 08:54:06 »
Thank you for the news Joe :)


Offline Tracie

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  • Awards This person participated in one of our Skill Wars!
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Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2019, 18:27:57 »
Thank you for the news @Joe always makes good reading!  :D


Offline Really Fedup

Re: Clan News - June 2019
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2019, 02:24:12 »
Thanks for news Joe, very interesting read :D x


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