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Offline Jonat

Clan News - August 2021
« on: September 01, 2021, 10:47:34 »
Welcome to the Clan News for August 2021!

*written by Jonat*

Well, August has come and gone, the months just fly by. The days are getting shorter, the nights longer, Christmas is looming on the horizon. DXP has been and gone, but it will probably knowing Jagex, return in another week or so. A new yak track has started (just for a change) this one has a massive 25% xp boost until the end of the event as a reward for completing it, really is worth doing.

We have two new members of staff this month, both have joined the Media Team.

Big welcome to @Clue and @Jonat oooh, thats me isnt it!!. I was just going to say how fantastic they are, but it didnt quite seem the right thing to do!

 Hopefully we can both live up to the great expectations we have as a great clan.


Consentus Real Life Events, Went Camping – Now Amsterdam Awaits

With the Clan camping event over, eyes turn towards a new “real life” event (apparently this is an outside thing, whatever outside is!) The event is a 3 day meet in Amsterdam from 7th-10th April 2022. Details can be found on the forums.



PVM Bingo

This event is still ongoing and is starting to look like a real close fight to the death. After @Kurti went flying off into the distance and grabbing the “bonus” prize of a Grace of the Elves kindly donated by Clue, others are now catching up.

With two weeks to go (finishes 14th September 23:59 game time) the leading contestants are:

@Kurti 23/24
@Rsruinedme 21/24
@Jonat 19/24

Who will snatch the win.


Clan Instragram

We love your in game pics, doesn’t matter what it is, or where you are, we want to see it.
Take the shot, change filters etc, whatever you feel. Then post to Discord “Clan Instagram”

Some of them will even get onto our proper Instagram and if really lucky get the prestigious “like” from Runescape itself.

Keep them coming


Staff Recruitment – Events Team

The events team are hiring. If you have what it takes and want to join the Consentus staff team, head to the forums


Take a peek at whats required and the application.

We would love to have you with us.


Clan Birthday Celebrations – Saturday 18th September

We are 11 years old this month, and we do like to celebrate these things. These are the events we have planned for the day.


Yews: 17:30 Game Time - Will be at Lumbridge Market as normal.

Clanniversary Quiz: 18:00 Game Time - Hosted by the Boss Lady, @Only Lilly herself!

Our Gathering Event and Festivities will then begin at The Well of Goodwill in Varrock from 18:30 Game Time (As soon as the quiz ends)

The itinerary continues as follows:

Gathering: 18:30 Game Time - We’ll be hosting portables and placing music boxes, ready to have a blast! @tashoony will also be announcing the Photo Competition winners during this time as well as @rsruinedme and @Dasein hosting the 1-28 prize event.

Clan Train: 19:30 Game Time - Once this party ends, another one is about to begin! We’ll be forming a beautiful train from Varrock to the Party Room in Falador, so don’t forget to show off your clan spirit - wear your clan cloak and vex with pride! (You can find the train route further down this page)

Drop Party: 19:45 Game Time - Once we arrive at the Party Room, @Alaklondewen will begin the drop party. With the outstanding generosity of our community, it's always amazing to see what people get from popping balloons!

We look forward to seeing you all there and showing our joint pride and love for this amazing community!


Clanniversary Picture

Dont forget to send your avatar picture in for the massive clan pic

Details on what you need to do and how are on



Clan Spirit Photo Competition – 26th August to 13th September

Take a picture of your beautiful self on RuneScape using the Freecam feature showing our clan spirit

Then use 'Snipping Tool' (This should already be on your desktop) to crop the area to screen-grab the photo - save this onto your desktop

Send it to @Tashoony on discord with your runescape name (tashoony#2598)


Consentus – OldSchool Runescape

Going to leave this in as it’s a great extra concept in our great clan.

Consentus is back on Old School! We’re a few months in, and things are steadily moving along.  Word is spreading of what we offer; a warm and vibrant community, which has piqued the interest of more than a few people. As our numbers grow, so will our ability to offer new and exciting events and other amenities to our members.

If you or any of your friends play Old School Runescape - please feel free to join or guest in the chat! We love seeing new names pop up and treat everyone as if they are our own.

Old School Runescape is a massive and exciting community. With (quite literally) a world of its own. Cities, characters, and quests that you cannot see in the main game. Give it a shot sometime! You may just enjoy yourself.


Clue’s Clue Bingo – Hosted By Clue

Bingo has returned! This time around this will be clue themed. This will be starting in September

Sign ups and full details will be on the forums from 1st September

Join in the fun, the bingo events can be flaming frustrating, but such a good event.

