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Offline Jonat

Clan News - February 2022
« on: March 01, 2022, 19:22:27 »
Welcome to the Clan News for February 2022

*written by Jonat*

February has come and gone, the days are getting longer, the nights shorter. Depending on where you live, some have finally seen daylight this month.

Not much has happened on Runescape this month, well except the latest DXPW, Wars reckoning with its free deaths and double slayer/reaper points etc. Guess it was busy after all.....
Hope everyone had fun and gained gazillions of xp, or plenty of nice drops from the Wars event. I even believe @khal dr0g0 managed to get the Zuk pet after the 3000000th attempt. Anyway, im starting to waffle on, so as they say "And now for the news"

As always, If anyone has something they want to say or bring up in the next edition, just drop me a line in game or Discord


New Staff Members - Media Team

It is our upmost pleasure in announcing that the Media team has recruited two new members of staff.

@1O Hearts

With one thing and another, the Media team has been pretty short staffed recently, hopefully we can now get back to doing lots of Pics and Vids


Abyssal Breach - New update

For all you high levels slayers about, there is a new slayer update.

The Abyssal Breach is a new area under Senntisten with three new slayer creatures

Abyssal Savage (requires 95 slayer)
Abyssal Beast (requires 105 slayer)
Abyssal Lord (requires 115 slayer)

Big nasty beasties, but they do drop the Abyssal Scourge (T92 whip) and Jaws of the Abyss Helm (T85 power melee helmet)
Scourge is dropped by the Lords, Jaws by the beasts, which both have significantly increased drop rates if on slayer task

I was just going to say.....if you can get near them with the hundreds of people and cannons at each spot.
However Jagex has very kindly instanced these now up to a maximum of 6 people in each.

Sooooooooo.....have fun slaying them, and good luck on drops

Clan Instragram

We love your in game pics, doesn’t matter what it is, or where you are, we want to see it.
Take the shot, change filters etc, whatever you feel. Then post to Discord “Clan Instagram”

Some of them will even get onto our proper Instagram and if really lucky get the prestigious “like” from Runescape itself.

Keep them coming


Consentus Events

There are always plenty of events every week, ranging from Boss masses to Hunting Penguins, and of course our legendary Daily Divine Yews

These are always posted on the offsite home page and also in Discord "events"

If you want to suggest  an event, there is a Discord thread coincidentally called "Events Suggesgtions" for you to post in


Skilling Tuesday - Hosted by Laurisaurus

As Runeclan and the Challenge Gem are at the moment broken, it is with great sadness that this event is cancelled for the forseeable future.
When we can get it up and running again, it will be back on the agenda, watch this space

Details of the event are as follows (for when it restarts!!!)

Every Tuesday we'll be training a different skill as well as competing for clan points! For 30 minutes during the event we'll have a challenge gem placed at the Skilling Tuesday event location, all you need to do is meet the host there to sign up for the competition - Please note there may be a pin number in place just in case the area is crowded, as this competition is for clan members only. And you are free to train the chosen skill however you want! At the end of the event the top 5 gainers will receive the following clan points:

1st Place - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
4th Place - 3 points
5th Place - 1 point

Please note that the event time might vary depending on who is hosting.

The next Skilling Tuesday will be announced after the current one has ended. You can find this on the "Skilling Tuesday" channel on Discord, or on the forum post.


Things to note about the Challenge Gem:
- As of November 2020, Ironmen can now participate in challenge gem competitions
- Up to 50 players can enter the competition
- The competition will only last for 30 minutes per event (we aim to start no later than 15 minutes into the event)
- A pin may be created if the event is hosted at a busy location, but we'll always make sure the pin is announced in this channel or in the clan chat for you to enter


Chill & Skill in Discord - Also hosted by Laurisaurus!

Another new event is Chill and Skill, these events will be running every two weeks and starting at 19:00 Game Time

So come along for some social and skilling fun - doesn't matter if you're killing a boss or doing some portable skilling.


Friday 4th March 2022 @ 19:00 Game Time


Hosting portables at Well of Goodwill W25
The Dino Lady will be in the General Mature Chat Voice Channel in Discord


Bring your amazing selves along to the voice channel and have a skill in mind to train!

Let her know if you need a specific portable so she can get that set up for you.



Consentus Real Life Events

Amsterdam 7-20 April 2022

For obvious reasons this is now on hold because of all the Covid issues, hopefully one day it will return to the menu.


Clan BBQ - Leicester 12-14 August 2022

The clan BBQ is ON.........

We are able to get cheap hotel rooms, but you will need to pay up front.
We will have the BBQ on the Saturday and Alton Towers on the Sunday

If enough interested, we could on the Saturday book an escape room.

Head over to the forums for details and to let us know if you are coming.



Consentus – OldSchool Runescape

Consentus is back on Old School! We’re now several months in, and things are steadily moving along.  Word is spreading of what we offer; a warm and vibrant community, which has piqued the interest of more than a few people. As our numbers grow, so will our ability to offer new and exciting events and other amenities to our members.

If you or any of your friends play Old School Runescape - please feel free to join or guest in the chat! We love seeing new names pop up and treat everyone as if they are our own.

Old School Runescape is a massive and exciting community. With (quite literally) a world of its own. Cities, characters, and quests that you cannot see in the main game. Give it a shot sometime! You may just enjoy yourself.

Contact @Sissybear for more details or join Consentus's adventures on OSRS


The 5.6's

Two new members this month. Congratulations and a hard earned Xp rest are due.


