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Offline Jonat

Clan News - December 2021
« on: January 02, 2022, 12:44:54 »
Welcome to the Clan News for December 2021!

*written by Jonat*

Happy New Year

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and a great New Year and everyones head and stomach has recovered from all the copius amounts of food and drink consumed.
With any luck @rsruinedme driveway has been cleaned off, or at least it hopefully rained enough (if not, at least it kept the foxes fed for a day)

Unbelievably its already 2022, can't believe how fast time flies, it only seemed like a couple of days ago it was 2021.

Anyway, on with the news, apologies if its a bit brief this time, but short notice and work issues took their toll.


Its Winter, but its Summer's End

For those that are unaware, Media Team leader and Clan Deputy owner @Alaklondewen is standing down from those roles as her baby is due real soon and for obvious reasons needs to take a step back. She will still be around in the times she isnt juggling baby food, clothes, nappies or diapers etc....ewww yucky

She does a massive amount for the clan and im sure everyone will join me in wishing her the very best on her extending family adventure.

Her presence will be massively missed behind the scenes.

@tashoony has stepped us to the role of Media Team Leader, thats a big pair of shoes you need to fill, but a very deserved promotion.


Team PVM Bingo

The Penguin's @Mog PVM team bingo is still ongoing, finish date is 31st Jan (well, although it hasnt finished, i think most have given up once 1st and 2nd place was claimed)

A massively contested fight took place mainly between teams 5 and 6 which was eventually won by team 5 who snatched victory from the seemingly unbeatable team 6.

Prizes of :-

10 Bonds for the winning team,  - Team 5

1. @Pandrex
2. @Laggspikes
3. @Mahfoud
4. @iJamie
5. @Powerfulfart

5 bonds for the runner up team - Team 6

1. @Tomarnomar
2. @Rowt
3. @grazingsheep
4. @Dasein
5. @Grandnewby

10m gp for Third place team (as yet this hasnt been won)

With third place still up for grabs, will any team go for it.......

To follow how its going -


Clan Instragram

We love your in game pics, doesn’t matter what it is, or where you are, we want to see it.
Take the shot, change filters etc, whatever you feel. Then post to Discord “Clan Instagram”

Some of them will even get onto our proper Instagram and if really lucky get the prestigious “like” from Runescape itself.

Keep them coming


Consentus Events

There are always plenty of events every week, ranging from Boss masses to Hunting Penguins, and of course our legendary Daily Divine Yews

These are always posted on the offsite home page and also in Discord "events"

If you want to suggest  an event, there is a Discord thread coincidentally called "Events Suggesgtions" for you to post in


Clan End of Year awards

The Clan end of year awards have been voted on and the winners announced.

Most Talkative
Winner - @Germ366
2nd - @rsruinedme

Most Helpful - Non Staff
Winner - @Dasein
2nd - @rsruinedme

Most Helpful - Staff
Winner - @Haseo
2nd - @Jonat

Best Spotter
Winner - @rsruinedme
2nd - @Germ366

Friendliest New Arrival
Winner - @solangelica
2nd - @Deliever

Most Improved
Winner - @Germ366
2nd - @Tomarnomar

Best Fashionscape
Winner - @Butterkist
2nd - @Haseo

Clan Clown
Winner - @rsruinedme
2nd - @Selc0uth

Best Duo
Winners - @Mog & @Laurisaurus
2nd - @Dasein & @rsruinedme

Best Pvm'er
Winner - @blitzekrieg
2nd - @Steph

Best Pvm Teacher
Winner - @Haseo
2nd - @blitzekrieg

Best Skiller
Winner - @BegMore
2nd - @Jonat

Best Greeter
Winner - @Haseo
2nd - @Only Lilly

Quiz Master
Winner - @rsruinedme
2nd - @Dasein

Member of the Year
Winner - @Haseo
2nd - @Butterkist

Congratualtion to all the winners, and a big thanks to all those who voted as well.


Green Santa Hat

Quickly following on from the New Golden Party Hat comes the Green Santa Hat (a must have for christmas fasionscape)

If you havnt figured out how to get one by now then quite frankly "wtf, really!!!" comes to mind, but just incase....Do skilling and killing to earn wrapping paper, then hand them in to Postie Pete in the north of the Grand Exchange. Pete will give you presents in return and if you are realllllllly lucky you could get a Golden present which was either 50m coins or a Green Santa Hat. (also available at incredibly rare rng rates from other colour presents as well)

Unfortunately Jagex then decided to make it available on Treasure Hunter as well and probably made enough money to keep Runescape alive for another 100 years (which is a good thing in one way but bad in another, a discussion for another place however)

Prices of the Green Santa Hat dropped literally overnight from 5b roughly to 1b, congratz if you managed to get one early, but still a nice boost to the bank coffers if you got one later. (at least you got one.....not that im bitter about it or anything, honestly)


Consentus Real Life Events - Amsterdam trip

Just leaving this in just incase it can happen.....