I will even try and not shout “bingoooo” in the clan chat every time someone gets one


God Wars Three – Arch Glacor Boss

With the new GWD3 boss arriving on our screens, it will be interesting to see how this boss shapes up. If it goes as is anticipated it could be the start of a new breed of PVM as you can “tweak difficulty” from what is hopefully a “training level” boss to an “OMG im not going in there ever boss”

If day one is anything to go by, it seems a big success. Could be a fun few weeks as people get used to it.


Dino Lady’s Reaper Masses

Hosted by @Laurisaurus.

Calling all Killers of Consentus and Slayers of Reapers! Every two Fridays at 19:00 Game Time we all head off together to get through Death’s hit list! If you are interested in joining us for this adventure then please head over to the #reaper-mass channel in our Discord to sign up with your task.


Allowing Alts In The Clan

There has been always been a rule of "no alts in the clan" however there has been a vote regarding this and it has been agreed to allow this to now happen.

It should however an alt that is quite active. "Should space allow ofc"


Shameless Plug Time – Small Businesses

Some clannies have recently started up their own businesses to make some irl gains! Please check out the links below to help support them!

Laurisaurus' Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/real-life-board/laurisaurus'-new-adventure-in-designing!/
Laurisaurus' Shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/laurisaurusdesigns/

Clue's Business Thread https://consentus.co.uk/runescape-discussion/calling-all-cluers-orlando-smith-pinsmaster-casket-case-limited-edition!/
Clue's Shop https://treasuretrailpins.com/


Excaliburz Alliance

A little reminder that we are still allied with Excaliburz! Come and join them in their cc to say hello and join their Discord Server - their invite can be found in #allied-clans in our server.


New Members

Welcome to all our new members in August 2021! Thank you for choosing Consentus and we hope you enjoy it here with us!


Achievements - August

Whether its your first 99 or your last 200m, its always worth celebrating! A huge congratulations to the following:

(click to show/hide)


Member of the Month - August 2021

A huge congratulations to this month’s Member of the Month – @Colton1493

Super active in the Clan chat, helpful, positive and generally encouraging to others.

What more can we ask, thankyou and well done.


Pro and Noob of the Month - August 2021

Pro of the Month: Jonat - 273,033,022 XP

Noob of the Month: dylan91533 - 251,643 XP


Forum Awards

A gentle reminder that we offer Forum Awards on your forum account! Aqua has done an amazing job with the designs, take a look here for yourself!

Interested in applying for some? Click here to do so!



Consentus Merch!

Just a small reminder that we have Clan Merchandise! Rest assured that we don't make any money off this. This is just our way to spread our clan spirit with all of you. The merch is designed with a black, white or iconic logo. Click this link to start shopping!



Our Discord Server is a huge success and it's thanks to @Joe's hard work in maintaining it. If you haven’t joined and would like to, click below! We encourage you all to make full use of it.


Don’t forget, you are never a few minutes away from a post by Silky or Myself…


Contact someone from the media team if you want anything filmed. Please note this is for “ingame” stuff and for legal reasons we have to keep it respectable!!!

If you would like to have an achievement filmed please let us know on this thread



WhatsApp Groups

We have a WhatsApp Group available for all our members – if you would be interested in joining, please contact @Only Lilly.

We also have a Women’s Whatsapp Group as well – please contact @Laurisaurus if you would like to join.


Social Media

Feel free to look at our social media pages!   

We have them all "instabook, twitergram, facetube"   



From Staff

Thank you all for being part of Consentus, we are not and can not be the great place we are without you all.

From the clan chat to the discord to the forums, we love having you all involved and part of our and your family here on Runescape

Jon - Jonat
(this was my first ever effort at this, hopefully it wasn't too bad)


Offline Laurisaurus

  • *
  • Join Date: Apr 2019
  • 2808
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 120 in the skill: Crafting! This player has the most points from all of our weekly skill competitions in 202 This player has 120 in the skill: Herblore! This player has 120 in the skill: Farming! This player has 120 in the skill: Invention!
  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Clan News - August 2021
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2021, 11:16:08 »
Thank you so much for the news!  <3


Offline Laggspikes

Re: Clan News - August 2021
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2021, 13:01:01 »
Thanks for the news :D Well done!

"I do the choking here" - Laggspikes 2k21
"No wait, I do wanna dye!" - Joe 2k21


Offline Deliever

Re: Clan News - August 2021
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2021, 16:18:22 »
Much excite, very nice, great succes!


Offline Sissybear

Re: Clan News - August 2021
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2021, 16:44:13 »
Thanks for the news!!


Offline Only Lilly

  • *
  • Join Date: Sep 2011
  • 17843
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Fishing!
  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: Clan News - August 2021
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2021, 16:47:32 »
Very well written

congratulations @Colton1493 on MOTM


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