We now as a clan have an astonishing 18 members of the 5.6b xp


BegMore - The Maxed Skiller

A massive shout out to @BegMore who got 4bn xp this month and achieved the maximum xp possible for a skiller account.

Luckily didnt punch the air doing a "yes c'mon" as would have probably got some combat xp......

Well done, a monumental achievement.


Allowing Alts In The Clan

There has been always been a rule of "no alts in the clan" however there has been a vote regarding this in the recent months and it has been agreed to allow this to now happen.

It should however be an alt that is quite active and only "Should space allow ofc"

At the moment we have so many new people joining and have been unable to accomodate Alts.


Shameless Plug Time – Small Businesses

Some clannies have recently started up their own businesses to make some irl gains! Please check out the links below to help support them!

Laurisaurus' Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/real-life-board/laurisaurus'-new-adventure-in-designing!/
Laurisaurus' Shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/laurisaurusdesigns/

Clue's Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/runescape-discussion/calling-all-cluers-orlando-smith-pinsmaster-casket-case-limited-edition!/
Clue's Shop https://treasuretrailpins.com/


Excaliburz Alliance

A little reminder that we are still allied with Excaliburz! Come and join them in their cc to say hello and join their Discord Server - their invite can be found in #allied-clans in our server.


New Members

Welcome to all our new forum members in February 2022! Thank you for choosing Consentus and we hope you enjoy it here with us!

As always, apologies if i've missed anyone.



Whether its your first 99 or your last 200m, its always worth celebrating! A huge congratulations to the following:

(click to show/hide)


Member of the Month - February 2022

A huge congratulations to this month’s Member of the Month – @sai xP

Well deserved, well done


Pro and Noob of the Month - February 2022

Pro is obviously the member who gains most xp in the previous month, Noob is for the closest above 250k.

I so wanted FlufyPandrex to grab the 4 in a row as its never been done before, but DXP came and messed that up. (glad my 3 in a row record still stands, although now a shared record)

Massive gratz to this months winner....

Pro of the Month: By Look - 447,821,863 XP

Noob of the Month: Halomaestro - 289,714 XP


Consentus Merch!

Just a small reminder that we have Clan Merchandise! Rest assured that we don't make any money off this. This is just our way to spread our clan spirit with all of you. The merch is designed with a black, white or iconic logo. Click this link to start shopping!



Our Discord Server is a huge success. DrFloof's does a lot of hard work in maintaining it. If you haven’t joined and would like to, click below! We encourage you all to make full use of it.


So many different channels for you all to use and comment on, See ya on Discord :)


Contact someone from the media team if you want anything filmed. Please note this is for “ingame” stuff and for legal reasons we have to keep it respectable!!!

If you would like to have an achievement filmed please let us know on this thread



WhatsApp Groups

We have a WhatsApp Group available for all our members – if you would be interested in joining, please contact @Only Lilly.

We also have a Women’s Whatsapp Group as well – please contact @Laurisaurus if you would like to join.


Social Media

Feel free to look at our social media pages!   

We have them all "instabook, twitergram, facetube"   



From Staff

We are and still continue to be a great clan, and a wonderful safe place to play RS. For many of us, its a way of escaping the "real world" and the issues that real life brings.
Sometimes as staff we have to clamp down on things being said in the clan chat, its not because we are being the fun police and stopping people chatting about "anything goes" subjects, its just that we have to ensure that everyone feels as happy as we can possibly make it for them. After all, it is just a game and its just nice that real life issues can stay in real life.

If you need any help or have any issues, please feel free to ask any member of staff. Pm us in game or on discord, we are here to help.

As always, have fun

Well, thats it for another month, back to the RS grind.

Jon - Jonat


Offline Plegsie

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  • Oldschool: Plegsi
  • Rsn: Plegsi
Re: Clan News - February 2022
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2022, 19:50:19 »
Thank you for News Jonat <3 Congrats on Member of the month @sai xP And congratss to everyone on Achievements! <3 <3


Offline Only Lilly

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  • Awards This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Fishing!
  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: Clan News - February 2022
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2022, 19:53:15 »
it gets better <3

@sai xP well deserved xxx


Offline sai xD

Re: Clan News - February 2022
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2022, 20:11:42 »
woot! ty for member of the month. it's been a great time since I joined Consentus and look forward to more.

thanks @Jonat for the news letter and happy March everyone!  8)


Offline 1O Hearts

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Re: Clan News - February 2022
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2022, 20:41:17 »
Happy to have joined the team!  <3 Let's make some great content for the best clan out here.  8)
1O Hearts
🌸 1Ohp pure | LGBT + 🏳️‍🌈| Plantdad | Skilling is love, Skilling is life  🌸


Offline Chelseaa

Re: Clan News - February 2022
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2022, 20:44:34 »
Thanks for making me feel so welcome in Consentus for 2-3 months now, happy I could grind the last bit of xp out in a fun clan  :3


Offline Haseo

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Re: Clan News - February 2022
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2022, 02:18:27 »
Thanks for the news :3

~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~


Offline Laurisaurus

  • *
  • Join Date: Apr 2019
  • 2808
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Crafting! This player has the most points from all of our weekly skill competitions in 202 This player has 120 in the skill: Herblore! This player has 120 in the skill: Farming! This player has 120 in the skill: Invention!
  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Clan News - February 2022
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2022, 22:21:25 »
Thank you so much for the news!


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