A real life even is planned for next year, obviously with the increase in Covid regulations changing by the day no one knows how or if this can take place yet, but hopefully..... The event is a 3 day meet in Amsterdam from 7th-10th April 2022. Details can be found on the forums.



Consentus – OldSchool Runescape

Also leaving this in as its an important part of our clan.....

Consentus is back on Old School! We’re a few months in, and things are steadily moving along.  Word is spreading of what we offer; a warm and vibrant community, which has piqued the interest of more than a few people. As our numbers grow, so will our ability to offer new and exciting events and other amenities to our members.

If you or any of your friends play Old School Runescape - please feel free to join or guest in the chat! We love seeing new names pop up and treat everyone as if they are our own.

Old School Runescape is a massive and exciting community. With (quite literally) a world of its own. Cities, characters, and quests that you cannot see in the main game. Give it a shot sometime! You may just enjoy yourself.

Contact @Sissybear for more details or join Consentus's adventures on OSRS


The 5.6's

Congratz and welcome to the 5.6b xp group :-


We now as a clan have an astonishing 16 members of the 5.6b xp and with three more clannies over 5bn that number could raise real soon


Dino Lady’s Reaper Masses

Hosted by @Laurisaurus.

Due to lack of interest, these once popular events have now gone to the events graveyard in the sky.

Thankyou so much for hosting them over the years


Allowing Alts In The Clan

There has been always been a rule of "no alts in the clan" however there has been a vote regarding this in the recent months and it has been agreed to allow this to now happen.

It should however be an alt that is quite active and only "Should space allow ofc"

At the moment we have so many new people joining and have been unable to accomodate Alts.


Shameless Plug Time – Small Businesses

Some clannies have recently started up their own businesses to make some irl gains! Please check out the links below to help support them!

Laurisaurus' Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/real-life-board/laurisaurus'-new-adventure-in-designing!/
Laurisaurus' Shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/laurisaurusdesigns/

Clue's Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/runescape-discussion/calling-all-cluers-orlando-smith-pinsmaster-casket-case-limited-edition!/
Clue's Shop https://treasuretrailpins.com/


Excaliburz Alliance

A little reminder that we are still allied with Excaliburz! Come and join them in their cc to say hello and join their Discord Server - their invite can be found in #allied-clans in our server.


New Members

Welcome to all our new forum members in November 2021! Thank you for choosing Consentus and we hope you enjoy it here with us!

(click to show/hide)



Whether its your first 99 or your last 200m, its always worth celebrating! A huge congratulations to the following:

(click to show/hide)


Member of the Month - December 2021

A huge congratulations to this month’s Member of the Month – unknown to be confirmed


Pro and Noob of the Month - December 2021

Another keenly contested month, nice to see a new name on the Pro list.
Pro is obviously the member who gains most xp in the previous month, Noob is for the closest above 250k.

Pro of the Month: FlufyPandrex - 288,277,544 XP

Noob of the Month: Making Med - 250,904 XP


Consentus Merch!

Just a small reminder that we have Clan Merchandise! Rest assured that we don't make any money off this. This is just our way to spread our clan spirit with all of you. The merch is designed with a black, white or iconic logo. Click this link to start shopping!



Our Discord Server is a huge success and it's thanks to the outgoing Doc Joe and now the new boss of it DrFloof's hard work in maintaining it. If you haven’t joined and would like to, click below! We encourage you all to make full use of it.


So many different channels for you all to use and comment on, See ya on Discord :)


Contact someone from the media team if you want anything filmed. Please note this is for “ingame” stuff and for legal reasons we have to keep it respectable!!!

If you would like to have an achievement filmed please let us know on this thread



WhatsApp Groups

We have a WhatsApp Group available for all our members – if you would be interested in joining, please contact @Only Lilly.

We also have a Women’s Whatsapp Group as well – please contact @Laurisaurus if you would like to join.


Social Media

Feel free to look at our social media pages!   

We have them all "instabook, twitergram, facetube"   



From Staff

Thank you all for being part of Consentus, we are not and can not be the great place we are without you all.

From the clan chat to the discord to the forums, we love having you all involved and part of our and your family here on Runescape

We really are a wonderful place to be in, and thats thanks to everyone

Jon - Jonat


Offline xaiyainumaki

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Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2022, 13:02:37 »
Thanks Jonat!!!


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2022, 13:36:27 »
Thanks for the news! 💜


Offline Butterkist

Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2022, 13:43:52 »
Awesome read, thanks!


Offline Sissybear

Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2022, 13:48:26 »
Thanks for the news!!


Offline btraill

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  • Oldschool: btraill
  • Rsn: btraill
Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2022, 14:05:30 »
Thanks for the news as always :)


Offline Laurisaurus

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  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2022, 14:15:06 »
Thank you for the news Jonat 💜


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2022, 14:49:50 »
You do such a great job Jon xxx


Offline Haseo

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Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2022, 15:15:38 »
Thanks for the news! :3

~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~


Offline Plegsie

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  • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Firemaking! This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Defence!
  • Oldschool: Plegsi
  • Rsn: Plegsi
Re: Clan News - December 2021
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2022, 18:49:43 »
Thank you for Newss.


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