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Offline Joe

Clan News - July 2020
« on: August 01, 2020, 04:10:12 »

Hello and welcome to the Clan News!

Let's start this off by congratulating @Laurisaurus on her promotion to senior!  If there's one person around here that almost every member can say they know and admire, you're very likely one of the first people that comes to mind, and rightfully so.  For a person who has been around for a year and a half, you've made a far bigger impact than I think any of us could have imagined.  And now I'm thrilled that you're able to spread the loving attitude you have to even more in this new position.

We've also welcomed @Haseo to the events team!  He's a good guy that is a joy to have around.  We were very happy to see his interest in applying and so far, he's fit right in with very little adjustment.  It's good to have you on board!

Well also have some staff that departed the team.  Thank you to @Tomarnomar for all you've done over the past several months.  I and the rest of the team hope the wedding planning goes well.  This is one of the biggest, most important times of your life, and it's good you've decided to put distractions aside to make the most of it. 

Also a thank you and farewell to @Pydro Hump who has resigned due to a promotion that will require more of his time.  We couldn't be happier for him receiving this opportunity to move his life upwards to better things.  It was great having you and we wish you the best.

Clan Allies
We have an allied clan by the name of Street Chemistry.  They are a community clan that has many PvM savvy members.  You'll often find them tagging along in raids, masses, elite dungeons, or reapers.  They're a good bunch that we love to have around.  We encourage you to join their Clan Chat or Discord (or both) to give them some love. 

For anyone who would like to join Street Chemistry's Discord server, please click the link below.


Boss Bingo
Boss Bingo is back!  The wildly popular event that was recently held, is here again to test everyone's bossing abilities and especially their RNG.  A select few items from various bosses must be collected and recorded in order to fill a space on the bingo sheet.  It's a fun event that brings out the competitive side in everyone.  With no shortage of trash talking either.  XD

You can read all the information on the thread @Danny made HERE.

Consentus is about to turn 10 years old!  A milestone of this magnitude calls for many things.  Celebration of course.  But also reflecting on what got us here and those who made it happen.  Among the many activities (which will be announced at a later time), we are going to be hosting a milestone spam event.  Meaning anything that sends a server-wide or game-wide announcement in the chatbox.  So start training now and save it for the big drop! 

Another thing that is being worked on is a clan video.  A video that invites all members, both past and present, to record themselves saying what Consentus has meant to them and why they love this clan.  The official thread for this can be found HERE.  Any questions about this video should be directed to @Alaklondewen

Media Team Wants You
The media team is looking for another person and maybe you're what we're looking for?  Give the thread a look and see if it interests you at all.  We will be in contact and hopefully, we can help you as much as you can help us.  We're a small team that works hard to give Consentus a significant presence on social media.  Whether it be Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even Discord.  We do it all and would love to have you onboard!

Check out our thread HERE.

New Members
Welcome to all of our new members throughout July!  Thank you for choosing Consentus.  We hope you enjoy your time with us.

Member of the Month
Congratulations to our newest member of the month; @IllustriousCactus!  You've only been with us for just over 2 months and have already captured our attention as a significant part of the clan that we're glad to have around.  Consistently being talkative in the clan chat and having a friendly personality makes us all the happier in having you with us.  Not to mention racking up an impressive attendance of 18 different events in this short time.  Making an effort to get involved isn't something that eludes our perception. 

Thank you for being amazing. <3

Congratulations to everyone who set and accomplished their goals this past month!  It's a good sized list so well done everyone!

(click to show/hide)

Montly Recap
Once again, our own @Alaklondewen has assembled a recap of July and all that we did.  You might even say...  SUMMERized!  Sorry.  I did it again.

Take a look and try to get in on the action yourself this August!  We have several members that record many events throughout the month (such as Summer, Lauren, and myself).  So if you see one of us around, odds are we're recording.

Pro and Noob
Every month we have a Pro & Noob competition.  We track the experience of all our clan members and award the player with the most experience gained that month with the Pro rank.  And the player with the closest XP to 250,000 but not below for that month, is tagged with the Noob title.

July, 2020

  • Pro of the Month: @ArchaEElogy5 (227,271,903 xp)
  • Noob of the Month: MrsRedtunnel (272,772 xp)

Social Media
Take a gander at our social media pages!  We also have a WhatsApp group for clan members!  If you'd like an invite, please message a member of staff on how you can join.  8)


From Staff
Until next time Consentus, keep on 'Scaping!  The summer is nearing its end soon, which - wow.  That's kind of depressing to type out just now.  Brb going to cry in my bathroom real quick. 

OK, I'm back. 

July was fun and a lot happened.  The beach made a return and we even got a new quest!  FINALLY!  Hopefully August will be just as promising.  And with another DXP a few days away, it looks like we'll be able to make the best of it with relative ease.  We hope your summer has been going great.  A lot more fun is to come before it's finished so let's get this month going on a good note.

~The Consentus Team <3


Offline Laurisaurus

  • *
  • Join Date: Apr 2019
  • 2808
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Crafting! This player has the most points from all of our weekly skill competitions in 202 This player has 120 in the skill: Herblore! This player has 120 in the skill: Farming! This player has 120 in the skill: Invention!
  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2020, 10:04:59 »
Thank you for the news and for the lovely words! I hope I can continue to do my bit to spread the love around here ❤️

Congratulations to Marisa on member of the month also! Well deserved!


Offline Only Lilly

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  • Join Date: Sep 2011
  • 17843
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Fishing!
  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2020, 10:46:36 »
You do an amazing job of the news letter

also gratz to @IllustriousCactus on motm, well deserved xxx


Offline IllustriousCactus

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2020, 11:31:15 »
 8) Thanks guys


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2020, 13:28:27 »
Thanks for the news! Congrats to Marisa on motm... so deserved!

Shout out to @Mini Nub and @BegMore for helping with filming this month too!


Offline Danny

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2020, 13:46:43 »
Nice job on the news joe and grats marisa on the MOTM and thanks for putting in the extra effort to attend events!  ^^


Offline Aqua

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2020, 13:49:46 »
tank yu foh nes jo, by


Offline Mog

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2020, 23:47:30 »
Ty for the notes Joe, fantastic job.

Congrats again to Lauren, we all can agree that's it's been very well deserved we've all witnessed the effort you've put into the clan since joining. That being said another congratulations to @IllustriousCactus for all the extra work you've been putting into the clan lately it hasn't gone unnoticed :3


Offline Sissybear

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2020, 01:56:58 »
Thanks for the news Joe!

Congrats @Laurisaurus again on the promotion! Welcome to the orange team <3

and Congrats @IllustriousCactus on MOTM!


Offline GodFirst

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2020, 08:36:44 »
Grats on MOTM, Marisa :D


Offline BegMore

Re: Clan News - July 2020
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2020, 20:39:13 »
Thanks for the news. Congratz once again @Laurisaurus on your promotion to senior, well deserved. Some great events hosted by @Haseo already including helping out with yews and a fantastic quiz the other night.

Well deserved @IllustriousCactus on MOTM :)

Personally can't wait for the clan anniversary week. Lots of fun events planned!


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